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Posts posted by cyberholz

  1. I think the answer to your question depends on what is one looking for.

    The hustle and bustle of the big cities I no longer enjoy, very happy in my rural life. Though maybe perhaps - no definetely, if I was younger, not retired as I am, and had to earn a decent wage for a reasonable standard of living and wanted to make financial plans for retirement I would have to go back to my home country (UK).

    The other aspect is the education of your son. Here, unless you have lots of money to pay for private school or your boy has a very high IQ and is hard working in his studies, is the wrong place as the standard generally in the Thai education sytstem leaves a lot of improvement (that's being nice). I believe he will benefit enourmously once he adapts to his new country. So that in itself should be a big motivation for you and your wife.

    I would tend to agree that Thailand is more suited to the older person especially if there is no need to work because I would guess besides the poor earnings the hassle factor would be massive..

    There are a lot of things here that frustrate and annoy me, but thereagain there are many things in UK that p*sses me off too.

    I really like the climate here so that is a big plus for me. Seen enough rain, ice and snow.

    Anyway I think in your position you are doing the right thing for the right reasons. But expect some emotional turmoil with the family for a while as it will not be as easy for them as it is will be for you until they make new friends etc.. You will find some 'thorns in the bed of roses' you are looking for, but maybe not as many as you do in Thailand.

    Best of luck to you and your family.

    Thank you Pormax, you're probably spot on, we better get ready for some emotional turmoil...

  2. The fact that this topic has stayed on topic and been 'civil' indicates to me that it is a question we all deal with in various ways. I'm chasing 64 but still active. My family live in Australia and I've been here for about 8 years. I don't need to work and for me that is part of the reason I will return to Australia. Here, I can't stand the noise, pollution and superficiality of BKK and whilst it's quiet and peaceful up on the farm, not enough to keep me engaged. I need aspects of western culture such as transparency in government and rule of law. I need proper pasta and coffee, film and drama. I need the stimulation that comes from challenging art and writing that has not been censored. Having said that, I also know I will miss aspects of Thai culture too. If I had young children, the Thai education system would worry the hell out of me. It may come to pass that I live half and half... but I know I can never commit 100% to living the rest of my days here.

    Good luck with your decision.

    You speak my mind, McMagus. It's a quality vs. quantity approach, somehow. Can't deny my own blood! Somehow everything becomes unimportant over here because in the end everything starts looking shallow.

  3. OP: You ask for input, then when responses are provided you drip feed additional info regards your situation. Wouldn't it be more productive to provide more details in the first place as to your situation, then if members wish to do so, you would get more relevant/focused replies for considerationsmile.png

    Indeed, sorry about this.

    But the basic question I'm asking has little to do with an individual situation. It's a general question:

    Whether Thailand is really such a great place to live and whether the West is really such a tough place to live.

    Whether we're living in a dream world here -- or whether Thailand is no longer the place we came to many years ago.

    • Like 1
  4. Thank you both for these latest two replies. Wife and son already hold dual citizenship and are familiar with the country.

    Well I'd have to give up PR - or I'd had to travel once every year to Thailand, not least to keep PR valid. But a paper shouldn't decide about fate.

    Actually just started the process to get the Thai passport, but that takes at least 2-3 years and am not sure if it's really worth the wait.

  5. Don't shoot the messenger, am only asking!

    Think I've seen it after many, maybe too many years in Bangkok.

    We have a nice place in Hua Hin to escape the city, but all the usual complaints, just to mention the heat, the usual pollution, an international school's environment, potential further political mayhem, and so forth... I know, am exaggerating, but really longing for good old Europe, it's seasons, culture, food.

    Right, you get even better European food over here and life here is so much cheaper, better, sunnier. You'll regret moving back in no time... That's what everyone is telling me.

    Did anyone hear of happy returnees? I mean one wouldn't sell everything here, so the door remains always open to come back.

    My friends are warning me: don't! You'll hate it!

    Would have a reasonably good job on offer in a nice area, an area people mainly travel to for holidaying with lots of fresh air, nature, outdoor activities...

    Just can't imagine to spend the rest of my life in Thailand. Maybe in 20 years or so, but now? Couldn't it be time to move on?

    I pretty much know what I gonna do, but looking forward to get some more input here -- appreciate!

  6. Hi, I hear different things about how to get your money out of Thailand - and my bank, Kasikornbank, doesn't seem to know the exact rules as well...

    When selling a condo that has been paid with money sent to Thailand there shouldn't be too much of a problem, as the money is documented.

    When buying a house under the name of your wife - and you sell the house and want to send the money out of the kingdom -, than can be tricky, or not?

    A banker tells me the BOT has to OK the transfer, and the probably want to see a lawyers document.

    So that may all cost.

    Questions are, up to which amount can you send money out of Thailand without any questions asked?

    And is it difficult for a Thai national to send several million baht out of the country?

    Many thanks in advance for any feedback.

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