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Everything posted by tee1eel

  1. Yes, I'm aware I'm not out of the woods yet, by any means.
  2. I did think it was the landlords responsibility to file the TM30 and didn't think to check. Also, I hold my hands up, I left it way to late to apply for my extension, stupid mistake. Lessons have been learnt. Thanks for your kind words
  3. Somebody here suggested that. And they know of two here. Today the one officer at immigration who checks all but tourist extension documents was too busy to see me. I have to go back on Wednesday and pay an overstay fine....
  4. Yes. I had stayed at the same address for 9 ish years before moving last year and had no problems.....He did file a TM30. Immigration said the problem is that he is not in the housebook of the rental house, therefore there is no proof that he owns the house...which seems ridiculous to me. Do house books prove ownership anyway? I was told they don't? And of course he doesn't live in the house he rents out.... Thanks for your responding, I will update tomorrow, cross everything for me 🙂
  5. I'm applying for an extension based on 'Guardian of Thai child'. Which i have without problem for the last 4 years. (My husband is in hospital at the moment also)
  6. Yes exactly. My sister in law will come with me, she is a very good talker and very polite. The landlord is willing to come too. So fingers crossed it will be positive
  7. Thanks, hopefully the Phangan officers are in a good mood tomorrow and help me out.
  8. I am married to a Thai (separated, not divorced... Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but if I gave to start again then I will suck it up and do that. Eek
  9. I thought I had everything covered for my extension. There were 3 immigration officers discussing it/me and I was intimidated, why I don't know. Both my husband's family( thank god we get on well) and the landlord s family know each other( the island isn't that big). My sister in law and the landlord will come with me and hopefully something can be sorted out, fingers crossed.
  10. Someone I know just paid them 3,000 to transfer stamps into his new passport....
  11. I'm just quoting the immigration officer, but yes you're right. I'm hoping they will do something like that, 15 or 30 day extension.To add to it, the night I got back from immigration (on Friday) the landlord messaged saying he wants to increase the rent by 25% for the next year contract. (even though he promised, lol, he would not increase the rent for 5 years and then only by 5%). So I will be moving back to my previous house anyway!!
  12. Someone else said immigration have made it the person applying for the extensions problem. Twisted.
  13. Yes, I moved in last May, but did 90 day reports online, using my old address. Samui advised me to go to Phangan immigration tomorrow, because it's my last day before overstay and if I need to do anything, we'll at least I'm where I live and not on another island. Could Phangan immigration be more lenient, I wonder 🤔. I have everything else in order
  14. Personally, I feel the same. I've done everything by the book and have all the documents that I was asked for. I'm still married to my (Thai) husband, although we're separated and have been living here and doing the extensions for 10 years. Maybe I can ask if I can go back to using my husband's house for the TM30....But really, it's not my problem that I was rented a property that the landlord has no proof of ownership for.
  15. I question a lot of what they ask for, lol. But you know, i just smile and say ok. I've given up trying to understand the 'why'.
  16. Yes, I was thinking that might work. The landlord is willing to help. Would the landlord though not get into trouble for renting a house that he can't prove he owns....?
  17. Samui Immigration. And this the tenth year I've been going there. It was a new officer. I did the reason for extension as marriage for 5 years, then changed to guardian of a Thai child. So this is the 5th year doing that one. She also wants me to bring a witness next time, Thai person with id and housebook. No clue what for, I have every document (my daughter is 15 now). It's just so frustrating. I was late because my extension used to always be 24th April. But I got a new passport ( old one expired 10th March 24, today). I just had April 24th embedded in my brain. Stupid mistake. I live in Koh Phangan (who last year wanted 10,000b to do the extension). Samui advised me to go there tomorrow. at least if there's anything else it will be easier. they do love their 'extra pocket money' at Phangan.....so .....
  18. I went to do my annual extension on Thursday. I rented a property last June. Paid for one year. So i took a copies of the lease agreement, the landlords id, his housebook and the housebook of the rented property. At immigration I was told (I hadn't noticed) I need to show them proof that the landlord owns the property I'm renting as the name in the tabien ban is not his. When I got home I messaged the landlord who said, years ago the land (in his father's name) was rented by someone, long term. They built the house. Then years later the land lease expired they moved out, left the house and the landlord has no contact for them. That all happened years ago. So then I come along rent the house, not thinking about if the name in the housebook is his or not. And now what? The landlord said he'll go on Monday to see if he can change the housebook but isn't sure if it can be done. Meanwhile on Tuesday I'll be overstaying. Does anyone know what ,if anything I can do? Help!
  19. Thanks for all replies. Apparently he got a really good insurance policy. But I just had word from the guy who owns the bike that was rented and trashed, that the poor lad has passed away! Omg, so,so sad . Now the police are saying that the case is closed, in Thailand if the person dies, that's it. You have to pay for the repairs yourself.
  20. Hi, a tourist crashed his bike into my garden fence, he took out about 6 meters of chain link and broke 2 concrete posts. He was going at speed at 3am. He has a good insurance (apparently), but would damage to property be covered? I feel awful asking about a fence when the poor guy is in hospital, but just wondered if anyone would have any advice....
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