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Posts posted by tezzainoz

  1. Hehe, the Junta claims all the ideas and is responsible for everything, nothing gets done without its approval remember ? whistling.gif

    They want all the glory they can have what comes with it. Ying and yang m8

    Deal with it.tongue.png

    My goodness

    who got out of the wrong side of bed this morning

    Im in a dandy mood today actually tezz, just speaking the truth,

    Instead of trying to pass the buck some people could just accept some problems are a lot more widespread than just a few particular coloured politicians for a change.

    This is a real stupid idea, if you dont know the area you wont get how silly it is.

    I know the area well as I stay in VC every 3 months when I come to head office

    I like the way the vans are at VC

    I just wish they would stop them blocking traffic for hours

    pick up, drop of and get off the road

    there are 3 companies that do this, the rest should do the same thing

  2. The moving of the vans is to ease traffic flow

    so lets look at this closer

    the 2 biggest van companies park vheicles off the rd

    one uses the shopping centre rear car park

    the other has its own lane off the street where the vans stop

    so with this info will they not have to move as they do not affect traffic flow

    at the moment vans sit there untill they are full this could be 10 -30 mins

    a better plan is not to allow vans to park on the street, just do a pick up and go

    sell you tickets and when you have the numbers call the driver on a two way and the van comes picks up the passengers and gone

    this will take way less than 5 mins

    From VM it is a quick drive around the block and off they go

    from the new site they will have to join one of the worst traffic jams in Bkk in the afternoon

    and of coarse non of this takes into account that the owners of the land they want to uses have said no, thet they are ready to lease this land

  3. No shit? Little late now. You should have done your homework before. Now all the quality high end customers or most of them are gone and will never come back. Try charging the Chinese double for everything. Dosent work does it?.....No repair for this damage accept an exchange rate, may double what it is now.You will have to buy them back..........lol.....wink.png

    What do you mean "try charging the Chinese double for everything. Doesnt work does it?" Actually isn't that already happening and expected to happen anyway?

    I am not sure what you mean by that or even if I understand your meaning correctly that is what is needed. Low-end Chinese tourists are not appreciated by many in the tourist industry (and even by many who are not in the tourist industry) due to their lack of manners, screaming, spitting everywhere, and general behaviour as if they were still in some small city in Hunan or the backwaters of Yunnan or wherever. Stealing of blankets, pillows etc. from hotels, refusal to tip (although that's because in China no one tips) don't help matters either. As they generally come on pre-purchased package tours, they spend little else after arrival.

    It's different for more high-end tourists who spend a ton on shopping, although they typically purchase goods that are sold for less in Thailand than in China, often luxury goods that have nothing to do with Thailand and simply enhance a major retailer's profit margins (think Central or Robinson) rather than the average Somchai on the streets.

    I have met quite a few nice Chinese travellers (mainly in Laos and a couple in northern Vietnam though, but OK same thing it could just as well have been in Thailand) and while some of them were low budget, maybe because they were younger, travelling by themselves rather than in a package tour, some of them could speak some English (though I mostly spoke with them in Chinese) and in general acted much like their western counterparts they were respected by those around them from what I could gather. The funniest encounter was with a Chinese backpacker who hitchhiked everywhere he went in Laos, preferring the back of a local goods truck than a bus and sometimes attempting to camp in front of a hotel rather than staying in a room. I was driving in Laos and picked him up and we became good friends. Not surprisingly, he got a job working at a backpacker hostel in Kunming upon his return to China.

    You need to get out and see the real world

    Take a trip to the Duty free store in Victory Monument

    You will find it full of chinese buying their wallets dry

    and what do they buy

    Goods made in China

    Had some business guest at work one week and they rubbished everything fro Thailand

    I had the last laugh when 4 Thai sovineers where rubbished by these people

    Until I turned them upside down and showed them the

    Made in China

    on the bottom

  4. I would not even think about a minibus from VM to Pattaya. Much quicker to get the Skytrain to Udon Suk and minibus from there, you need to walk a little towards Bitec and they are parked up around the corner. They have been operating from there since the BTS extension opened.

    So by the time you would catch the sky to Udon Suk get off the sky train and walk to the Pattaya bus

    The VM Pattaya mini Van is 1/3 of the way to Pattaya

    Please explain this is faster

    not to mention it has just cost you more for the sky train than what is cost you for the mini Van all the way to Pattaya

  5. The VM-Pattaya vans I've used leave from an alleyway just under the BTS platform, not from the roundabout which seems to be the focus of the new rules.

    so this was my question

    There is one group that leave from the Century drive way and you buy your ticket on the steps leaning inside

    and the 2nd on is in a private ally way into a parking area

    are these having to move or are they okay to stay

  6. From today's news, just a short tweet/notice:

    NCPO bans passenger vans from parking around Victory Monument, starting July 1; to set up joint assembly point at Makkasan /MCOT

    thank you for copying the same article that I read

    Now can some one please give us details not just copy what we all know already

  7. 3 years ago the thai wife showed me why holidaying in Pattaya, how Cambodian workers where given job and on pay days the boss had an excuse saying they must wait to get paid as the money had not arrived yet

    this would go on for as long as they could then the boss would make a report to immigration

    the lot would be shipped back to Cambodia over night and his free labour would start all over again

    How did she know this was true

    Her sister worked for the head office of the construction company, and this practice was well know amoungst all the bi companies and had been going on for years

  8. Oh my God

    My Thai wife always put her name on a 500 or 1000 baht note

    I would not mind 100 baht for every time she has been told she gave them a lessor amount of money

    when they inspect the till they find the 1000 baht note with her name on it

    Thai policy,

    Boss never tells off his staff for scamming a client

    He is more upset he looses face by them getting caught doing it

  9. I have a friend from Australia and he will be arriving in Patt's early July

    He wants to get some serious dental work done and asked me if I could give him any ideas who he should see

    I told him I will go straight to the horses mouth and ask my friends on Thai Visa Forum

    So any one who has had successful dealing with dental work in Pattaya - Jomtiem early

    can you please give me your opinion and advice for my friend

    thanx in advance

  10. recreating the country through intelligence and sacrifice

    GOOD LUCK:coffee1:

    I can understand the sacrifice, the people are giving up their freedoms.

    Possibly the junta will decree only yellow shirts who have studied abroad have the right to be benevolent to the poor.

    A quality education is the privileged of the empowered elite.The masses do not have access to a decent standard of education, and are socially prevented from benefiting from any meaningful advancement. When will an educated population (an informed electorate), be in the best interests of the powers that be ? Perhaps when the centrally controlled system finds itself falling behind Burma and Vietnam.

    So how do you explain

    My Thai wife holds a Masters degree

    and her family are fro Kalasin and live in an old house where they sleep on a concrete floor

    In your mind they are privileged and the empowered elite Issan

    Have you ever heard of a Government educational loan available to all Thais where the student pays off from their eaerning after the leave school and start work

    I think his point was, unless the masters degree was obtained outside Thailand, it will be low quality.

    The educational establishments available on a government loan are worthless.

    Point Taken, and agreed, if that is the intention of the posting

    • Like 1
  11. recreating the country through intelligence and sacrifice

    GOOD LUCKcoffee1.gif

    I can understand the sacrifice, the people are giving up their freedoms.

    Possibly the junta will decree only yellow shirts who have studied abroad have the right to be benevolent to the poor.

    A quality education is the privileged of the empowered elite.The masses do not have access to a decent standard of education, and are socially prevented from benefiting from any meaningful advancement. When will an educated population (an informed electorate), be in the best interests of the powers that be ? Perhaps when the centrally controlled system finds itself falling behind Burma and Vietnam.

    So how do you explain

    My Thai wife holds a Masters degree

    and her family are fro Kalasin and live in an old house where they sleep on a concrete floor

    In your mind they are privileged and the empowered elite Issan

    Have you ever heard of a Government educational loan available to all Thais where the student pays off from their eaerning after the leave school and start work

    • Like 2
  12. We've all heard this before, 100s of times. Actions will speak louder than words. I hope they clean all the bottom feeders out of every city. Thailand could be a GREAT country, much, much better than it is. They just need to get rid of the rift raft.

    have you been sleeping

    the Junta have done more in the last 2-3 weeks than governments have done in the last 10 years

    I, and many of my friend would be proud to wear a

    "A better Thailand with the Junta"

    are there others would feel the same ????

    • Like 1
  13. australian government is as dumb as dog shit (really dumb) so don't sweat about this. they are sooooooo dumb that they follow everything the USA government says blindly.

    i'm as happy as a pig wallowing in mud since i moved here in march

    I will second that

    It all started with the Vietnam conflict ( it was not a war so the government said )

    Later Little Johnny Howard yapped and begged like a dog to be seen with the USA

    And still it continues facepalm.gif


    Australians know Thailand is safe and the General is doing a very good job.

    The Australian Govt. is currently being run by a bunch of Tea Party nutcases.

    The Australian PM Tony dumb dumb is a Tea Party nutcase who had diner with the demented plutocrat Murdoch last night in New York

    while Cantor was losing his GOP primary to a Tea Party nutter. .

    View vid of Tony dumb dumb. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1y1ez7_tony-abbott-last-week-tonight_news

    was totally agree with you till you got to your second line

    then you went down hill faster than a 20 ton weight on 4 wheels

  14. Please Gen Prayuth, for the love of Mary, do not relinquish control back to the Shinawatras. All your good work will be undone in days. The good news just keeps on rolling in, something we have not seen since the dark day that Thaksin ascended to power. Hooray for Gen Prayuth!!

    we can now see why the politicians and wealthy have gone all out to make us believe that the army taking over is bad for Thais

    Once an honest power takes over pandoras box will open and the corrupt will all be seen

    must stop at all costs so we can still make out mega bucks

    the proof is in the pudding, not the talk

    Thailand is leading the world in

    Finding, stopping and punishing corruption

    10 out of 10 for the coup, only those who need worry, are those that have something to hide

  15. Isn't the 'forward' booking that may reveal a larger problem?

    I wonder what the arrivals will be for July, August, Sept etc?

    Friends coming from Australia in July

    Airfare are up 10%

    and booking costs at Hotels up 15% over last year

    In Pattaya you now have to pay a loading for weekend bookings

    seems the Thais do not know their is a shortage

    Or they have increased the fees to cover their losses

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