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Posts posted by Dag

  1. Lol....being in a bar cancels all insurance worldwide ....cheesy.gif

    Best you choose proper insurance next time me thinks......give Boopa a miss.

    As for the lawyer....you best ask your friend if he wants to pay for it all first....not getting him to contact you if he thinks he can get a 'no win no pay' deal here or such......oh...and I doubt all bars have cc footage......she must have been one big heifer.

  2. My missus was in our car when a wild elephant appeared around the corner and came our way....panic is an understatement and she said she wanted to get out of the car and run........I wound the window down and stuck the camera out while reversing somewhat quick.

  3. OP should stop mixing with the degenerate crowd.

    Of all the expats I know, not one has abandoned their kids. Some are separated, but they support them.

    I used to know one guy even that supported his son financially, but was not allowed to ever see him....go figure.

  4. Just thank buddha that the jihadists have decided not to take matters further up north. After all, I believe it is consistent with their extremist jihadist beilefs to bomb westerners and better still if they are in red-light areas say in Pattaya, Phuket or Silom. Their counterparts in Indonesia may come along and share their experiences re:Bali and Jakarta Marriot. I wonder how effective the Thai anti-terrorism mechanism or are we all just waiting like sitting ducks for the jihadist to make their move in Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya?????

    many people, myself included, that it has not already happened in Bangkoks hotspots.....such easy targets....one day no doubt, but many have been saying one day soon for years now.

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