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Posts posted by Bargash

  1. I went to the old Dutch. Being Dutch myself I wanted to give it a go. Great food and service. I had Dutch "kroketten" and pizza. Lots of cheese on the pizza so I had a full stomach afterwards.

    I've been told that the original owner does not run it anymore but his daughter does, however, the food was excellent!

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

  2. Well we are high up in the hills very close to mfl university. Got the house and land and currently working on selling a 7 rai piece and a 6 rai piece next to ours. So far besides the smoke, I really love chiang rai. The people, environment and the food is amazing.

    Might get a pizza at rico's, since I've been on Thai only food for 2 weekst :D

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

  3. Actually 3 weeks in a row, then rest, then the same thing again... for a whole year! Why is that so special? You dont earn any money with it, the thing you get out of it is a one year amazing experience, 250 dollars worth in Uganda shillings per month which you spend on living expenses and food. Since I've

    But judging by your posts in other topics I'll let you go, you seem to get a kick out of being an ass. Maybe you should hang around in the Pattays forums more, they might even buy your story with George Clooney and might tell you all about their "SAS days"

    For the normal people here, thanks for the constructive replies, you've been a big help! I've been looking around for some good options, and indeed I might look for a Honda scooter type of thing. Currently we are so busy, so I see you all in Chiang Rai! :D Thanks again, really appreciate it!!

  4. Got it, thanks for the information! Hot and polluted ey? Ah well, they don't burn their fields the entire year, however it could have a serious impact on your health if you're having any lung/airway issues.

    What could be considered cheap when it comes to getting a scooter?

    The HHH walk I would definitely be interested in, was reading the topic before, and I hope I can attend the next event.

    Regarding the rafting, I figured as much. Once you've rafted 3 weeks in a row on the Nile over and over again, there is not much that could top it when it comes to rafting.

    One more question, and I hope it exists, but is there any place that has Dutch specialities? As in fast food or anything related to that? I'm Dutch, and after staying in China and other countries, I'm dying for a Frikandel Speciaal :P

  5. Hi dear people!

    As some of you know, me and my wife will be moving to Chiang Rai. I've opened up a topic about this last year, and in 6 days we will be landing in Chiang Mai where a friend will pick us up. We just got our wedding ceremony here in Kunming, China, so now it's time to head out!

    First I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of helpful replies in my last topic! Thanks! :D (except to my last question but hey... :P)

    Okay, down to business, I do have some questions about the city, region etc...

    How is the weather in Chiang Rai? Is it comparable with the regions more down south like BKK? It took me about a week before I stopped sweating without even so much as moving, so I just want to be prepared happy.png

    How easy is it to buy a scooter/motorbike, and what kind of price range could I expect? It's just going to be something temporary for the first 3 months or so until I buy a car.

    Are there any community events? I think last year I was reading up about people organizing bbq's and things like that. As I am very social, I would love to participate.

    Are there any rafting options in Chiang Rai? I did find some on google, however, I am not sure about the reliability of the companies I've found there. As I've been a white water rafting instructor in Uganda, I would love to raft here as well!

    Thanks for taking your time to read this, and if there is anything you could help me with, I would love to hear about it!

    Thanks again, and maybe I'll see you in Chiang Rai! clap2.gif

  6. Well a short update,

    We will be arriving in the beginning of March. How's the weather over there now? Currently I'm in Kunming, had an amazing wedding, and now it's just lot of preparations. My visa plan changed a little as I will be going there on an ED visa. (will take thai language lessons for a year) and in the meantime setting up the company. Things are already in place and also when it comes to land etc, things are looking good. Just would also like to do some work, but I will see if I can get some potential clients already when I'm there.

    Can't wait to arrive there, and I am still checking this forum quite a lot. Will keep an eye on community events, so I guess I will see some of you sooner or later.

    I also would like to buy a decent scooter to get around before I get a car. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please let me know.

  7. Hello Bargash and welcome,

    chiang Rai is a super place bit it is growing rapidly,after reading you posts,i was interested in your comment ' Build networks' as you seem to be a nice guy with lots to talk about,please tell more about the networks,good luck....The Governor.

    Hi Guv'nor!

    What I am meaning with building networks is to get connected to like minded individuals that have started their own businesses in Chiang Rai or other places in Thailand. As I have a small network in another town already, it brings a lot of extra advantages to the table when it comes to the development of a business.

    At so called networking events, there is no place for actually doing business though, we just get to know eachother, and see what we can do for eachother. Also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_networking

    Hope that helps ;)

  8. Hey Bargash, welcome to Chiang Rai.

    In your opening post you say that you are going to start a business in Chiang Rai. What type of business?

    Then in another post you say you are looking for work. Will you not be participating in the business your and you wife will be starting in town?

    Hope your move goes smoothly.

    P.S. How did you come up with your Thaivisa Name?


    Well we want to start a business yes, however, we dont want to come over there and just "plant" a business. First I want to work there, and see what kind of opportunities are there. In the meantime, my wife will go back to the university there at which she graduated to finish her Masters within a year.

    In that meantime, I am looking for a job. They pay does not have to be superhigh, because in the meantime I will do my networking and field research to see how we can contribute. So if any of you see anything, please let me know. It would not go unrewarded haha.

    As for my name, now that I've looked at the word Gash, and Bar, which I never actually seperated, I can assure you that they hold no reference to any kind of bar or "gash" haha. It's a name which I have been using for years online. I just made something up and kinda stuck with it. Maybe I should change it here, however I doubt there is an option to do this without completely registering a new profile...

    Thanks so much for all the replies, and it's true, I do ignore the negative feedback about Chiang Rai... Life is as good as you make it yourself :)

  9. Thank you all for the warm welcome people, really nice of you all!

    Yeah, we are currently preparing, however it can be quite stressful.

    At the moment I am still looking for work in the region. If anyone has any tips, they will be most useful to me.

    I'm happy I don't find a lot of the kind of people I've seen hanging around in Pattaya etc, they definitely can ruin my entire day haha.

    I will visit the Dutch section of Chiang Rai I recon, I guess we are a small country with people everywhere in the world :D

    Thanks again, and like I said, if you have any tips, please let me know.

  10. Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Thank you for the time to read this. Currently I am based in Glasgow, Scotland but originally I am from Dutch origin. I live here with my Chinese wife and we are moving to Thailand next year.

    Her father and her are going to Thailand to purchase the land in Chiang Rai and to build a house. She will sort her own Visa. I will go to Thailand as well, and I know I can get a tourism visa, but my purpose is to stay and work. Currently I'm taking TEFL courses so I can teach in Chiang Rai, but our end goal is to set up our own business.

    We still need to save up more before we are ready to set up our own company, so we want to just live there for a year, work and get to know the people more. (she has been studying there, and has loads of contacts, and so does her dad)

    I will try to find a school to hire me before I go, but in the event that this is not working, what kind of Visa is the best for me to obtain before I go?

    Thank you in advance for your time.

  11. Thank you very much for all the replies! I feel welcome already :D

    Are there mainly people from the UK, Oz, and NZ there, or are there also some Dutch people living out there? Being Dutch myself, it would be nice to see a few more of them scattering around :D.

    My misses is going back in Dec/Jan to sort out paperwork with her father, I still have to stay in the ****** UK to save up some more money for our wedding ceremony (we got married on paper last year, this year is the ceremony) so I will arrive there in May/June.

    How do the Thai people in the North think about Farangs in general? I have been working in Pattaya and could mostly only see the lowest of the lowest when it comes to the Western Community. Loudmouthed, bad mannered, and generally disgusting in appearance. I noticed that the Thai did not think well about the Western Community, mainly because I hang out with thai friends, I did not get the "fake smile and move" treatment but their real opinion about most westerners.

    Are the people up north the same? (westerners and Thai?) Not that it will impact my judgment on moving over, but just so that i know what to expect.

    Thank you so much for informing me so far already. Hope to hear more from you all.


  12. Hello dear Chiang Rai people.

    Well next year it's going to be the time to move to Chiang Rai. I got married in February with my wife who is originally from China. We worked for the same company (I worked in the Danish office, she worked in the Thai office) and that's how we've met.

    She is flying to Thailand in January from here (Glasgow) to meet up with her dad who will be flying from China. They will buy the land in Chiang Rai through the many contacts they have within the region and build a house. (paperwork etc will all be taken care of)

    Now we will start up our business there, however, before that I want to do something else first, get to know the community, see how it all works in Chiang Rai, looking for opportunities and build up a network, I don't want to be one of the Western people walking in there like I own the place. I just want to be part of an amazing community. I am familiar with the Thai culture. I have been living there with my wife for a few months, and before she started working for the company, she studied at the big Uni in Chiang Rai.

    Question is, are there opportunities when it comes to teaching English to the local kids for example? Are there many community activities going on? How was your experience when you moved to Chiang Rai? I know that the age of the people reading this might vary a lot, however, I would love to hear about your opinions, and if you have any, give some pointers/tips.

    I am 29, she is 25, and we can not wait to move over there. Thank you for your time reading this.



  13. 29 year old Dutch/English professional male is seeking for a position in Thailand.

    Currently living in Glasgow UK, working for a Finance company, I am highly interested in a position in Thailand. Currently I have no preference location wise.

    My wife is Chinese, and she will also relocate to Thailand to finish her Masters Degree.

    I have experience in the following fields:

    Social Media / Marketing


    Business support


    Leading and training a team of professionals in a Hotel setting as wel as in a Service Desk setting.


    Currently open for any open positions in which I can develop my career. Capable of speaking different European languages and fluent in English and Dutch, I can assure you, that you will find a highly loyal, hardworking and strong teamplayer within me.

    Please contact me by e-mail and if needed I can send a highly detailed CV on request with references provided.

    Kind regards,


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