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Posts posted by sfbandung

  1. I wonder why reactions like this are allowed here.Death sentence for all drug carriers?It will only make the price of drugs higher, which will be very convenient to the big dealers, who never ' carry' drugs, but from time to time let some of their ' carriers' to be caught in order divert the public opinion from the REAL problem, which is in my eyes the unnecessary criminalization of drugs.As the CHIEF of police in Rotterdam ( Netherlands) once said: make all drugs free and you are out of the problem.And the problem is, too often, the ones who try to solve the problem ( often the same who are involved in drug trafficking in one way or another...)

    When is death sentence going to be implemented for drug carriers regardless of the amount carried in? We need enough clowns like them to make up the statistics so that these group of losers will think twice about dealing with drugs. Wait, death sentence should be implemented worldwide for drug carriers instead.

    You don't even have to make drugs free, just make them legal. Prohibition in the US created the Mafia. Prohibition of drugs creates crime and desperate people. As someone posted drug addicts will do anything to get them. The enormous cost due to illegal status causes addicts to commit criminal acts to purchase something that if legal would cost a few baht. Drug addicts should be treated with rehabilitation, not execution. Many people self-medicate with illegal substances and need the help of those who are compassionate enough to understand their pain.

    Fortunately my kids (so far) have steered clear of drugs. But I had a business partner who developed a nasty ice/speed/cocaine (depending on how much money he could get) habit. It was a nightmare. I felt some compassion for him for a while as his marriage fell apart, and he was making endless promises to give it up, but as is often the case he just became too heavy a load to bear.

    If you have a genuine need for medicinal pain relief you can get it legally.

    Execute narcotics and amphetamine traffickers without hesitation.

  2. Billions upon billions of baht spent to prop up an industry (sadly in need of reform) because it is inherently labour intensive, and those labourers vote.

    Now the smaller (but accurately directed to the farmer) will be replaced by a huge handout most of which will never reach its nominated recipients. What will happen when farmers realise the B15,000/tonne is going to the millers and not to them?

    Sumeth Laomoraphorn, CEO of CP Intertrade would like a mix of the 2 schemes. Being one head of a rice-milling company, I suppose he would. But I would like him to explain why " rice prices have been exported at lower prices than they should have." Strange thing to happen on an international free market. He notes that Pakistan and Vietnam have "low" stockpiles of 30% of annual world demand, just enough to satisfy the market if Thailand exports NO / ZERO / NADA rice for a year. Of course they won't completely price themselves out of the market, but they may increase the move to other basic foods - Australia looks to have a bumper wheat crop with no El Nino effect.

    Well said Mick, and it pays to remember what the Australian Wool Corporation did to that commodity. At one stage it was suggested they burn the stock pile as releasing it onto the world market would have decimated the industry. And the Australian Wheat Board have been in the papers for all the wrong reasons lately.

    History has proven that market forces are the best regulator and Thailand is a very efficient rice producer. The exisiting system isn't perfect, but this proposal doesn't sound like it will make things any better from the hapless farmer's perspective.

  3. Nope, if they are supporting a movement with totalitarian ambitions, put into power by vote or not, that is anti-democratic. Thaksin himself has said he doesn't care about democracy. BTW, there is really no controversy over the "question" of Yingluck's puppet purpose.

    "put into power by vote or not, that is anti-democratic". Sorry, but no it isn't. If you were put into power by vote you were democratically elected.

    Having totalitarian ambitions is another issue entirely and it is the role of the opposition, as well as educated and eloquent persons like yourself, to expose. To decide unilaterally that the voters "got it wrong" however and depose an elected government by way of a military coup is undemocratic in the extreme.

    Let me make it clear here that I am speaking up for democracy, not Thaksin, or PTP or anyone else. I am also a fervent supporter of the judicial process and as such I believe Thaksin should come back and face the music. An attempt to bypass due process by pardons and amnesties is also undemocratic and will end in disaster.

  4. Lots of extremist views here. In Oz we have labor and liberal voters and people who are card carrying members. It doesn't mean they are anti democracy. They just live on one side of the political spectrum.

    Without taking sides I think it's fair to say that the red shirts have indeed been the victims of anti democratic behaviour. The coup put them out of power and an election put them back. Even with all the drama about whether Yingluck is Thaksin's puppet etc etc, it is most important that democracy prevails. Whether you're red, yellow, blue, black or brown.

    Being in the northeast they are natural red shirts, but my wife's family have refused to "sign up" with either side.

  5. I'm not sure about the property issues but it was far more important to me (us) that our marriage be recognised in Australia (where I'm from). Various reasons for this but primarily for her Australian Permanent Residency Visa. We intend to live in Thailand when I retire but freedom of movement between Thailand and Australia is important to us too.

    After lots of investigating it was far, far simpler for us to marry in Australia. We had already done the Australian Visa thing, which was a pain, but I wanted her to meet my family before we got married anyway. I'm assuming you're not being silly and rushing into this, take your time!

    Good luck anyway mate, I'm sure you've had a good read around this site where you'll find a wide range of opinions regarding taking care of yourself in the Land of Smiles.

  6. I am very confident that 90% of this story is BS.

    But people looking to lose weight should certainly look into spending some days at a Pattaya jail since it appears you can lose 16 Kilos in this time.

    The writing / translation of this article should make any question its truth. It is tabloid journalism. Surprised they don't talk about the injuries he received when 'thrown" into a car and brought to the airport. Good thing it must have been a friendly airline to allow him on a flight too covered in sh@t and p@ss.

    These stories told well after the fact by people who want to 'warn' other people are always questionable and rarely ever is their one ounce of proof to support their claims ... also find it interesting this guy says he was no novice and had previously lived in Thailand 10-years ... but chose to go the police station to show them his expired visa?!?!?

    The part of the dead person being in the cell for days was a nice touch.

    Logic tells me this is another tourist with some mental issues.

    I'm with you Nisa, it just doesn't ring true. At the very least we are hearing only one side of the story. How many people really aren't aware of what's going on with their visa? I always know exactly when my work permit/visa expires because over staying is a serious issue in almost every country in the world.

    And yet another thread loaded with Thai bashing ...

  7. Lets this be a warning - any man who gets attached to a Thai woman is living on top of a volcano. He has been driven mad by their nature, character, volatilility or lack of reason. Ok they are alright for friendship, shortime, partnership- but marriage forget it ; the vast majority of Thai-Farang marriages are doomed especially after say 4 or 5 years. Many marriages of this type end in breakdown, separation and divorce or the couple co-exist in an unhappy state staying together for their mixed youngsters. I am talking about long term marriage here; keep away from it ; live together but do not make a legal marriage. Sorry- its the reality; there's too much conflict about sharing money, culture, family, bring children up, making money, buying Thai property and eventually being dragged into living in this developing country with all its inconsistencies and inner tensions ( mainly money)

    we should all already know this

    but some foreigners thing they are different (irrestible maybe) good boy

    and most the time who pretend my wife was not a prost...

    still the best customer for ladybar, they not nice but pay good money 5555555

    is hyprocrisy have a limit :huh: ???

    There has been much written about mixed marriages and it seems to work better (particularly in the early years) if you are domiciled away from the girl's home country. That generally forces her to culturally assimilate as opposed to a man constantly resisting the cultural pressures of the lady's home country.

    In my experience as far as family is concerned you need to have it all on the table early on. Accept that she has an obligation to provide for her family and quantify it. Most of the time it is not much money in the scheme of things, but some men have a problem with the concept in general and resist providing even small amounts of money to her family. I've known relationships to break down over US500 a month. Let's be real here, if you're poor you're not going to be able to hang on to a beautiful lady who is twenty years your junior. As has been said here many times, they don't really fancy old men, they need them. If you accept this from the outset (if your ego can handle it) then she gets what she wants and you get what you want. Even if it isn't there at the start, love can grow from these humble beginnings. And if you haven't become c8nt struck you'll limit your financial exposure in the early part of the relationship.

    Have your eyes wide open. Don't be overly cynical or you will doom the relationship from the word go. A self fulfilling prophecy as it were. But above all be careful and realistic, some of the girls are as hard as nails emotionally and lots of working girls are spivs.

    There is a tendency to focus on the negative here, but there are also plenty of successful mixed relationships out there.

    I don't get it... nothing from your post makes me feel it is possible to have a successful mixed marriage with a Thai woman. Be careful... realistic... send money home... not exactly the stuff of romantic movies is it.

    I think mixed marriages can work with Chinese, Japanese, Koreans... why even try to marry a Thai? What benefit does the foreign man get from a marriage with a Thai. Sex... no need marriage with Thai. Companionship and faithfulness? Not in Thai ... so, why marry them at all?

    You guys that marry them confuse me... I thought marriage is a type of partnership between equals. But, this isn't the same thing at all.

    Leave the marriage, just use ... abuse... and get out while you can.

    "not exactly the stuff of romantic movies is it" - Life never is.

    A mixed marriage is different and some concessions need to be made. Add to this the fact that there is normally a substantial age difference and for most guys it is a second (or 3rd for 4th!) relationship and you have a situation that requires some management, or at least forethought.

    Chinese, Japanese, Koreans?? Really not sure where you're coming from there. A very good mate of mine married a Japanese girl, it was an unmitigated disaster. Her family made it very clear from the get go that she had married beneath herself. Nippon for Nippon, marrying a Gaijin is shameful. China on the other hand is very much like Thailand. Lots of poverty and a very diverse population in terms of ethnicity.

    I've apologised earlier for sounding overly cynical, but a marriage is very much like a business realtionship. If you are realistic and everyone is clear about their expectations things are far more likely to work out. Life is not a Mills and Boon penny dreadful.

  8. It's surprising some foreigners get mad when their other half does something back to them they don't like, usually 100 times worse as it's a build up of being spoken to like shit, treated like shit, cheated on and generally just being a complete and utter arse hole I don't blame them for getting their own back. No woman in the world will put up with that shit forever.

    100% correct, many falangs come here middle aged after failing in single or even multiple marrages in their home countries because their wives wouldn't put up with their crap - of course the wife gets the blame, then they come here thinking Thai girls are different - I can control them better - then after a few years of abuse the nice Thai girl turns.

    I often wonder how many times you marrage addicts/idiots need to walk that path until you realise - IT'S YOU

    92302 and smedley.

    Bravo. And I'd so most farangs, not just many.

  9. Lets this be a warning - any man who gets attached to a Thai woman is living on top of a volcano. He has been driven mad by their nature, character, volatilility or lack of reason. Ok they are alright for friendship, shortime, partnership- but marriage forget it ; the vast majority of Thai-Farang marriages are doomed especially after say 4 or 5 years. Many marriages of this type end in breakdown, separation and divorce or the couple co-exist in an unhappy state staying together for their mixed youngsters. I am talking about long term marriage here; keep away from it ; live together but do not make a legal marriage. Sorry- its the reality; there's too much conflict about sharing money, culture, family, bring children up, making money, buying Thai property and eventually being dragged into living in this developing country with all its inconsistencies and inner tensions ( mainly money)

    we should all already know this

    but some foreigners thing they are different (irrestible maybe) good boy

    and most the time who pretend my wife was not a prost...

    still the best customer for ladybar, they not nice but pay good money 5555555

    is hyprocrisy have a limit :huh: ???

    There has been much written about mixed marriages and it seems to work better (particularly in the early years) if you are domiciled away from the girl's home country. That generally forces her to culturally assimilate as opposed to a man constantly resisting the cultural pressures of the lady's home country.

    In my experience as far as family is concerned you need to have it all on the table early on. Accept that she has an obligation to provide for her family and quantify it. Most of the time it is not much money in the scheme of things, but some men have a problem with the concept in general and resist providing even small amounts of money to her family. I've known relationships to break down over US500 a month. Let's be real here, if you're poor you're not going to be able to hang on to a beautiful lady who is twenty years your junior. As has been said here many times, they don't really fancy old men, they need them. If you accept this from the outset (if your ego can handle it) then she gets what she wants and you get what you want. Even if it isn't there at the start, love can grow from these humble beginnings. And if you haven't become c8nt struck you'll limit your financial exposure in the early part of the relationship.

    Have your eyes wide open. Don't be overly cynical or you will doom the relationship from the word go. A self fulfilling prophecy as it were. But above all be careful and realistic, some of the girls are as hard as nails emotionally and lots of working girls are spivs.

    There is a tendency to focus on the negative here, but there are also plenty of successful mixed relationships out there.

    Hardly surprising so many farang/thai relationships fail when so many idiot foreigners try to meet their future wife in a pick up joint! Would you do that in your own country? If you meet someone through a friend, she has a good job, good family, is educated, sweet natured and as honest as you are then you can put up with a lot. There are many long term relationships here like my own but all that I know of start with a solid foundation not a few drinks in a beer bar.

    The funny thing is most relationships everywhere started with "a few drinks in a beer bar".

  10. There has been much written about mixed marriages and it seems to work better (particularly in the early years) if you are domiciled away from the girl's home country. That generally forces her to culturally assimilate as opposed to a man constantly resisting the cultural pressures of the lady's home country.

    That would all depend greatly where one is from.

    Many of the girls come back to Thailand it's just a matter of time. Many go to live abroad on false hope, fed with complete and utter BS by their partner how rich they are back in never never land only to find out the guy is a bum without a pot to piss in. The two week millionaire has show his true colours.

    Many of the girls live this fairy tale that every farang is rich and lives in a castle and will be the princess one shes finds herself a prince.

    Truth of it is, she will end up in some where like Peckham on the 22nd floor of a 1960's built giant high-rise council estate, with beans on toast as the set menu and about as much hope as Arsenal winning the premiership.

    No doubt what you say is true in many cases, and funny, but I was talking about people being honest with each other. Or more to the point, the farang being honest with himself.

  11. "[The masses] have never thirsted after truth. They demand illusions, and cannot do without them. They constantly give what is unreal precedence over what is real; they are almost as strongly influenced by what is untrue as by what is true. They have an evident tendency to not distinguish between the two."

    -Sigmund Freud

    Most Appropriate Quote of the Day.

    Absolutely. I believe the psychologists call it "love of wonder".

    Leaving aside what's fair, increasing the cost of labour by 50% (I know, not everyone is on minimum wage) was always a big call.

  12. Lets this be a warning - any man who gets attached to a Thai woman is living on top of a volcano. He has been driven mad by their nature, character, volatilility or lack of reason. Ok they are alright for friendship, shortime, partnership- but marriage forget it ; the vast majority of Thai-Farang marriages are doomed especially after say 4 or 5 years. Many marriages of this type end in breakdown, separation and divorce or the couple co-exist in an unhappy state staying together for their mixed youngsters. I am talking about long term marriage here; keep away from it ; live together but do not make a legal marriage. Sorry- its the reality; there's too much conflict about sharing money, culture, family, bring children up, making money, buying Thai property and eventually being dragged into living in this developing country with all its inconsistencies and inner tensions ( mainly money)

    we should all already know this

    but some foreigners thing they are different (irrestible maybe) good boy

    and most the time who pretend my wife was not a prost...

    still the best customer for ladybar, they not nice but pay good money 5555555

    is hyprocrisy have a limit :huh: ???

    There has been much written about mixed marriages and it seems to work better (particularly in the early years) if you are domiciled away from the girl's home country. That generally forces her to culturally assimilate as opposed to a man constantly resisting the cultural pressures of the lady's home country.

    In my experience as far as family is concerned you need to have it all on the table early on. Accept that she has an obligation to provide for her family and quantify it. Most of the time it is not much money in the scheme of things, but some men have a problem with the concept in general and resist providing even small amounts of money to her family. I've known relationships to break down over US500 a month. Let's be real here, if you're poor you're not going to be able to hang on to a beautiful lady who is twenty years your junior. As has been said here many times, they don't really fancy old men, they need them. If you accept this from the outset (if your ego can handle it) then she gets what she wants and you get what you want. Even if it isn't there at the start, love can grow from these humble beginnings. And if you haven't become c8nt struck you'll limit your financial exposure in the early part of the relationship.

    Have your eyes wide open. Don't be overly cynical or you will doom the relationship from the word go. A self fulfilling prophecy as it were. But above all be careful and realistic, some of the girls are as hard as nails emotionally and lots of working girls are spivs.

    There is a tendency to focus on the negative here, but there are also plenty of successful mixed relationships out there.

  13. My wife was "working" when I met her. It makes no difference whatsoever what a girl's background is. She is either good or bad. Do you two blokes look down your nose at every current or ex sex worker in Thailand (and everywhere else for that matter)? Because it sure sounds like it.

    Plenty of the girls are jaded, often with very good reason, and plenty of the visiting farangs are either profoundly naive, or complete ar5eholes who think that because a woman has been forced to take whatever "work" is on offer that she is garbage and deserves to be treated as such.

    For the record then my wife is also well educated, has her own home, and is highly respected by me and the community. And she also worked for a while as a hooker.

    Whatever happens in the past is done and nothing is going to change the fact. But I didnt mention that I looked down on any woman for what they have done or do or did I !

    No worries. I suppose I'm a bit of an advocate for retired hookers. My missus is one of the most highly principled women I've met.

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