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Posts posted by sezzo

  1. I flew in on Thurs 11 Mar with about 6 months supply of 3 medications that I take. After collecting my luggage I proceeded to the Something to Declare gate. The officer there asked what I wanted to declare. I replied that I had medicines. He just smiled and said No problems and waved me through. Didnt even want to look inside my bags.

    This is the second occasion that this has happened. Mind you I did bring along 2 letters from 2 different doctors and my prescriptions just in case I was asked for them.

  2. Thanks Diggerbasher I might try that one.

    To Ken and Surin, I must be one of the crazy ones that try and do a bit of work myself. Mind you I only do it for about 3 hours then I go rest for the remainder of the work. I usually do pay the locals to do most work but if its within my capabiities I give it a go.

    Thanks all for your input

  3. Am looking to buy a small chainsaw to help out when making charcoal (Bugger this cross-cut saw caper). I went to a couple of shops in Ubon city and was told that because of the requirement to have a permit (only issued to certain people) that they are unavailable there.

    Does anyone know of a shop or place that I can guy one. I will be visiting the local police station today to ensure the legallies of it all.

    Im losing too much sweat and weight by using the cross cut saw.

  4. While we are on the topic on applying for an extension, how many days before the expiry of the 60 day stay should one apply for the extension?

    I have received extensions twice from 2 different immigration offices and both gave me the extension from the date that I went to the office and applied. So if you go to ask for the extension one week prior to the end of the visa your extension starts on that day. Be safe and go the day before your visa expires.

    I know at Mukdahan Immigration Office they have a sample copy of an application for extension with several "reasons" for the extension.

  5. Yep it's Ubon Ratchathani I talk about.

    It's lot of fun here, but it cued be funny also to see some farrang's :o

    Maybe it’s just me, but farangs in Ubon are some of the most unfriendly, unsmiling people I’ve never met. Of the 3 visits I’ve made (30 days total) the friendliest was a Frenchman (10 year expat) rice and cow farmer. Most you see in Ubon at the major shopping places don’t even brother to acknowledge you or make eye contact, let alone utter a friendly “hello”. What’s up with that.

    Yes it is just you. I have been in the Ubon district only for 5 months and in that time I have met may fellow expats there. All of which I have had no trouble having a conversation to. In fact a couple of them have become quite good friends. Maybe it is the way that you confront other farangs that make them not want to make conversation. Anyway in typical thai way "Up to You"

  6. Up here in Ubon the temperature both day and night has increased dramatically in the last week or so. My family have almost stopped using the installed hot water heater and are using just tap water for their showers. Big climate change very quickly.

  7. Happy Aus Day to all Ozmates in Thailand and elsewhere :D

    Sign in here if yer an Aussie..... and where you are from, bush or city. :o

    Me?........ Neutral Bay, Northside of the Harbour.

    Happy Australia Day from an oz living in Ubon. Last known address in oz - Bermagui NSW South Coast. Gone from one paradise to another.

  8. Bizarrely, BBC Prime and the two new movie channels included in the Platinum package are included in the Silver package (but not the Gold).  As a Gold subscriber, I feel cheated.  Perhaps I should downgrade.

    Downgrading to the Silver package is exactly what I am going to do. Reading the last few posts about the new movie channels I feel that I will be getting more value for money with the Silver package.

  9. Similar thing happened to me up here in Ubon. I was going for a walk on the main road to Amnat Charoen for exercise and there was this guy who obviously sells food on the back of his motor bike riding passed. He saw that it was a farang walking along and just about broke his neck looking at me. At the same time the wood box holding his food must have overbalanced and he went tumbling off on the side of the road. I did manage to contain my laughter as I see many thais in this area crane their necks when they see a farang.

  10. You are better off to go to an immigration office and apply for an extension. This will cost you 1900 baht and the whole process is over in a short time. Take it from experience you dont want to be taken away at the airport and treated like dirt. Do it the legal way and you can enjoy yourself coming back to Thailand without any worries.

  11. Hello

    Definitely need a permit.Your local builders yard or lumbar merchant should have one so you could go and ask to borrow theirs for a while if your on good relations.

    Thanks mate. I thought it might be something like that. Seems like the thais are getting into conservation as well.

  12. I have been thinking about buying a chainsaw to help out the family with cutting wood for making the charcoal and clearing some farm land.

    I have been told by the gf that it is illegal to buy one without a permit.

    Can anyone enlighten me.

  13. .but you need not concern too much...you can get live AFL there on Sky and/or UBC....

    I subscribed to UBC in Sep and have not seen anything that even resembles Oz Rules, Rugby League, Cricket etc. All I ever see is soccer from every country imagineable. Im sure that if there was soccer played on the moon it would be shown on UBC.

    I dont know whether this quote is accurate at all.

    If I am wrong I will be very very happy. SICK of Soccer. Boring!!!!!

  14. I know that this has probably been asked and answered a million times. I have searched through the Australian Immigration Dept website and still cannot get a definative answer to my queries.

    I have to go back to Australia in about 2 months to wrap up some financial and personal issues. I intend to be there only for about 3 weeks and then return to Thailand. I would like to take my thai girlfriend/fiancee with me for a quick holiday.

    I have a superannuation pension that provides me with enough money to live comfortably over here in Thailand. I am in the process of selling some property in Australia and this should greatly increase the size of my bank account. I have been reading the immigration website and I have decided the best option for her to be able to get a short stay tourist visa is for me to sponsor.

    My question is what amount of income/money in bank account is needed to qualify to sponsor my GF. Like I said before I have searched the immigration website and cannot find a figure that I can work on.

    Thank you in anticipation for any additional information that anyone can provide.

  15. Typical Aust govt ripping off the self funded retirees again. They probably have to do this so they can give more to centrelink system to enable the dole bludgers, professional single mothers etc. to have a better standard of living than the honest tax paying law abiding worker.

    Dont be surprised if the pollies give themselves another pay rise shortly. God knows they have earnt it. Takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to rip us off again.

    I know I sound cynical but I am sick of these mongrels. I thought that I would be away from all that rubbish over here but looks like it is following me here as well.

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