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Everything posted by DGS1244

  1. Where do they get their crazy financial figures from, i am sure they just make them up. I have lived both in KL and Bangkok and neither should be in the top 10. Great if you want to live in a one room bed sit and spend hours a day going to and from the office.
  2. In reality the Professional Fire Brigades have quite good equipment, unfortunately they do not attend residential fires that is left up to the volunteer brigade and they are far from being well equipped. a crazy system. The professional full time fire brigade normally only attends commercial and industrial incidents.
  3. A 'Catholic' community.... what the hell has religion etc. got anything to do with the flooding?
  4. And there is still a 500 BAHT charged to your ticket when you leave. Never been recinded to my knowledge.
  5. Thailand's Fire Safety Laws are NOT strong and very seldom enforced. When you point out discrepancies during a Fire Safety Audit they rarely comply or make any improvements.
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