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Posts posted by JDGRUEN

  1. 15 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    Owning and operating two different things.


    Check into local permits required to operate whatever business you plan. Odds are only Thais can operate the business you are planning. Treaty should override this but does not in Thailand. 


    US embassy will be no help. 1500 people all dedicated to making sure ambassador has shoes on right feet. Really. 

    The Business has been already in operation for two year by the soon to be former non American Farang owner... selling to another Farang (American)... No questions ever ask by Thai Immigration for over two years. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, THAIJAMES said:

    I did this 15 years ago and the process has gotten easier.  It helps to have an accountant that has gone through the process before but any competent accountant can search online or enquire locally for the process. 


    Once you have registered your Thai company you will need a letter for the US Embassy or consulate stating that you are american.  Fill out some extra papers and pay the fee.  At the time it took about one month to process.


    No doubt that having 100% ownership in your company is completely worth going through the process.



    Thank You for the info... I have learned a couple of things from this... JD

  3. On 1/10/2017 at 8:39 AM, boomerangutang said:


    I also build things:  several houses and more.  The difference between me and Trump is; I pay all my workers - what we agreed upon.  Trump doesn't honor agreements or contracts. 


    Trump did restorations to what he called "the largest casino in the world" (Taj Majal, Atlantic City, NJ).  Then, when he saw it wasn't making money, he split town like a thief in the night, leaving investors with pennies on the dollar.   Then he boasted about it for the following years.




    Old worn out allegations which did not keep Trump from being elected President.   And your repeating these old worn out allegations will not keep Trump from taking office on Jan 20.   Hash - ReHash and Hash again.  Is that all you got? 

  4. On 1/11/2017 at 7:51 AM, craigt3365 said:

    What does debt level have to do with the economy being strong?  The stock market is doing great, unemployment is way down from when Obama took office, and overall, people are doing quite well.  The debt level for the US isn't nearly as bad as it is for other countries.  And since the US is a large economy, they have the ability to pay it down.  Other countries don't have that ability.

    The unemployment figures in the U.S. are a fabricated mess.  This reporting technique has been in effect since at least Bush Sr.  perhaps came in under Clinton.  The false reporting methods are to protect the Administration in power ... The actual unemployment rate is at least 3 times higher and black unemployment is nearing 30 percent.  For once Obama did not invent a smoke screen but he utilizes it very well.   In the U.S. today there are fully 93 million people not in the job market - and of that figure about 20 to 25 million Americans would like to have a job... but fiddle with the numbers and sell propaganda... 

  5. I have poured a concrete apron out front of my rented townhouse next to the drainage channel.  I have poured concrete to fill a triangular piece of my patio that was once gravel.. My next project it is a bamboo screening wall around my bed with drapes and similar for an under stairwell closet.  After that I plan on a roof extension on my patio with security screening.  Two years ago I created a small kitchen in the upstairs apartment - including using a hammer drill to drill holes in the concrete / brick wall for drain pipes ... I tired to get help via networking with neighbors and others - but none ever arrived -- so routinely I just buy the tools I need and Do It .... Last year I even paved over numerous pot holes in my Soi and filled in large erosion areas along the so called drainage ditch ...  And I really do not care who likes it or not... I have friends with the local police in other matters ... So I just do what needs to be done.  

  6. 3 minutes ago, ChidlomDweller said:

    So what if the British had a mandate over Palestine?  It wasn't theirs to give away.  How was that fair and acceptable to the people who already lived there?  The "disgusting" referes to where you denigrate the indigenous population's right to defend their own territory.   


    Unfortunately we can't undo what happened since WWII.  A better solution at the time would have been to give a piece of Germany for the Jews to create a homeland. But given where we are now, I think the best way forward is for Israelis to acknowledge the historical wrong that has been done against the palestinians.  It's a horrible cliche, but love is the answer.  Aside from robust law enforcement response, if they slap you on the cheek, offer them the other cheek. At some point they wouldn't want to slap it again just because an injustice was committed against their grandfather.  If Israelis had worked to help and elevate Palestinians to the maximum possible extent for the past 50 years, the supply of young Palestinians who'd want to fight would have dried up by now.   What's eminently clear is that Netanyahu isn't interested in compromise or concessions.  His game is playing for time and building facts on the ground all the way.


    As for the disproportionate attention to Israel when China, North Korea, African regimes, etc. are just as bad, I really don't think the cause of that is anti-semitism.  If you look at other aspects of life, people don't pay equal attention to everything.  Some things are more salient than others, even though rationally equally important.  People worry more about terrorism even though they're more likely to die from slipping out and making a bad fall.  I spend money like there's no tomorrow on guitars and then go to the store and buy 5 tubes of toothpaste because it's 20 Baht cheaper than usual.  Likewise, there's something especially poignant about the injustice committed by Israel against Palestinians.  Maybe it's because Israelis are basically Westerners like the rest of us and we expect better behavior from them.  Maybe it's the sheer arrogance and intransigence of Israeli government figures.  Maybe it's because Israel is a colonial leftover from a time when this is no longer acceptable.  There are many possible reasons, and I don't think antisemitism is much of a driver at all.  That's just completely incompatible for instance with the European left.  The more likely reason is the different salience of equally important things.    But even if you don't buy this argument, saying A should get away with it because B also does is not a compelling argument at all.


    There were never any Palestinians.  The name is a very recent invention in the scale of time ,,,  

  7. Just now, Srikcir said:

    So that justifies Israel building more settlements closer to/on Palestine territory? Militarily that makes little sense.

    As far as wiping Israel off the map, the last rocket attack this year was in August (1), preceded by July (2), June (0), May (2), April (0), etc. Hardly intended to wipe Israel off the map. The attacks seem more expressing frustration at Israel's lack of allowing any progress on peace making in the only way that Israel takes notice.


    As I said - the blind cannot see... if Israel stops advancing and protecting itself -- it will be wiped out ... if the Arabs stop hostile actions - there will be peace ... Israel will respect peaceful actions ... Israel will NEVER step back from Arab hostilities ... Seems the Arabs never learn anything since 1948 ... do the same acts of aggression -- get the same response ... do it 100 times - and the Arabs will get the same response ... when the Arabs stop hostilities peace will happen... and not until ... Israel has proved time and again it will prevail in defending hostile actions but Arabs never learn ... 68 years of the Arabs hitting themselves in the head with a hammer - and they won't stop..  

  8. 10 hours ago, optad said:

    You are completely out of touch with world sentiment on this one Ulysses. 


    Natural justice needs these settlements to stop and a pathway to a palestine solution. You might not like this perspective but there is natural justice behind these thoughts adn shared generally.


    Question of time and how.

    Natural unless you are the recipients of rocket attacks ... The Arabs in the region do not want peace ... they want Israel wiped off the map... Not exactly conducive to peace making  

  9. 54 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

    And the problem is? Settlements and occupation are the major roadblocks to any kind of peace happening and are illegal. 


    Other roadblocks to peace are - Militant Arabs attacking Israel in mass from which they lost possession of the disputed lands, rocketing Israel with deadly flying bombs, instigating random knife attacks upon Israeli citizens, having suicide bombers blow themselves up in Israeli cafes, invading Israel using tunnels to go under security perimeters.... but the Arab allied excuse makers cannot see anything because of their blindness..

  10. I have been in touch with one Embassy Warden that was brought to my attention by UbonJoe (Thank you Joe) ... This information will be sent up channels to another Embassy Warden in the Udon Thani Area... 


    There is one fellow posting here who will be living in my friend's vicinity ... and will attempt to make contact ... I will make sure that happens. But it will take weeks before that can get done ... 


    The problem is far from solved.... so more ideas and connections are needed... 

  11. I will add that my friend has made a pretty good plan for himself.  He is married to an educated woman who has a good job and lives in a nice home and had been enjoying his retirement benefits.


    This illness has just struck him down and the family seems not to understand the seriousness of his condition... If they did they would hire a medical transport van and take him to a hospital and clinic in Bkk equipped to deal with the horrible side effects of the medication he is taking and get him on alternate medication and a robust nutrition program ... As directly intervening in family matters is touchy to say the least - especially in Thailand ... I was hoping for a new friend to appear from the general vicinity with my telephonic introduction ... A new Farang face to chat with would help tremendously.   And perhaps he could be persuaded to get to that hospital in Bkk ..


    My friend has made good plans -- he has more than one retirement program and insurance ... .... The old saying is really true ... The Best Laid Plans Can Go Awry  


    I have to say - I just wonder at some comments - where from the shallowness of mind do some come from ???



  12. First, I am seeking the best TVF Thailand area subforum to post this request, but for now please indulge this post.   Suggestions will be appreciated.


    I am seeking help for an older Expat in this village:   Ban Thepkhiri, Na Klang District, Nong Bua Lamphu.  This is about 39 kilometers west of the city of Nong Bua Lamphu on highway 210 on the way to Loei.


    My friend is a long time participating member of TVF.  He is recovering (poorly) from a serious illness and has lost an excessive amount of weight.  


    I am seeking an Expat who lives in this general vicinity who would volunteer to make a visit to him - if for nothing else to allow him to have a new face to chat with.    Also if this volunteer would quietly make an assessment of the situation it would be very helpful... especially in the area of nutrition.   I can provide much more detail via a Private Message - just send to me here on TV


    Also I am seeking to find a Home Healthcare Visiting Nurse to visit my friend.  I am told by my Thai Nurse friend that such services exist in some places in Thailand,  


    Note: I live in Krabi - a considerable distance from this location and cannot just pop in ... 


    Any help in filling these requests would be much appreciated.


    Thank you in advance for your kind help... 



  13. 2 hours ago, Morch said:


    Which still doesn't make your "reign of terror" comment any less unhinged.


    That you assume there's a smoking gun doesn't make it so. That you assume investigations will resume, doesn't make it so.


    It's is kinda odd going on about others supposedly not accepting elections results, while at the same time not accepting the results of these investigations.


    I didn't make that comment... but I find that what Obama has done using his pen and phone and cronies in the Admin to be quite reprehensible ... Obama is a pathological liar who lies about lying and lies even when the truth would serve him better... a sign of the depth of his depravity ... 

  14. On 11/24/2016 at 1:46 PM, boomerangutang said:

    Deniers seem to have a problem with time frames.  Let me try to make it simple enough that even they might understand:


    Imagine there's a nice clean lake.  Small tribes of humans have been living along its shores for millenia, and things are pretty good.   Then, there's a population explosion.  Whereas for thousands of years, there were dozens of people residing around the lake, catching fish, peeing and pooping in the lake, .....within 50 years , there are now thousands of people trying to catch fish and dumping tons of trash into the lake.


    The lake would soon be fished out and too polluted to be of any use.


    If you can't see the comparison with the current CC/GW issue, then I'll try to make it clear:


    Just as climate has been changing for hundreds of millions of years (not one person denies there have been climate changes since the moon formed), the lake provided food for the relatively few people who resided nearby.   Similarly, when the lake region became overpopulated with people, then the lake became problematic.


    IT'S THE CURRENT SITUATION AND NEAR FUTURE WHICH ARE RELATED TO CC/GW IMPACT ON HUMANS.  Try to understand, even if it's a strain on your brain, that the tumultuous weather changes of the past 3 billion years are not relevant to the discussion.  


    What has been going on with the Earth's Atmosphere for 3 billion years IS what is going on with the Earth's Atmosphere NOW and is the primary force 99.9% of the active climate change .. The effects of humans on climate change is less than 1%... and cannot easily be countered by humans without totally unbalancing the economic systems of the entire world and even then the net reversal would be hardly measurable.

     The effects of the Sun, Cosmic Rays, The Moon and Tides and Volcanoes and many other Natural Occurrences is the driver of nearly ALL aspects of Climate Change... You have it backwards and only parrot the hard core control freaks who call themselves scientists.  To say that the hugely dominating natural occurrences of 'mother nature' is not relevant to the discussion is a ridiculous statement of sheer arrogance and is part and parcel of why the Anthropomorphic cause of Climate Change FAILS totally.

    NATURAL OCCURRENCE DENIERS - NODs --- Are nothing but Control Freaks who want to micromanage the activities of humans because such mania is embedded in their Liberal/Leftist/Progressive brains..     


  15. 13 hours ago, Morch said:


    "... Obama's reign of terror ...."


    Not overdoing one bit, eh?


    The Benghazi thing was investigated by how many GOP sponsored inquiries? I forgets. Seems like all these investigations did not scrap up enough to support impeachment.


    When the hidden information was stonewalled by everyone in the State Department and the White House and even the Defense Dept. incriminating information - the smoking gun of course could not be found... but with Wikileaks and others it is seeping out... Then under the new AG for Trump and other key Executives - the truth - the smoking gun will come out... hiding information is hardly indications of innocence.

  16. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    Current betting odds by Oddschecker:




    1. Trump to last the full term: 1/3

    2. Trump not to last a year in office: 2/1

    3. To leave office via impeachment or resignation before end of 1st term: 5/2

    4. Build a wall covering the entire US-Mexican border while president: 8/1

    5. Not to be re-elected in 2020: 4/7



    Same loser predictions about Trump in the Primary Elections and then again in the General Presidential Election... With a track record so dismal as that ... putting money on them is foolhardy..

  17. Lefties are blind to what the real situation is across America. They are thrashing around whining about Hillary's loss.   While the Democrat Party at the County, State and National Levels has become a minority party.  No, I do not mean a party filled wit minorities but rather a minor party in the way of political offices held across the nation.  Republicans dominate in a major way in all categories to include:  State Governors offices, State House and Senate positions, and since 2010 the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.  And now the Presidency is to be help by a Republican.  In a Red and Blue map of all political offices held in America the Blue Democrat offices are a small smattering along the West and East Coasts ... nearly all other parts of a America are Blue - making for an odd looking map.   A Red and Blue Map of Voters by County shows only speckles of blue on a red map ...  The words Dominate for Republican control and minor for Democrat control of political offices are insufficient to convey the concept.  


    This resurgence of the Republican Control began about April 15 2009 only months after Obama's big government schemes came to light just after his election.  The Tea Parties were formed and marched for nearly two years from city to city and in Washington D.C. two times in huge numbers.  The result -- a sweep of the U.S. House of Representatives to take Republican Control of the House from the Democrats.   With continued effort that became more wide spread -- gains were made again in 2012 despite the Republican Presidential loss and then once again with broad scale support in 2014.


     If anyone had looked about at the five plus years of a Republican surge nationwide at every level - they should have known 306 Electoral Votes would likely go to Trump... The future of the Democrat party as a minor party is a shaky one.. 


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