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  1. I read it and I didnt find any further details then what is on this article here. They came home from a shopping trip and discovered some construction activity going on on their property, they hired a lawyer and put a halt to the construction.
  2. Try trueinvestigation.net or google true investigation thailand. They are not in Pattaya but will travel to where ever you need them to go. Worked for me.
  3. If they would have weighed my carry on I’d still be in Bangkok
  4. Again, when I booked my ticket the only baggage option was for 40 Kilos (see attached photo) but I lived and I learned.
  5. Was unable to check in online or purchase additional baggage as the app doesn't appear to be working. Its probably by design as the extra baggage purchase option also wasn't available when I bought my ticket. Ultimately, they charged me 7000 baht for an extra 20 kilos because it was less then 4 hours before departure. Another Thai lesson learned the hard way.
  6. In 15 years of coming and going, I’ve never even encountered nor spoken to a Thai customs agent, never mind have them look through my stuff.
  7. I had thought of that, Ill see what happens when I try to check in online.
  8. Orrrr a lot of things that I bring from overseas that can not be found in Thailand.
  9. I'll be flying Air Asia next month from DMK up northeast Thailand. When I purchased my ticket I opted for 40 kilos checked luggage as that was the highest option. After purchase they advise that one purchases for excess baggage online or through the app. Both options offer up to 60 kilos BUT when I try to upgrade, it never goes through and of course there is zero customer service available other then "chatting with A.I. Bo". Does anyone know what Air Asia is charging per kilo for excess baggage or know of anyway of contacting customer service to enquirer about repurchasing excess baggage?
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