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  1. Doesn't quite make sense. How did she go to an ATM to check if she did not have a card???
  2. The warning system has not worked for years and the systems etc. that were supposed to be put in place have never been completed. It is also almost impossible to protect against natural disasters 100% anyway.
  3. Should have been legalised years ago instead of letting other countries like Cambodia make all the money from visiting Thais.
  4. I doubt for one minute that the shooting had anything to do with the reduced tourist numbers. more likely that China if feeling the pinch from lower income and money is not so much available.
  5. Agreed and use a company like Wise to make any transfers. Not rocket science.
  6. It happens a lot in many countries where children are wearing plastic shoes. They think it is fun to rub there foot along the side of the escalator which heats and melts their shoes which then sticks to the tread. Seen it a number of times when I worked on escalators.
  7. There is no proof that a ECSPD system would have prevented the fire and if you check the numbers it mans that each 'Fire Appliance' carried two people, guess the driver and officer. I have checked so many warehouses in Thailand that are a fire risk.
  8. This whole thing is becoming a joke. from the pictures I have seen there was no exploding CO2 extinguisher and no faulty pressure relief valve which do not exist anyway on CO2 Extinguishers. There is a lot more to this story than we have been led to believe.
  9. And we still pay a 500 TBaht charge when you leave the country. Used to be cash but then they included it in all ticket sales and has never been cancelled.
  10. Servicing and regular maintenance does not exist in Thailand.
  11. What a lot of scare mongering, I have seen a few and it is nothing like that. Many years ago I, as a paramedic, had to take a 16 year old girl to hospital following her attempt to cause an abortion as she was scared of her parents finding out. She died screaming in pain, as we carried her into the hospital, from septicemia and you want others to do the same. Get real.
  12. Where do they get their crazy financial figures from, i am sure they just make them up. I have lived both in KL and Bangkok and neither should be in the top 10. Great if you want to live in a one room bed sit and spend hours a day going to and from the office.
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