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Posts posted by jaidam

  1. Hi Booma,

    Big orange bug in last photo is a centipede.The smaller black creature with loads of red/orange legs is a millipede.

    Centipede-100 legs

    Millipede 1000 legs.This is an old asying and not exact

    Centipede has a nasty bite,but not had the pleasure of a millipede bite yet.We have hundreds of them in our land and the cats dont play with them.I suppose they can bite as well?They are very timid and when prodded with a stick they roll in a circle and hide.Try prodding a centipede with a stick and he'll be up your legs before you hit him.They are very fast(and scarey!)

  2. back to the original topic.Im a big fan of his books.Only read 2, Pay off and another one that was just brilliant, set in London about a prison breakout.Certainly in the same league as Grisham and co.

    Classic character in Mcdonald who goes undercover in a UK prison.

    I will be looking for more books by him.

  3. Good evening chaps,

    Pleased to report that I'm still alive.After writing to you and waiting a bit for a reply my brain suddenly kicked in and I went to the village clinic on the double. Riding the motorbike wasnt easy as my right hand was twitching badly.

    Given some yah mong and Atarax.The yah mong was applied locally and the Atarax pills were chased down by kratom leaves munched all morning.I started work at 9am and by 2pm the pain and strange feeling had largely gone.Now(6pm)its 99% normal again.Strange thing there is no obvious bite mark.2 tiny marks about a cigarette end width apart but the pain wasnt centered there just all over 1/2 hand the same.

    Thanks for all the replies there.I will be buying a pair of thick gloves before playing in the jungle again.I blame the new UBC programming with that Alan Titmarsh and Charlie Dimock.Thats where the clever idea of making a border came from!

  4. Morning folks.

    Any suggestions appreciated.Heres the story.

    Yesterday 5pm I was carrying some old logs in my garden -SW Thailand- and felt something sting or bite me.The pain was instant and shocking.After 3 hours it was hard to move my hand and now( 14 hours later) my hand is largely numb although still painful but 2 fingers are essentially paralysed.Touching the end of these fingers feels like sticking my finger in an electrical socket.Shooting pain all up my arm and further.

    Any ideas on what to do.I have seen a good few scorpions on my land as well as huge centipedes.Ive been bitten by both before and only had pain none of this tingling,numbness and paralysis.

    Many thanks,


  5. A teacher asks her class to use the word "contagious".

    Roland, the Class swot, gets up and says, "Last year I got the measles

    and my Mum Said it was contagious". "Well done, Roland" says the

    teacher. "Can anyone else try"?

    Katie, a sweet little girl with pigtails, says, "My grandma says there's

    a bug going round, and it's contagious". "Well done, Katie" says the

    teacher. "Anyone else"?

    Little Irish Sean jumps up and says in a broad Irish voice, "Our next

    door neighbour is painting his house with a two-inch brush and my Dad

    says it will take the contagious."

  6. Combine your QQQQ analysis with the support/R study of the Nasdaq composite -- The Qs are 100 top Nas companies -- the composite is the whole shabang; far more reliable for estimating -- therefore use both.  Use the numbers I gave you on the Qs, then correlate the following.

    Nasdaq composite major support band from  2,030 - 1,930 = 100 point spread where the fall could be arrested -- the core level of this support structure is @ 1932. This core level is like a concrete floor -- to break it is possible, of course and if so, that means big trouble for the prior uptrend.

    200-day MA @ 1976 currently.

    The odds that Nasdaq will deliver a rally starting somewhere between 2,030 and 1930 are 90%+

    The odds that Nas will deliver a rally between now (2034) & 1976 are 30%.

    The odds that Nas will deliver a rally @ 1976 are 50%.

    The odds that Nas will deliver a rally @ 1950-1976 are 75%.  The 200-day is well known to slingshot a market after being penetrated by a reasonable amount -- call it elasticity or whatever, but from market to market and stock to stock this is readily noticeable.

    I know that tomorrow is a big day for you.  Best of luck!  :o

    What a load of horses##t.

    If I want to lose all my cash I will be the first to contract you Mr.Harmonica.

    For goodness sake why can you not see that your odds/analysis are no more meaningful than tea leaves.Do you also consult them???

    Anybody serious about making money with the financial markets would do far better with CAREFUL stock selection.This involves taking lots of time poring over companies balance sheets, learning about future prospects and using data such as P/E ratios etc to discover whether a stock is cheap or overvalued.To let a computer tell you when to buy or sell is just amazing.Hang on. Baaahaaahaahaa.

    In short dont follow this Harmonica mans advise.He will lose you your money.

    Fundamentals,fundamentals and fundamentals.The 3 keys to making money.

    As for me I retired at 25 and moved to LOS.Not by reading ####### tealeaves!!!!

  7. 200 dead in Bangkok subway crash

    Last Updated Mon, 17 Jan 2005 07:20:08 EST

    CBC News

    BANGKOK - At least 200 people were killed Monday when a subway train slammed into another one stopped at a station in Bangkok.

    Bleeding victims were carried onto the street following the crash, which occurred during morning rush hour at the Cultural Center station.

    Along with the dead, about 24 others were injured.

    The subway's manager said he believed human error was the cause.

    "Procedures were not followed and that is what caused the accident today," Praphat Jongsanguan told a morning news conference.

    He and the Thai transport minister said workers lost control of a train being taken out of service, which slid down a sloped area of the track.

    The underground system, which opened six months ago, will be closed indefinitely until the cause of the accident is determined, said officials.

  8. Hi Morphic,

    No you dont need a telephone line ,but you may wish you had one when the ipstar isnt working.We have used it for a year and apart from the box breaking twice -the second time taking 2 weeks to get someone to come out and repair it(still have to pay the full monthly price when its knackered)it a good system.

    The team from Phuket came to repair last time instead of the Bangkok team we bought it from.2 weeks of nagging and the Bangkok office didnt want to know.They lost all record of our calls?A telephone call to the Phuket boys who came straight away and didnt even charge for the boat out to Koh Tao.

    To buy ipstar all they needed was a copy of my passport.My billing adress is a local email cafe.

    Good luck

  9. Hmmmm, just looked at the Weather here disc jockeys. I see here they say waves max 16 feet high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is damno near to a Tusanami, or Tidal Wave. Always have a hard time spelling that one word.

    Now lets see 16 feet. Imagine two people standing one on top of another and both are 6 feet and a half tall. This wave tops their heads my friends.

    By the way trust me on this much. That wave itself has loads of POWER behind it. It will push your tushie faster than a surf board. Don't play games with a WAVE that tall.

    Small example, say your in the water waist high and a small wave comes on you. Repeat small wave. Did you ever notice how it pushes you towards the shore????????????? Usually those waves are gentle.

    Well, a 16 footer will not be gentle. That son of a gun is going to crush you.



    Dave come on man get a grip!

    A 16 foot wave may well be considered a Tsunami if it occurred in your neck of the woods(which is about 1000 miles from the nearest sea), but I can assure you that a 16 foot-5 meter wave is perfectly normal in the open ocean.

    Waves like that are the norm in the North Sea and wouldnt make any fisherman or rig worker run for cover.

  10. I see Mr.Miles Thomas is advertising on Thaivisa his "5,000us per month from a beach in thailand" offer again.

    Whilst it sounds tempting his paid surveys aren't possible from Thailand.Dont waste your money finding out.You need a US adress,phone number etc to participate and collect any checks that may come.I filled about 10 surveys.It took 2 hours and after completing them all none paid a penny.Total <deleted>, and Im surprised this shit is allowed to be advertised on Thaivisa?

    Miles,if you still read thaivisa, you can return the 40us for my unsuccessful 3 month trial any time soon.I havent heard from you for 12 months now though.I accept paypal-the same account that originally paid you is fine.

  11. Reading the Samui forum I learn that there is NO mafia in Koh Phangan.If your bar is there and you get tapped up for protection money just tell them to piss off.You know they are only pranksters.

  12. What a great looking lizard you have spog.Have you any idea whether its native to Thailand or a released pet?

    I had some builders around last week making insect screens for my house.One had a very young daughter who started screaming she had seen a "jawlakaay"(crocodile) in my garden.Seeing as I live about a million miles away from the serengetti I scoffed at her foolishness until I too saw the beast in question.Must have been five feet long and the dog was in fits.

    I gather its called a "takuat"No idea of the english name.Not as pretty as yours though spog and doesnt have those huge piano players' fingers.

    As for the jingjoks I favour a walther p45 style BB gun.Doesnt do much for the varnish though. :o

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