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Posts posted by Estrada

  1. I thought Surin only had just over 40,000 people.... and they have traffic congestion? I grew up in a town about that size and "if" there was congestion it was only about a 2 minute delay.... I am having a hard time visualizing it.... maybe some locals will give more of a local report on just what is considered traffic congestion there....

    Read the article again. It is talking about Surin Province, not the City its self. The population of Surin is 1.38Million with 342,000 registered households. The city of Surin has a population in excess of 46,673 circa 2012. (your figure was from the year 2000). The Traffic congestion they are talking about is on the trunk routes where cars, buses and lorries pass through Surin Province on their way to other cities. These do get jammed at peak hours especially during Songkran.

  2. Marko, I like you more and more every day and I sympathise with you.

    Same things happen with me.

    The only difference not only they don't take care of my things they borrow, but they never return them back.

    I quickly realised 30 years ago, that Thais think "borrow" means "give me, don't expect it back and don't even ask me to lend it back to you". They will also tell you "What's yours is mine and what's mine is my own". And if they break it, you have to fix it and give it back to them.

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  3. From my own direct experience, in the days when it had been allowed for you to say fly to Singapore and catch the next flight back without entering and exiting another country. Because of a scam that was run by the thai Consulate in Hawaii whereby passports were flown by courier to Honolulu, stamped with a visa and sent back. You then just then had to exit the country and come back without the need to enter another country. I was interrogated by Thai Immigration in connection with the scam and they were particularly concerned because I had not entered Singapore but merely come straight back. There was nothing in law to say you had to enter another country, only that you had to exit Thailand and re-enter. However, I nearly got thrown out, but having a Thai wife and children known to them, I got away with a stern warning that it would not be tolerated in the future. The Thai Consul in Honolulu was removed and the Courier Company sold out to DHL,

    • Like 1
  4. Just to be clear here - they're not canceling the ARL City Line service overall.

    They just canceling some extended late night service (after midnight) that they had only just recently added. Which, as pointed out above, connected to the Phyathai BTS line, which still closes by midnight. So no available transit connection there.

    All in all, another do it now, and fail to think about whether it would actually work, plan from the powers that be. Kudos to them!!!!

    Just to be clear. There is no Airport Rail Link which went from Suvarnaphum to Makasan only. Only the Citiline service, stopping at all stations to Phayathai, is in operation. The problem is the Citilink trains are 3 carriages and if you are lucky you get an old ARL 4 car train.

  5. Golden tree snake. Had one last week in the hanging orchids outside our house in Bangkok. My wife said it was poisonous, but I understand not normally life threatening. Wife moved the snake to the trees opposite.

  6. Total brake failure on a truck or bus .... Near Impossible.

    Truck brakes for vehicles over 7500k (7.5T) are operated by air pressure.

    Actually, the air pressure works a brake actuator. The actuator is a very powerful spring and diaphragm device. The spring puts the brake ON. The air holds the brake OFF.

    On a ten wheeler truck there are six actuators, one for each brake drum. If one fails on the air side .. All air pressure would be lost and the brakes would go on. If one fails on the spring side .. The actuator would break open under the pressure of the spring, air pressure would be lost, the brakes would go on. These devices are good and virtually fail proof, they have been in use for the past 50 years or so.

    Any driver that claims and any authority that accepts "total brake failure" should be thoroughly investigated and dealt with.

    Not in my experience. For instance, one of my customers, Bournemouth Bus Company, bought brake linings which they thought were manufactured by Ferodo. The bus garage is at the bottom of the hill and although the brakes were indeed applied, the linings had already burnt out being made of what looked like paper. When I inspected the boxes I found them to be Chinese copies spelt Ferrodo (with two R's). The were quite a few accidents caused by these fake linings. I would not be surprised if fake linings are being used here of varing quality.

  7. I worked with Shell UK on the development of Solar Panels in the 1970s. The payback was 10 years which is too long. If you like having a 55 gallon oil drum on the roof then perhaps you have an acceptable payback. Quite honestly, a simple instantaneous electric shower heater is much better and no chance of legionella.

    Thailand does not wash its dishes in cold water, as the ambient temperature is high making the water temperature around 30C. The liguid detergent used for washing dishes, cars etc is designed to be used at low temperature.

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  8. We had around 100 Toyota Crowns bought in 1989 for our project in Libya running on petrol, as petrol is cheaper than water in Libya and no need to consider diesel. Some had clocked over 1 Million kms on the same engine due to the company's lack of funds to replace them.

    In the UK I had a fleet of various vehicles, the Fords, Leylands and GMs clapped out mostlly around 80,000miles. I then had Mitusbishi vans running on gas during the fuel crisis but these engines clapped out at 80,000miles also. I then bought 18 Toyota Hi-Ace Diesel vans that were doing over 100,000miles/year but we replaced them after 3 years. However the engines were still going strong and the vans were still in good nick and cost little to maintain.

  9. I have used Maybank Kim Eng for 20 years in Thailand. For online trading I pay a commission of 0.1578% to 0.1178% + 7% VAT on the commission. They also pay interest on the cash balance in your account at Savings Account Rate.

    Maybank Kim Eng also deals in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and have their main bank in New York. Maybank commissions for NYSE appear to be half of that of the cheapest US brokerage.

  10. I hate these posts. I want a map showing from where to where this is supposed to be going. Google wasn't much use.

    It is very easy to find the BTS web site. Here is the link to the page with the latest presentation showing the complete Mass Transit System:


    Here is the link to Skyscrapercity page 29 which shows the 3 proposed routes and further details plus lots of photos and info on all the other lines:


    • Like 1
  11. You girl friend is bisexual. Her Tomboy friend is her husband. You are the walking ATM.

    A German friend married a Thai woman who has a clothing factory but is bisexual and has a Tom live in husband. The German works abroad and when he comes to Thailand to stay at his house with his Thai wife, the Tom has to move out and come back when the coast is clear.

    Another German married the bisexual partner of a young lesbian couple in our village and built a very large house for his wife. He worked abroad and came here every few months for R&R. His Thai wife asked him if her girlfriend could keep her company while he was away and so the Tom moved in. A year later the German was found dead. The girls had a gambling problem and soon lost the house. My wife and I subsequently met them at Phyathai massage where the Tom was acting as mamasan and her grilfriend was turning tricks. They then got another Farang on the hook and the girlfriend married him. The farang bought several bars in Soi 8 Pattaya and later was found dead after the money begun to run out. The last we saw of her she was trying to get hold of his pension from Germany.

    You have been warned.

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  12. Place B800,000 in a long term time deposit account to cover the requirement for renewal of your extension of stay based on retirement (must still be in account 2months prior to renewal 1st year and 3months second year). Set up online banking with Bangkok Bank ,or whatever bank you choose, as your main bank. Place B1,000,000 in a mutual fund that pays daily interest and allows any sums to be cashed in on a daily basis. This will be your emergency/living fund. Keep B100,000 in your savings deposit account as a float coupled to an ATM card and linked on line. Top your savings deposit account up as required from your mutual fund account. Open a Stock Exchange Investment account with Maybank Kim Eng Brokers with say B7,000,000. Until you get to know what you are doing, invest in safe blue chip stocks that will increase in value over time, have a high dividend and plenty of liquidity. I invested B6,000,000 in 2010 and have made B22,000,000 over 4 years which is 360%. The stocks I invested in were mainly BTS, Advance, Intuch, which pay around 7-8%/annum (1 year Advance paid 17%). The value of the shares has also risen considerably. They also still have a long way to go the triggers being award of contracts for extension lines/new lines for BTS and decision on 4G Auction for Advance/Intuch.

    Even an amateur can easily make 20%/annum safely. Plan to come out the stock exchange by 2019 as that is when the 11 year cycle of boom and bust will cause the World Stock Exchanges to drop. Then you buy again in 2020.

    P.S. Steer clear of Expat Financial advisors too many scam artists and do it yourself.

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