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Posts posted by seminomadic

  1. Whether or not the list is for optics, nobody's gonna take you real seriously when one of what appears to be a founding member is leader of a transgender alliance. Just won't happen in Thailand.


    A new political party has to decide whether they're WITH the you-know-whos, or NOT with the you-know-whos (note that the phrasing is not 'against', but just 'NOT with'). Politics and society have been bifurcated here for at least one generation to come. This little 'aren't we inclusive' photogenic group can masquerade as being on the fence for as long as they like, but if they want to be taken seriously as a political entity, they'll eventually have to lay these cards down. From the looks of the 112-reform member, seems they're leaning toward the latter. Good luck with that.

    • Like 1
  2. A law like this will in effect greatly hurt animal welfare. Thais take to responsibility like cats to crashing surf. Having them somehow assume ownership in a way that can be proven (a prerequisite of the abandonment issue) will mean many less will want to and will abandon the animals currently in their care. Enforcement is an issue. It's more risk than many will be willing to take. Some will say "Thais are compassionate; Thais love their dogs" but a majority won't take their dogs to be fixed or even just for two shots two weeks apart to clear up the mange. When you're not willing to do that, then it's a very cursory form of love, no matter how much rice and chicken you give them.

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  3. On 10/20/2017 at 2:04 PM, EricTh said:

    Thailand should thank the Chinese for shedding its sex capital image which the Americans and Europeans gave them.


    Thailand should the the Americans and Europeans for shedding the backwards-outpost-of-an-empire image which the Chinese had been giving them for the hundreds of years prior to the Americans' arrival which, via FDI, made Thailand the premier address in mainland SE Asia.

  4. "two injured male victims escaped to raise the alarm and the attackers were arrested shortly after."


    Ok, they got the guys who did it.... but it appears the girls got raped before they were apprehended. 


    In the pic, the cambodian looks like he's maybe 90 pounds soaking wet with boots on. Knife or not, you can't fight off these dudes?


    I'm not letting anybody rape anybody near me, weapon or no weapon. You'd think over half a century of teasing the French about their backbone might exact some effect...



    • Sad 1
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  5. Poll question doesn't gybe with the radio-button questions..... at all.....


    Taxi service, good or bad? --> assess the quality of the taxi service.


    It is adequate throughout the country / more needed --> assess the availability of taxis; quantity, not quality. Renders the poll fairly futile exercise. 


    OPer needs some more English lessons.

  6. From thread "Prayut urges countries to 'respect Thailand' over lawbreakers":

    At yesterday’s event to promote human rights as a national agenda, Prayut consistently slammed “two people living overseas” who he blamed for lacking respect for the judicial system.

    “There are two people who make moves overseas and still stir up trouble in Thailand,” he said.


    oh, OK, CYBIL.


  7. “This is absolutely not a brainwashing campaign or populist propaganda, as the government clearly intends to learn the people’s needs and problems and the authorities will find the solutions to help them.”


    The government's had 4 years to learn the people's needs, a55wip3... crack open a few books if you don't know. Christ.... Charles Murray... who left Thailand almost half a century ago... understands what rural Thais need better than these guys.


    To be fair, the dunce who said this is not working out of the PM's office or remotely near his circle, but the fact that such a shameless shill holds any power tells you all you need to know about where the money sent to his district will wind up.

  8. Here's why it won't get better, and the same article will be posted with different words in 6-18 months:


    Even if you DID legislate a cap on how many tourists a tour operator could see through any given site in one day, you have the issue of ENFORCEMENT.


    Dollars to donuts, those police or civil servants in charge of overseeing enforcement of the rule get paid off to ignore the rule being bent.


    Now all you've done is made some corrupt knucklehead working for the govt richer, and the ecosystems aren't the least bit less unhealthy for it. The s!!t show goes on. 

    • Like 1
  9. "A local child took an interest in the tattoos and posted the picture on Facebook - this soon came to the attention of the Japanese embassy who contacted the Lopburi police"


    How did it come to their attention? I mean technically/physically: how did a photo posted by some random Thai kid on FB ping the attention of the Japanese embassy in Thailand? Something akin to the word "blackbriar" drawing the attention of the CIA in The Bourne Ultimatum after being said on a cell phone?



  10. On 1/24/2018 at 3:52 PM, farcanell said:

    Of course it matters how he is “tagged” or described.... how naive can you get.... at the moment we are talking about someone who is described as a person having an inappropriate relationship... that conjures up an opinion... a bias of some sort, regardless of who you are


    if he had been described as a predatory child molestor, that would conjure up a different opinion in most people’s minds... generally a much worse opinion, so a different bias


    bias is being manipulated by wording... and the word “inappropriate” can be construed in a number of ways, depending on a number of social factors or norms.... for example, a guy with two girls and a ladyboy as regular sex companions, might be considered to be in an inappropriate relationship by some, but not others... and it is not illegal. Ergo “inappropriate” does not, for some, imply any actual wrong doing, so therefore it’s arguably normalizing a practice (and... your arguing the point, so it’s arguable in your mind)


    and if you think that he will get what he has coming, just because, then you haven’t been here long enough to comment... remembering that another poster researched this and found that he had been moved to this school, following another incident at the previous school. (A fact that would have been mentioned in this article, if as you say, the media are putting him under a microscope)


    And.... please just don’t with suggestions of burning people alive as being something I would ascribe too... it’s a silly juvenile troll, at best.






    Even more naive to suggest that by labelling him a certain way in English that that'll force a different outcome. If you don't know English is not the native language spoken here, then you haven't been here long enough to master the staggeringly obvious.


    You show an extremely low bar for both trolling and logic. Good luck.


  11. 58 minutes ago, farcanell said:



    its almost as if your defending this guy... but I know your not (actually, hope would be a better word than know)


    definitions differ, some link pedos with an age of 13 or younger. The girl is 14 now... but how old was she when the “molestation” started?


    with everyone agreeing that Thais look younger, a pedo tag is not inappropriate in this case... but hey, let’s settle for calling him a child molester, if it makes you feel better.


    and a predator.... he started after this CHILD shortly after arriving at his new post.


    but most worrying to my mind, is that the media has used terms such as “ inappropriate romantic relationship” and “intimate relationship”, which is arguably a method of normalizing the whole sordid affair, which at day’s end, is amongst the most heinous of crimes, IMHO.

    What does it matter what the guy's tagged as? His action speaks for itself, and the fact that the media is putting him under a microscope for it shows that society rejects it.

    Do you think we also have to douse the guy in gas and set him on fire? He'll get what he's got coming to him.


    As for the media's 'most worrying to your mind' terms,  you're clearly not familiar with the draconian libel laws here. Calling it "inappropriate" is not even remotely arguably a way of normalizing what he's doing.

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