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About Geoffggi

  • Birthday May 6

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  1. Obviously been watching the way Thai's drive on the road, easy mistake to make .........................LOL
  2. Obviously, ME FIRST didn't work this time - Hope the injured make a swift recovery
  3. This is him keeping out of politics eh ..............LOL
  4. So why not close the place down permanently as the owners obviously have no regard for rules & regulations
  5. Ohh why didn't you say that makes it OK then ...................LOL
  6. I suppose this will make a few senators & government representatives feel at home .................LOL
  7. I do believe that justice will never be achieved in this case as he has shown he is above any Thai law. - Sad for Thailand justice department.
  8. The 37 year old from Gillingham in Kent,
  9. Now this appears to be the best solution ..............LOL
  10. How about adjusting the cost of wines to bring the price of a bottle of wine in line with other countries.
  11. This must mean her father is also on the list ................LOL
  12. When are authorities going to realise that running a red light IS a serious offence and treat it as such.
  13. Greed is a wonderful cloak to conceal all these con-artists
  14. Thailand is definitely NOT the HUB of safety, recent events of items falling or crashing plainly show this beyond any doubt .....LOL
  15. This comment is so rich, how can he of all people not understand some people are truly sick (Maybe a little sarcastic) ...............LOL 😂🤣😎

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