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Posts posted by Yoram

  1. No one in his right minds will store active hydrogen in all it's forms, in large quantities, in a place populated with thousand

    of people, which begs the questions, how many more places in Thailand do they have similar set ups? and where

    were the relevant authorities, the fire and the safety departments that suppose to oversees such installations

    in the first place......

  2. They won't solve their differences. Remember, one main sticking point is that Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem which contained the Biblical temple. That temple had The Holy of Holies which contained the Ark of the Covenant, showcased in the movie "Raiders of the lost Ark."

    The Romans tore the Jewish Temple down about 2,000 years ago and later the Muslims built the current mosque on that Temple Mount.

    The so-called "Palestinians" want all of Old Jerusalem including that Temple Mount and many other historical Jewish (and Christian) sites including the Mount of Olives and many more.

    The Jews aren't about to give up the Old City in E. Jerusalem and that's what all of this issue is about. The MSM likes to refer to the area as "The West Bank" but the issue is the part of The West Bank that extends into and includes E. Jerusalem and The Old City of Jerusalem.

    That temple that is chronicled in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and which has great historical significance to Jews from the Old Testament, and the life of Jesus in the New Testament has been crushed and is underneath that Muslim Mosque. The Jews aren't going to give that land to some newcomers who didn't even show up until the 1960's without an all-out fight.


    Corrections, the first temple was burned and demolished by King Nebuchadnezzar II (634-562 BCE) king of ancient Babylon, succeeding his father, Nabopolassar. in the year of 585 BC, and all the Jews have been exiled to Babylon,

    than, 70 years later the Persian has defeated the Babylonian and allowed the Jews to rebuild the temple aging and it stood there for 420 year before the Romans came and gutted the place and the whole country and again exiled many of the land to four corners of the world.

  3. Not sure who are the people that propose all of these silly and stupid idea? who are they? people who knows

    crap all about tourism? people who want to ruin Thailand tourism? people who grew in temples

    and monasteries? (not that they any better than the average man in the street when it come to vices)

    or just a bunch of shit for brains bureaucrats? and the most astonishing fact is that people in the government

    even considering such crazy ideas.

  4. Somehow, I stopped paying attention to such proclamations and hot air talks, buyers will do this and that,

    price up price down, will buy or will not buy, all conjectures and stabs in the dark, no creditable data

    or real knowledge behind all of that, when a Thai person want to buy a car, no matter what the rules are,

    and if they repossess it some months down the line than so be it.

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