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Posts posted by jaidee1

  1. She has just been refused a visa to remain in the UK as my wife. The reason given is the fact that she applied for & entered the country with the wrong visa. She was given a 6 month visitors visa instead of a fiancee visa.

    I accept the fact that we entered the UK with the wrong visa, but at the time of applying I had just been involved in a major Road Traffic Accident resulting in the amputation of my right leg & a large metal plate inserted in my hip. We contacted the British Embassy in BKK, explained the whole situation (including the fact that we had just got engaged) & they helped sort her visa (visitor).

    Now I understand the whole visa process a lot more, but then I was a newbie. I relied on the advice given by my embassy. I enclosed all original correspondence to make sure that they new this was the reason she had a visitor visa. I am going to appeal but if this is also refused I am not yet fit to return to LOS so she will have to return alone.

    I feel thoroughly ######£d off :o


  2. Thanks for all the positive replys, they have certainly helped. I was returning as Thailand had become my home (even had a dog) but your response has made me even more determined.

    Ajarn, yes I still want to ride bikes. As for stairs etc no problem. The prosthetic limb is very good thanks to the NHS. I will never complain again.

    Kan Win, thankyou also. Dont think I will teach in Samui, not enough schools. BKK & Bobbys Arms here I come. :o

    Hope to meet a few of you in the future.


  3. About 8 months ago whilst living in Samui, I was involved in a serious motorbike accident. My right leg was amputated above the knee & as a result I had to return to the UK. I now feel able to return to Thailand & start my life again, but I am unsure how my disability will affect job prospects.

    Before the crash I had just completed a TEFL course.


    p.s. I have also recently married my Thai gf. Slowly life becomes good again. :o

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