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Posts posted by sezzo

  1. I just went into the local motor registry armed with my passport/visa, proof of residency from Oz embassy, IDP, Oz driving licence and 100 odd baht and out came a car licence.

    No requirement for test written or practical, no eye test, no doctors certificate, etc :o

    When getting the passport photos taken we were told that if we fail to get a licence to come back to them armed with 1000 baht and they will organise one for me. Apparently this is the way that most of the thais up this way get their licence. This is more than obvious going by their driving skills

  2. Ken,

    Ubon's airport is also designated as an international airport, or at least thats what the sign on the gate entering the airport says.

    As far as I know there is only a couple of Thai and Air Asia flights each per day and the occasional chartered aircraft for the royal family, government, etc.

    Maybe its international status comes from the fact that there is an air force base attached and they may fly sometimes over international air space.


  3. I am going through the same process in about 2 weeks. What I did last week was go to the immigration dept in Phibun Mangsahan (my local Immigration office) and asked them what I needed to bring with me. I showed them the stat decs and certificates etc that I used last time. They told me no problems at all with using them. Sounds like it will be a more simpler process this time.

    Let us know how you get on.

  4. DLP,

    Read the post on BBQ in Ubon and if you are in the area the same time, join in.

    I remember how hard it was when I first come here and the need for farang companionship.


  5. Marco,

    I have about 3 or 4 farang from Khemarat interested in coming. Not sure about partners yet but Im sure if its a decent sized place there shouldnt be a hassle with numbers.

    Hotels not a problem. Just get some friendly Tuk Tuk driver to carry us home.

    Get well,


  6. Do the electric ones have different permit requirements? I can see why they don't want a lot of chain saws floating around, but the electric ones seem a bit less useful as weapons.

    I remember being told that you do not need a licence for electric one, but dont quote me on that. Maybe they allow them because of the lack of power points out in the middle of the scrub

    And 2000thb fee in Khem,, sound's like falang fee already,, maybe he pay 200, but tell you 2000, so he can charge you dit more....

    Only relating to what Ive been told. The price that he charged me for what he cut and milled was very cheap compared to the timber that I bought from other sources.

  7. I, in fact, put a post on TV on this topic about 1 year ago and got the same sort of replies. I had some cleared land with heaps of piles of felled trees just ripe for cutting up to make TARN (charcoal). I went through quite a few shops in Ubon, Khemarat, Amnat and Mukdahan and got the same answers, being that they dont sell them because you need a permit etc.

    In the village next to us there is a licenced timber miller with this huge chainsaw. I just get him to come around every now and then and cut up some stuff for a nominal fee. (not too much) He tells me that he pays a "fee" to the police of 2000 baht per month.

    I also heard of a guy up north in Udon Thani or somewhere like that who used a electric chainsaw with a long long extension cord to cut some timber. I can imagine the loss of power with the extension cord. Nevertheless even the electric chainsaws are no good for big timber.

    Good luck

  8. However, while the man known as Eddie Everywhere will keep his job as Collingwood president, he will probably have to give up his on-air roles hosting two of Nine's most popular programs. :o

    There is a god indeed. Even though I have minimal exposure to watching channel nine these days (that may change soon with ABC Asia Pacific) it is a good feeling to know that I wont have to put up with his inane, biased commentary on watching AFL. If given the chance that I might even watch "The Footy Show" now that I know there is a fair chance he wont be on it.

    It will be good to hear about the other teams in the AFL now . Hopefully he wont touch NRL programming in favour of AFL.

  9. Friday 24th is ok with me, misses ???????????

    I'll ask my farang neigbours, and let U know if any are interested.

    Please find a place with cold beer, and I mean cold without ice! :D

    And also staggring distance from a hotel :o

  10. :o I'm asking for a friend that must have non-imm O single entry next week. What is the whole picture for that obtaining in Savannakhet? He has Thai wife and Thai baby with his name and all the required bank and marriage papers, etc. He is 47 yrs old from Swiss. Can he obtain the Laos visa in Muktahan? Is there a bridge now in Muktahan to Laos? He'll take his car to Muktahan with wife and baby, then cross with them leaving vehicle in Muktahan. Is that advisable? If anybody out there can help with this he would appreciate it.


    A friend of mine went with his wife to Savanakhet for a Non Imm visa last week and got it no probs from the consulate there.

    Getting to Savanakhet is easy. If he is driving to Mukdahan tell him to get there early (around 8.30) and it is possible to park out the front of the ferry terminal there. Otherwise parking is available at a Wat directly opposite the ferry terminal. The bridge is not completed at this stage. It is 50 baht for the ferry trip across the river and when you get to the ferry terminal in Laos you can buy your Lao visa there (1500 baht). From there it is about 300 m to the consulate but the first time you will need to take a taxi (50 baht) to find the place. If you get to the consulate early enough they will issue you the visa in the afternoon.

    Just make sure you have all the relevant papers for the baby as the officials in the thai ferry terminal frown on letting small kids go across. At least that was the case when I went across 18 months ago.

  11. There are a few stalls in the clothing section of MBK 2nd or 3rd floor that have larger sizes of shirts.

    Just have to shop around and find them as I have gone back a couple of times to see that some close down and then another opens up.

    The other place that I have seen heaps of shirts in larger sizes in is Mikes Mall in Pattaya.

    Good luck

  12. Hello guys

    I will come up from NamYun and join U if possible.

    Tell me when & where, and for you overnighters ........... where do you stay??



    Depends on where the venue is. There is always a few cheaper hotels in and around Ubon. A mate of mine stays at the SriIssan and says that it is very good for the price. Can get some good rooms around for under 500 baht.

    See you when and where


  13. Having just completed a house using a local builder (part of the family) for labour only and buying the materials myself, I found this a very economical way of building. You are in control of what quality materials you buy as well as are able to shop around for the best price. Living in a small town (4 or 5 small hardware places) about 100 ks from a provincial capital city I found the easiest way was to shop around the hardwares in town for easy things like cement, bricks or blocks, sand, stone etc. The bigger items like roofing material, plasterboard (gypsum) etc I bought at the big hardware place in Ubon. Heaps of savings there (more than paid for the fuel costs of driving there).

    I got a few quotes from builders in my village and from the family member and chose him due to the fact that he would lose face in the family if he did a bad job. Overall the job was done well with a crew of 11 workers. I was on site everyday and checking up on things and came away more than happy with the job. Mind you I have only built a typical thai style home but just made it more comfortable and finished off much better than most thais would.

  14. Thanks for all the prompt responses. I have an Australian Commonwealth Bank account that I know I can use in Thailand. I just checked with Travelex in Perth, Australia and they are giving 28,230 Thai baht for 1000 Australian Dollars.


    I also have an Australian Commonwealth Bank account with ATM card that I can use over here but the problem is that for some unknown reason I cannot use it at a Bangkok Bank ATM. I thought that it might be just in the town in Ubon Ratchathani that I live but I went to Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Ubon town, Khon Kaen, Nakhon Rathasima, Surin and tried it in the Bangkok bank ATMs there and it hasnt worked yet. It works in most other thai banks ATMs fine, just not Bangkok bank.

    Just food for thought as you mentioned that you will be going up country for a few weeks and I know the most common form of ATMs in small towns in Issan is the Bangkok Bank. When I first arrived where I now live I had to hire a car and drive 65 ks just to use another banks ATM. Thankfully I now have a Bangkok bank account so no problems.

  15. One thing to remember and it may not be applicable here is if you are transferring money from Oz bank or bank account to a Thai bank account is make sure that you transfer it in Oz dollars.

    I was caught by this as I was making the move over here and it was "recommended" by my ever smiling Commonwealth bank tellar to get the bank to change it into Thai baht first and then transfer. I was told that they give a better exchange rate than what I would receive in the bank over here.

    To my surprise (on reflection it was no surprise) when I checked my balance on getting to LOS there was a considerable amount missing or at least not as much as I had expected.

    Dont make the mongrels any richer than what they already are is my advice.

  16. I am in need of help, and I do not know if this is even the right place or forum to ask.

    I am a newbie here, but I have been in and out of Thailand since the 1980’s, but never made it much further than Bangkok and Pattaya.

    I have fallen madly in love with a Lady who lives in Amnat Charoen.

    Does anybody know of this town?

    Can a Faring male move there and feel comfortable? Fellow western men, bars, etc.

    Is broadband internet available? I need this for my work.

    Any help would be appreciated, as I must make a commitment if I can live there quickly.


    Gday Bill,

    I live in Khemarat which is about 65 ks from Amnat. Amnat is a small provincial capital city for the Amnat Charoen province.

    I have been there on shopping trips and passing through many times and have seen a few farangs there but there seems to be not as many as other provincial towns or cities that I have been to. Having said that I know of an american guy and his wife who will be moving to a village within 10 ks of Amnat early in the new year and also of an Aussie guy and his lady setting up a house about 10 ks from there on the Mukdahan road. There are also quite a few farangs living in the khemarat area who are always happy to make a newcomer to the area more than welcome.

    As far as western bars etc I dont think that you will find any there as this place is off the major tourist track. This makes it more appealing to some people. There doesnt seem to be any of the large Big C/Tesco Lotus type shops in Amnat but there definately is all that sort of stuff in Ubon (100ks), Yasathon (45 ks) or Mukdahan (80 ks) for your farang food supplies if needed.

    Im sure that Amnat would have broadband internet by now being a provincial capital. Try TOT phone ompany for info on that sort of stuff.

    Anyhow the only way to see if you will enjoy your life out in the sticks is to come up there and try it for a holiday, check out the surroundings and what it has to offer.

    PM me if you want some more info.

    Good Luck :o

  17. It only shows that they have a very serious problem in the wallaby camp. A sure way of settling all this is to do some major changes in the next game against the irish and get some fresh blood in there.

    First and foremost get rid of Gregan. Well past his use by date and get someone in there trained up for the World Cup. If they make changes now they will have a good cohesive team. No point making wholesale changes just before the World Cup.

    Im glad they finally got the message that all the money they paid for Wendall Sailor has been a waste. Hopefully his axing will be permanant.

  18. Thanks for all the advice guys. Much appreciated.

    I realise I wont have much time for proper fittings etc but will look around tomorrow afternoon and see what I can get. Definately Rajas sounds like a place to go and check out.

    Once again thanks all :o

  19. I am going to be staying in Bangkok near the Siam Centre for 4 days prior to flying to Aust for a holiday and would like to get some shirts and trousers made up.

    Never had this done before in Thailand and I hate getting hassled by the hawkers on the streets trying to lure you into their particular shop.

    Would anyone have any recommendations of where to go for a good deal and some decent service.

    Thanks in advance :o:D

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