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Posts posted by FrancisTenta

  1. Hello,

    I just applied at Siam University. Is it a good university? Has anyone here studied there? What is his reputation? I am going to make a Bachelor in International Business Management.

  2. Hi,

    I need to translate some of my diplomas from French to English. I went to a place near Sala Daeng BTS where they were asking me 1100 BAHT to translate 1 diploma (about 50 words). I saw the scam so I decided to check here if someone know a place near Huay Kwang district, or somewhere near a BTS or a MRT, where I can translate my diplomas for a reasonable price.

  3. As a Canadian, I am glad my dollar is high and competitive in the international market. But let's talk about reality. Economy is going very bad in the United-States. Mixed with some governments mistakes and it gives the result we have right now, a USD loosing steam and it is just the beginning.

    President Obama made a major mistake last week. It was the truth, but not everything can be said when you are a politician. He want so much to win the next elections that he said the debt is at the highest point and they wont be able to get out of this situation if the congress dont accept the changes he want to do. Moodie's, a few days before, say they want to lower USA credit score who is actually AAA. What does this means? It means that USA will have a bad credit. Obama also said he may not be able to give salary to unemployed people by August 3rd. Such a bad call. Investors got scared and they all sold their stocks and kept their money for a future recession.

    I did sold all my US stocks when I heard that. The day after, I would have lost more than 2000$.

    My opinion, USD will crash at a point you never saw. Big changes are coming.

    Is the economy really very bad, or is their currency overvalued because of the reckless investment by Chinese and others?

    Have US attempts to devalue their currency been thwarted by the Chinese, who are always willing to manage it?

    What value is currency anyway? Surely only real goods have any value, and currency is merely a means to allow the exchange of goods.

    Is there a magic number for exchange rates?

    Is a dollar worth more than three plums on the bandit?


    Before currency, there had gold. Before gold, there had product exchange.

    Reality is that now, we work with currency. We use it for everything. Exchange of goods or services. In my opinion, US currency was not overvalued. Americans used to make pretty good, but expensive products. A product made in USA was expensive, but also well made.

    China, with their cheap labor, has a major advantage. What is their advantage? The fact that they sells cheap product in a bad global economy.

    Now, to answer your question. USA overvalued or China undervalued? This is easy to say that USA was overvalued. But this is not the case. They still at the same stage. What we are seeing right now is the rising of the other around the United-States. China is a way more undervalued. China is now the global leader. The keep their currency low because they want to stay competitive in the market.

    China is the new super power and no doubt we are going to see their real face in a few years with all those rising countries around USA who is not competitive anymore against countries like Korea, India and other merging countries.

  4. You can not tax too much super rich companies as they are going to leave for Mexico or China. It is gonna be, of course, to American citizens to work harder for a lower salary.

    Let's be honnest. When we make our monthly budget, We spend less money than the amount entering our bank account right? The problem in the USA is that they lived for too long on money they did not have. They were building massive stuffs, making war to other countries. So much money thrown away.

    I really like Barack Obama and his focus on US citizens and not on war. But he took the country in a situation he can not reverse. You want to see the decline of an empire, look at the United-States. Money is going to get lower. When gold is this high, it is because economy is bad.

    I wish all the best for my neighbor country

  5. As a Canadian, I am glad my dollar is high and competitive in the international market. But let's talk about reality. Economy is going very bad in the United-States. Mixed with some governments mistakes and it gives the result we have right now, a USD loosing steam and it is just the beginning.

    President Obama made a major mistake last week. It was the truth, but not everything can be said when you are a politician. He want so much to win the next elections that he said the debt is at the highest point and they wont be able to get out of this situation if the congress dont accept the changes he want to do. Moodie's, a few days before, say they want to lower USA credit score who is actually AAA. What does this means? It means that USA will have a bad credit. Obama also said he may not be able to give salary to unemployed people by August 3rd. Such a bad call. Investors got scared and they all sold their stocks and kept their money for a future recession.

    I did sold all my US stocks when I heard that. The day after, I would have lost more than 2000$.

    My opinion, USD will crash at a point you never saw. Big changes are coming.

  6. Not really into religion, but there is a place in the bible saying that you dont help someone by giving him food or money. You help him by teaching him how to do fishing. Also, there is another place saying help yourself and the sky will help you.

    I am not here to judge this man or other farang beggars. They all have their own story and reasons why they live this way. Some probably choosed to live like that. Some did not. What I mean is that we should not judge them or give them money. We shall talk to him and help him to get a job and buy food by his own. It is not by giving him money we will help him.

    Here is a small story I lived a few years ago. I was working downtown Montreal. There always had this homeless man opening me the subway station door. I am not really into giving money to a beggar but I taught he was working so I gave him some. I went to work. at midnight, after my shift, I took back the subway. That beggar guy was lying on the metro dock intoxicated by alcool. I was the one giving him first aid before ambulance took him out.

    At the end, I realized that the money I gave him was a wrong move from me. First, he dont want to help him. Second, he is not ready to learn how to go fishing and get his food.

    Since that time, I never gave back money to a beggar...

  7. Annilicious,

    Your friend or any Thai woman of substance must show she is interested in a man. Whether the man is Falang or Thai. Often times they will no approace a woman they think is "Unapproachable".

    If a Thai lady is interested in a particular Falang, she should show an interest and even can ask the man to call her or go for some coffee or food.

    This makes me laugh. I'd never been approached by any farang strangers in my life. Last night, a farang tried to hit on me and i was both scared and happy. Must be something wrong with me :lol:

    So why didn't you go out with the Farang? What did he do wrong?

    Well, he's 46, married, lives in Hong Kong. Don't think it's a good idea. :D

    Good thing you got scared. Imagine the poor lady married to this man... it was not you, probably someone else. Just to tell you that there is good farang okay :)

  8. Just to clarify a few points. You are in Love with a woman you never met in person? She speaks and writes English and does not have a degree? You met a lady at a shopping centre who also speaks English but does not have a degree? You don't speak or write Thai? How long ago did you migrate to Canada?

    Sawadee Khap!

    sa bai dee mai? Moi ca va tres bien, Arigato!

    Yes, I am in love with a lady I never met. Someone I talk with since a few months and I like so much. She is also the sister of one of my good Thai friend. She speaks and write in English and have a University degree same as her sister. I met her sister a few month ago in Bangkok while travelling. They are well educated ladies and have good values. I am a Canadian citizen so I can come to my homeland as much as I can. Other things you would like to know or another language I shall speak?

    It is good she has a degree. English fluency without one is suspect. Good luck. The online thing is a minefield. And so is taking a Thai woman out of Thailand or trying a part time marriage.

    You know, I am someone who think that we have to take risks in life to enjoy it and get better. Maybe is it a mistake I am doing. Future will tell it to me. I try to be as positive as I can. We grow by learning from our mistakes! Anyway, I will tell you about that once I am back in Thailand in 3 weeks.

  9. Don't listen to anyone, unless, like Napoleon, you can learn from other's mistakes.

    There are not many of us that can reach the nirvanha of meeting our Waterloo; most of us lapse into obscurity with at best a footnote in the relevant volume of history.

    Remember, you're only young once, and then again, decades later. Make the most of it the first time, and you won't need to embarrass yourself the second time...

    And remember also - there's more to life than wild debauchery and foolish hedonism, so concentrate on those now, and you;ve still got something else to look forward to in later years.

    Like pearls before swine, all we can do is cast them; its for you to snuffle them up ....


    You talk so right street cowboy. My goal by going there is not to make debauchery or bad stuffs but to enjoy my life and be able to say, if I die tomorrow, that I've been happy during this life I am living. I also love a lady pretty much and I would like her to say the same thing.

  10. This is a funny post considering that it is just about money. I will tell you about my situation. I met a lady last February at the MBK center. We liked each other pretty well. She was the owner of a monument store in BKK. I came back to Canada after a few weeks. She is now engaged with an American guy. I accept her decision. We are very friendly and talk everyday. I dont know about her financial situation and I actually dont care. We are so close she presented me her young sister. A very pretty 28 years old lady. She is a model and work pretty hard everyday. She own a condo in Huaykwang district. We love each other pretty much and are about to get involve in a serious relationship. Her monthly salary, I dont know and I dont care. My monthly salary, converted, is about 120000 BAHT a month. She dont know and she dont care.

    What I am saying here is that we dont care about our financial situation. I just love her the way she is. She is not a bar lady. I just had a good friend and she taught I was good enough to present me to her sister.

    Just to clarify a few points. You are in Love with a woman you never met in person? She speaks and writes English and does not have a degree? You met a lady at a shopping centre who also speaks English but does not have a degree? You don't speak or write Thai? How long ago did you migrate to Canada?

    Sawadee Khap!

    sa bai dee mai? Moi ca va tres bien, Arigato!

    Yes, I am in love with a lady I never met. Someone I talk with since a few months and I like so much. She is also the sister of one of my good Thai friend. She speaks and write in English and have a University degree same as her sister. I met her sister a few month ago in Bangkok while travelling. They are well educated ladies and have good values. I am a Canadian citizen so I can come to my homeland as much as I can. Other things you would like to know or another language I shall speak?

  11. I am more telling him he have to take his own decision. Whatever I think can not be of any help for him. In my opinion, I would not risk of loosing everyone because I want sex with many ladies. At the end, sex is a way better when you make it with someone you really love. But he shall understand that every decision you take have consequences, good or bad. For the rest, it is up to him.

    Post again when you have been married for 7 years.

    If you read well my post, you can see that I am telling him he take his own decision. I have my convictions and they are going to stand as long as I trust in them. I am building something with a Thai lady. We decided to take each other in our life and I am not building something for 2-3 or 4 years. I want it to last forever. I also understand that in a relationship, both have to make concessions. I accept that as I love her with all my heart.

    If you trust that after 7 years, you are not happy anymore in your relationship and have to move on to something new, go on. Before you do that, seriously think about the consequences. Even if I am younger than you, even if you have more experiences than I have, you can not say that the decisions you took in the past built the man you are right now.

  12. This is a funny post considering that it is just about money. I will tell you about my situation. I met a lady last February at the MBK center. We liked each other pretty well. She was the owner of a monument store in BKK. I came back to Canada after a few weeks. She is now engaged with an American guy. I accept her decision. We are very friendly and talk everyday. I dont know about her financial situation and I actually dont care. We are so close she presented me her young sister. A very pretty 28 years old lady. She is a model and work pretty hard everyday. She own a condo in Huaykwang district. We love each other pretty much and are about to get involve in a serious relationship. Her monthly salary, I dont know and I dont care. My monthly salary, converted, is about 120000 BAHT a month. She dont know and she dont care.

    What I am saying here is that we dont care about our financial situation. I just love her the way she is. She is not a bar lady. I just had a good friend and she taught I was good enough to present me to her sister.

  13. I am more telling him he have to take his own decision. Whatever I think can not be of any help for him. In my opinion, I would not risk of loosing everyone because I want sex with many ladies. At the end, sex is a way better when you make it with someone you really love. But he shall understand that every decision you take have consequences, good or bad. For the rest, it is up to him.

  14. Have you not learned that sometimes, in your life, you have to take decisions? Right now, you have a decision to take. first, you keep all your girlfriends and live with the consequences when this happens. Second, You choose the one you love and make your life with her. I have some doubts about this one as you seems like someone who just think about his dick and not about really loving someone. So, in my opinion, You shall become mature once and for all and choose the lady you love and want to make your life with. But you have to take the decision, not me.

  15. This is not bad thinking about asking us if we agree to take your Thai wife! We are not like a dark gang hiding everything from everyone! We are an open community sharing common interests and if your wife is happy and share same interests than us, why not!

    She is more than welcome :)

    Have a nice day expat friend


  16. We see more and more of those videos on Youtube. This is very stupid and it is us, farang, that look ridiculous because of those low class persons. This lady deserve same respect than anyone. He treated her like a toy. Shame on him he injured a poor Thai lady. He dont even deserve to travel and have a good time in another country. People like him shall stay in their own country. End of my reply... I am very pissed...

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