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Posts posted by badmedicine

  1. Cheers, would appreciate any feedback...am getting serious withdrawal systems.sad.gif

    BTW...Bunter's (mentioned above) did tell me they have the tinniest jars in - 125gm at 85 baht, but that'd last me about two minutes...if the worst comes to the worst though I'll have to order a dozen of those and pay the delivery charge (they've also got tiny jars of Coleman's English mustard, 100gm at 145 baht. They quoted me a delivery charge to Sathorn of 175baht).

    Do a google search 'bunters food supplies bangkok' to find their website if this is for you. At the moment, I'm trying to hold out for somewhere with a decent sized jar (if I can... blink.gif ).

  2. Tried two Villas near Chong Nonsi, Foodland (patpong) and Siam Paragon, no luck.

    Also looking for Coleman's English mustard - not the powder in a tin which is widely available - in a jar or tube.

    And one long long shot - has anyone ever seen 'Sosmix/Protoveg' anywhere in BKK?


  3. Oh, I see somebody did the translation - looks better than mine. We were busy moving the fridge up from the ground floor.

    We'd left it down there on top of a table when we moved everything else up last week , but I told the mrs to get some win-motorsai's round as I was fed up of traipsing down to chan G to get my beers! :)

    (hic, that curry went down a treat).

  4. List in Thai here.

    พื้นที่เสี่ยงภัยริมแม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา 13 เขต 27 ชุมชนนอกคันกั้นน้ำ1. เขตบางซื่อ มี 2 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนพระราม 6 (ฝั่งติดแม่น้ำ) และชุมชนปากคลองบางเขนใหม่


    2. เขตดุสิต มี 5 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนเขียวไข่กา (ถ.เขียวไข่กาช่วงปลาย) 20 ครัวเรือน ชุมชนราชผาทับทิมร่วมใจ(เชิงสะพานกรุงธน) ชุมชนซอยสีคาม (ซอยสามเสน 19 ช่วงปลาย) ชุมชนปลายซอยมิตรคาม(ซอยสามเสน 13 ช่วงปลาย)และชุมชนวัดเทวราชกุญชรฯ (ถ.ศรีอยุธยาช่วงปลาย)


    3. เขตพระนคร มี 3 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนท่าวัง ชุมชนท่าช้าง และชุมชนท่าเตียน


    4. เขตสัมพันธวงศ์ มี 2 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนวัดปทุมคงคา(ท่าน้ำสวัสดี) และชุมชนตลาดน้อย


    5. เขตบางคอแหลม มี 4 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนวัดบางโคล่นอก ชุมชนหน้าวัดอินทร์บรรจง ชุมชนซอยมาตานุสรณ์ และชุมชนหลังร.พ.เจริญกรุงประชารักษ์


    6. เขตยานนาวา มี 1 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนโรงสี (ถ.พระราม 3)


    7. เขตคลองเตย มี 1 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนสวนไทรริมคลองพระโขนง


    8. เขตบางพลัด มี 1 ชุมชน คือชุมชนวัดฉัตรแก้ว


    9. เขตบางกอกน้อย 4 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนสันติชนสงเคราะห์ ชุมชนปากคลองน้ำตาล-คลองพิณพาทย์ ชุมชนตรอกวังหลังและชุมชนดุสิต-นิมิตรใหม่


    10. เขตธนบุรี 1 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนปากคลองบางกอกใหญ่


    11. เขตคลองสาน 1 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนเจริญนครซอย 29/2


    12. เขตราษฎร์บูรณะ มี 1 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนดาวคะนอง


    13. เขตทวีวัฒนา มี 1 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนวัดปรุณาวาส


    My translations in English (bracketed)

    That is only 13 and there must be hundreds of thousands of people living in those areas, maybe more. They seriously cant mean moving everyone in all those places can they?

    It's misleading, he's just translated the districts but not the communities. For example, 6. says

    Yannawa - 1 community which is Rong See

    It doesn't mean the whole of Yannawa. There's 27 communities liste here in 13 districts.Give me a few minutes and I'll anglicise the community names.

  5. <blockquote>6. เขตยานนาวา มี 1 ชุมชน คือ ชุมชนโรงสี (ถ.พระราม 3)</blockquote>

    Hey, that's me! Well, we've already moved the kitchen and the living room from the ground floor to the third floor as of last week, so I'll enjoy the curry and let you know when I see the water coming down the soi (still dry as I type).

  6. That's a great picture of Yingluck - she looks attractive sitting between the two grumpy fellas...

    What's all this about floods?


    I wouldn't mind breaching her flood defenses...heheh biggrin.gif

    Relevant thread:

    Polluted Water To Be Dealt With: Thailand Flood


    I noticed they did a fantastic job on her make-up on TV the other day. Must have taken a couple of hours so I guess all the emergency meetings had to wait.

    Still, it was worth it. Half the country may be drowning, but she looked like a superstar.

  7. I'm disappointed the member tod-daniels got banned (for what?) as he was a great help to me in this thread.

    I don't expect this post will survive for long...and in the same vein I expect it to be my last contribution (and visit) to this site.

    I was once a regular contributor to this the lang' forum, but voluntarily 'banned myself' after being read the riot act by an overzealous moderator.

    Well, I kind of sneaked back under a new name as I missed the place, but can't help noticing that what was previously a vibrant forum for Thal lang' learners has turned into a ghost town. Learning that they banned tod-daniels — one of the most helpful, amusing, and genuinely colorful characters that made the forum what it was — just shows admin has lost its way. Maybe time the site admin looked at what happened to Friendster...a once vibrant site that died a death when the mods and owners pissed off all the contributors that made the place worth visiting.

    Over and out. Don't bother to ban me, I'm banning myself — for good this time. I have a feeling I know where all the decent members have gone to.

    CU all there.

    • Like 1
  8. Reminds me of a case here in BKK not long ago of a couple of drug dealers on motorbikes that randomly shot at motorists that "annoyed" them for some reason (mostly cos they were just stoned off their heads).

    They got caught (one of 'em killed if I remember rightlyt by the BiB) after pot-shotting a car as they were on their way back from a 200,000B-. drug deal. Think they shot at some poor girl who was 'connected', hence BiB finally got their &lt;deleted&gt; into gear (claiming that they'd 'had an eye' on the perpertrators for some time...sigh)

  9. เมื่อพรรคเพื่อไทยกลับมามีอำนาจ ฝ่ายตรงข้ามก็เกรงเรื่องเช็กบิล

    Any reason why the space appears between อำนาจ and ฝ่าย?

    Isn't the second word modifying the first and thus part of the same phrase/clause? I've never been able to get a grip on the spacing rules in modern thai. :(

  10. Never heard of them, but I've found from experience that other people's recommendations or criticisms of schools might not match my own experience.

    Basic M.O. for sussing out a school is go and see if they'll

    i. let you have a free lesson (if no, walk)

    ii. let you see the materials to look over

    (if no, walk)

    iii. let you talk to current students

    (if no, ...you got the idea)

    If the answer to all of the above is yes and you liked what you saw/heard, book the mininum number of lessons that they allow. Good reputation schools will let you pay for just one month at a time. If they insist on anything longer...well, if it were me, I'd probably walk, depending on how impressed I was with the answers to i., ii., and iii (and how desperate I was for that school to be suitable!).

    Under no conditions sign up for 6 months or a year (unless you're just after Ed visa) no matter how good they may seem. Month at a time is the best way. Things can change a lot from one month to the next (including teachers).

  11. I've got this, but can't remember which of the following I got it from, but probably available in all three:

    i. any branch of Se-ed in Bangkok.

    ii. Chamjuri Square at the Sam Yaan subway stop has loads of bookshops (including Se-ed) that stock books for kids and young adults.

    iii. Another good place is the TBT Book tower on Sathorn road, 6 floors of books, mostly in Thai or Thai-English (take the skytrain from Siam Square to Surasak station, then walk back up the road a couple of hundred metres or hop on a win-motorcy. TBT is opposite Soi 11).

    Edit: you want the 4th floor for Aesop's fables.

  12. Fair play to the chap. He's right about a lot of things, this being no.1:  In the future, wars will be fought over food. In that respect, I can't fault him for the vision he's laid out for himself and for his family.  A couple of things worry me, though.

    As the poster above said, if he really believes in choice, he'd allow his kids to choose a future different from that he envisions. And there is no better 'escape card' from a life as a Thai farmer (regardless of the many treasures that may  have) than being able to speak English. I only hope his children don't grow up to resent him. It's easy for him to make the choice — he comes from middle class England, has had and rejected the things his kids will only see on the TV and more likely than not, long for.  

    The second thing that worries me is his general belief that education is a bad thing because it makes people leave the countryside. There's no doubt that he's right about the cause and effect relationship. And there's no doubt (in my mind) that there are many values in living such a way that money can't buy. However, the argument is reminiscent of the Luddites. Technology and urban life may be bad in some ways, but they've also given us huge benefits, including the medical resources that I'm sure he's happy to make use of for his kids. The age of Jethro Tull may suit Martin and others like the American Amish, but evolution and change are part of what makes the world go round.  

    Sorry to go on...but the last worry — hmm, he makes his living mostly from being a public speaker rather than farming. Easy to idealise the wonders of nature when you're not trying to survive on it from season to season.  

    Anwyay, good luck to the guy. He does speak a lot of sense...but for godsake teach your kids English and let THEM choose.

  13. Integrity, honesty, generosity, humility and other important virtues are hard to find nowadays when we speak of governance.

    Well, I wouldn't feel too bad about that. The same is true of governments the world over. Individuals, too, for that matter.

    Integrity is a lost virtue, and those who extol it are usually sneered at as trying "to play the saint" (the insinuation being that they are only playing and don't live up to their own standards).

    As regards the main point of the article, the time to rediscover one's moral compass is the moment one realizes it has been lost. That the nation only last week chose to return to power a man with an utterly flawed character over another who, despite the mistakes made, possesses basically a good one, suggests Thailand has a long way to go before that realization sinks in.

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