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Posts posted by orange31

  1. Some kind of Suspended Pardon type thing , if you go back to your old ways then the old conviction carries the full weight

    I see, say like you killed someone but don't worry you can go free as long as you don't do it again. Or you stole billions but that's ok as long as you don't do it again.

    In my mind, anyone who even entertains the thought of amnesty or parden either has something directly to gain from it, or is just plain stupid.

  2. Jealousy. Excellent timing actually as I've just had an arguement with my wife. We got on the BTS, my wife gets a seat but I don't as the train is quite busy,so I take the next best spot leaning up against the glass partition by one of the doors at look out the window. At Siam I move into the train to take a seat when other people get off to change lines, only to find my wife no longer on the train! She stormed off in a huff believing that the reason I was standing by the door and not in front of her waiting for an available seat was because I must be interested in another woman on the train. I tried explaining that it's more comfortable leaning than standing but it didn't get through. Women!!!

    • Like 2
  3. A great man named Newton once proclaimed that:

    "The cheating of a (Thai) person is proportion to the square of their wealth times by their seniority in parliament"

    She should be held responsible. So should many others. So should previous governments, irrespective of party. In fact, there must be thousands upon thousands upon thousands or people that need to be prosecuted. It's such a huge task that you have to start somewhere.

    This is a great place to start. Then we can hopefully see a few more prosecutions from all sides.


  4. I would like to know where this woman spent her vacation and where she swam.

    Exactly, spot on!

    I'm sure I read somewhere that the baths in Bath in England were closed long ago because a women got this. It's like 100% fatal. They should at least mention the whereabouts of where she was staying in Thailand. if it came from tap water then you would expect a few more cases would have occurred.

  5. Koh Tao suspects seek Suu Kyis help


    BANGKOK: -- Two Myanmar suspects in the murder of two British tourists in Thailand have asked fellow Myanmar national Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to help their case, reasoning they are innocent.

    According to Sein Htay, director of Bangkok-based Migrant Workers Network, the two suspects wanted Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to help them for their justice as she is an international icon and also an influential person in Thailand.

    He said they were seeking help from all sectors as they said they did nothing wrong in the case.

    Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo, both 21, were arrested in October and confessed to the crimes, but later retracted their confessions saying they were tortured and forced to confess.

    David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, were found dead on September 15 on Sairee beach on Koh Tao, 350 kilometres south of Bangkok. Ms Witheridge was also found to be raped and slain.

    British and Myanmar envoys have raised concerns about the Thai investigation, with Britain sending a police team as observers.

    The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand has also expressed concern about the alleged forced confessions.

    But Thai police have denied the accusations of torture or misconduct.

    The victims families said last week the evidence against the Myanmar suspects is convincing, after British detectives sent to Thailand reviewed the police findings.

    Last week, the Samui prosecutor filed five charges against Zaw Lin the murder of Miller, the rape and murder of Witheridge, illegal entry into Thailand and staying in the country without permission.

    Wai Phyo faces the same charges and an additional charge of stealing a mobile phone and sunglasses from Miller.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/koh-tao-suspects-seek-suu-kyis-help


    -- Thai PBS 2014-12-12

    This is NOT an update, it's an OLD news article with No News! Trying to up your clicks for more revenue?

    So a news article dated today is OLD news?

  6. So he arrived on 13th and it's now 25th = 12 days.

    Not out of the woods yet, but certainly the chances of him carrying Ebola must be getting fairly low by now. No symptoms yet, so virtually zero chance of speading Ebola even if he does have it.

    A lucky result for the authorities on this one.

    So are they planning on holding him for another 9 days before letting him leave? Seems a bit harsh...

    • Like 1
  7. So finally they discovered what was a well known public secret for a few decades already.

    Really? Are you saying that Chalerm, Tharit and Thaksin knew about this for over 10 years??

    This is standard in Thailand for "promotion", not just police, but military and many other professions. Buying jobs to get in the position to get the money from those wanting to move up the ladder.

    Chances are many of those currently in power got to their senior ranks by this means.

    It's just mafia... almost every part of government office here seems to be run like a mafia organisation.

    it's a shame really. In Western countries if people break the law and receive a fine, that money goes back into the government coffers and gets put back into schools, hospitals, roads, infrastructure etc. Over here, that fine for the most part just gets split up between the police and other officials.

    Thailand would be such a better place if this didn't happen. It's a wonder that the general Thai population don't see this ??

  8. IMO they know something and getting ready....to invest huge money into tech labs like this is not done without much planning and thought

    I doubt it. The Ebola outbreak has been going on in Africa for qute a while now (almost a year) and the figures seems to indicate that the spread of the outbreak has started to slow. In more developed countries (like America and even Thailand) where communication is much better it's highly unlikely that the virus would be able to spread to the same extent as it has in Africa.

    To be honest, it's more likely just a big 'show off' - "look as us, aren't we great with our shiny new Ebola lab etc.", irrespective of how much money they've just spent.

    ... much planning and thought .... mmmm... I'm skeptical about that giggle.gif

  9. Now I seem to recall about 7 days back another body was found floating in the waters off of Koa Tao and it was presumed at the time to have been the missing Swiss tourist.

    There were according to the reports at that time wounds to the body.

    Now do we see yet another mysterious death from Kao Tao island in the earlier case?

    Beginning to look like sudden unexplained deaths could be an epidemic outbreak on Kao Tao.

    There could be a serial killer still on the loose in Koh Tao. Best avoid it...

    • Like 1
  10. The only way is up.

    My electricity bill is about £50 more than in the UK per month... This is shocking electricity pricing.

    Actually the price of electricity in Thailand is about half of the price in the UK (4.5 Baht/KWH vs around 16p/KWH or 8 Baht/KWH).

    The main difference must be that you use a lot more electricity in Thailand than you do in UK, which would be almost 100% down to the air conditioning units. If you turned these off your bill would drop to a shocking low amount.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm very often hearing about taxi drivers returning lost money and valuables. It's really quite amazing how many people leave valuables in taxis, as one would expect that the vast majority of taxi drivers would keep what has been lost. In fact it's almost unbelievable how often I read about this, makes you wonder.

    It just goes to show that those without much money are far more honest, and those with money are crooked cheating politicians people.

  12. Burmese have no right to order Thais around.

    Burmese is not the father of Thais.

    In fact, some Thai fathers I saw in movies riding elephants and bit the shit out of Burmese in many ancient battle field.

    Read the post again. The Burmese did not try to "order Thais around". The embassy of Myanmar is ASKING Thailand to reinvestigate. And if you're relying on the movies for your history lessons...well, I guess that says all we need to know about your intellectual level. coffee1.gif

    Surely the original post by Chotthee was written tongue in cheek, lampooning all that is wrong with the stereotypical Thai mentality ???

  13. The only question is : did the British perform such a sampling or did the body of this poor girl go untouched after entering British soil ? I don't recall reading anywhere, clearly, that British authorities had made such a move after recovering the body.

    Of course they did. They are complete pro's, just like American cops, German cops, etc. Just because they didn't inform you or anyone else in the media - they always do their job.

    Knock the Brits, the Americans, the Aussies, etc. all you want. But one thing for sure, they all have well-trained professional cops.

    When was her body repatriated to the UK? Was there enough time for her corpse to be 'cleaned' and then inseminated with the Burmese guys's DNA? Just saying ...

  14. Mr. Kent went on to praise the Royal Thai Police in solving the case and have shown exemplary professionalism as a crime fighting unit.

    People from the UK must be so proud of their ambassador to Thailand.bah.gif

    i have said on several other threads on the forum that the ' art ' of diplomacy can be taken to extremes and can include being extra nice to the host nation especially when not warranted.

    If he meant his words he's a fool and shouldn't be in the job and if didn't, and I trust he didn't, he could have said something less gushing.

    He must be one of only a small number here that could consider ' exemplary professionalism ' was shown.

    It would be justifiable if the families and media in Britain climbed into the Foreign Office about the whole situation.

    I don't think it's actually a direct quote, there aren't any speech marks! He may have just said something like 'They caught the guys that did it, good job', which then gets translated by the journalist into the above sentence.

  15. There are a lot of sick people on this forum judging by their posts. The word foreigner, in Thailand, means someone who is not Thai. Hey guys, farangs are not the only foreigners here. You are not the center of the universe here.

    The report suggests that it is a non-Asian:

    "But this latest disclosure, if confirmed, will be a significant turn of the probe which earlier focused only on locals and migrant workers after DNA testing revealed the mixed semen found inside Ms Hannah Witheridge belonged to Asians."

    And anything non-Asian is a Farang (Causcasian, Hispanic, Latino, Black - all Farang!... although I have heard a few Thais refer to the latter as negro which clearly demonstrates the level of political correctness here in Thailand).

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