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Laughing Gravy

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Posts posted by Laughing Gravy

  1. 2 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    The EU is corrupt because it asks the U.K. To follow through on its commitments?


    If you sign a contract to jointly fund a project you can't unfortunately vote your way out of it ... is it really that unexpected that it would end up on the negotiation table?


    And that is the problem with the Pollyanna case for Brexit. We'll all fall off a rainbow into a pot of gold.


    The reality is that it would be an immensely complex and convoluted process with a lose-lose outcome for all parties involved. No one on here has ever claimed that the EU was perfect, but it would have made more sense to stay and fight with like minded groups for change ... and given the growing tensions around a key subject like immigration that would have been quite possible. The Mayhem government are only just waking up to that complexity. We'll all be poorer at the end of this ... roll out the barrel! 


    But it don't blame the EU for taking a negotiating stance ... they didn't vote for us to leave!







    That is the line I hear often the EU wasn't perfect. The fact is the UK government gave them many opportunities to reform and they refused. The EU has put a stranglehold on countries to make leaving difficult. The UK is taking the lead and soon others will follow. As for like minded groups for change. There is no change. just do as the EU commission demand. Putting the argument that staying in is easier and less complex than leaving has no credence. We will see how the EU changes its stance once some of the other populist parties get into power in the other EU countries, which won't be long. What will the doomsday preppers, EU lovers, do then. Commit mass suicide.

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  2. Have to say a very good article from a man I really don't like as a politician. Michael Gove.


    The EU, however, has not been the role model for the rest of humanity its architects expected. Instead it’s been left looking like a failed exercise in historical re-enactment, the political equivalent of Jurassic Park.


    If my fellow liberals want more populism and protectionism, more Orbans and Trumps, then they should carry on sneering at deplorable nationalists and smugly pronouncing that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. But if they really want to see decency, civility and empathy flourish in our politics they should start showing some themselves — to the fellow citizens whose only crime is loyalty.



  3. People wonder why or how on earth did people vote for brexit.  when you see just what a club it is and corrupt, The sooner the UK is out the better. TM tell the Germans to get stuffed. Poland what a cheek. They hardly contribute. The sooner TM gets out the better.  I know some posters can't access the Times, hence the copy and paste of much of the article.


    Britain could be forced to pay into the EU for a decade after it leaves, senior European politicians said yesterday.

    Wolfgang Schäuble, the German finance minister, backed claims from Poland that the EU would continue to demand billions of pounds in contributions after Brexit to cover its previous pledges. He suggested that Britain could still be making payments ten years after it left the EU because some spending commitments may stretch forward by more than a decade.

    “Until the UK’s exit is complete, Britain will certainly have to fulfil its commitments,” he told the Financial Times. “Possibly there will be some commitments that last beyond the exit even, in part, to 2030. Also we cannot grant any generous rebates.”

    Under Theresa May’s plans Britain will leave the EU by April 1, 2019. Poland said it expected that British taxpayers would have to continue funding the European budget until at least the end of 2020 — the culmination of the EU’s seven-year financing period that began in 2014.

    “I think the EU will stand on the position that in the current financial framework Britain’s budget contributions should be upheld,” Konrad Szymanski, Poland’s deputy foreign minister, said yesterday.


    If Britain is required to meet its EU budget commitments for 2020 and the last nine months of 2019 after Brexit without its usual rebate the bill will be more than £30 billion. The demand for Britain to continue payments is expected to be a condition for the start of Brexit talks in March.



  4. I would also like to say to our American patriotic cousins, expect those who voted for HC to want and see the USA fail in every way possible. They will wish a financial crisis, wars and hope that the country is in turmoil. Very sad that these people would like to see the demise of their country, rather than accept a democratic election, like true patriots should. The doomsday preppers will be wishing for Armageddon at the expense of Donald Trump.



  5. On ‎16‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 5:59 PM, Loeilad said:

    well it isn't "Article 48 of the Treaty established the principle of the free movement of workers and outlawed discrimination between workers of the member states (the prohibition of discrimination between nationals of the member states was also set out in Article 7)."

    It would seem the EU don't give any concern for what other EU countries vote for and just go ahead with their agenda. It basically sums up the EU and their dictatorship style. No wonder the majority of people voted for brexit. The sooner the better. Lets hope the Dutch 'see the light' and send the EU packing with a new political force. The EU will never learn or reform. As I have always said it is about federalization and control of the EU countries.


    "And today they did precisely that as EU states agreed to waive visas for Ukrainians in a move bound to infuriate Dutch voters and boost support for eurosceptic parties. 

    In a display of stunning arrogance, they did not even mention the Dutch vote as they crowed about the completion of the deal."



  6. Oh dear the same rhetoric as brexit. The media calling people racists and bigots. Don't fall for it America. Some people just can't accept democracy and even worse start playing the racist card because you have a difference of opinion.

    I am waiting for everything that goes wrong, especially economically to get blamed on Trump. We call it Brexit profiteering in the UK.

    what makes me laugh with many companies they have forecasts and business plans that will have been done in the first half of the year way before DT got elected.


    I guess it will be Trump profiteering.  It is bull :hit-the-fan:

  7. 6 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    Mair was mentally unhinged, but had never attacked anyone ... before the referendum campaign. A catalyst, perhaps!


    There's a clue of course ... a witness stated today he shouted "Britain First" ... looks like we now know what pushed him over the edge!

    Whichever newspaper you read they all agree he was mentally ill. Depending which you read will tell you his politics. If you believe his brother which I am not saying you should he had no political views. the point being that bit is still debatable. His mental history is not. People with mental illness have the possibility of doing anything depending on a multitude of factors.


    His brother, Scott, 49, said he had “a history of mental illness”. Scott Mair told reporters he had wept when he heard about the killing of Mrs Cox.

    He said: “I am struggling to believe what has happened. My brother is not violent and is not all that political. I don’t even know who he votes for. He has a history of mental illness, but he has had help.”

    "I don't think he belonged to any political party and I never heard him express any views about Europe or anything like that. To us, he was just Tommy, a local bloke we all knew.



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  8. 1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:


    My god, I feel like I should be typing extra big words in an attempt to help you because this is clearly not easy for you. 


    You agreed with absolute fervour with a post that stated that there was no connection between Brexit and the murder, yet you criticise those who oppose that view as speaking without proof.  Can you see the hypocrisy between holding your own position without proof, yet challenging those who disagree - for having no proof?

    There is no evidence that the murder was linked to the referendum. I am criticizing ta poster as they are saying. They know as a fact. that I want to see. No hypocrisy at all. There is no proof for either that is my point. There are people trying to make a link, like in the mainstream media but once again no proof. I am not stating or I know as a fact Like AlexRich. I am stating their is no evidence, no proof. I do not know. I am not the Oracle

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  9. 4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    Did I get his name wrong? I really cannot be bothered to go and check again - but do try to answer the question rather than post nothing of substance.


    You stated 'Game, set and match.' when a particular user stated with conviction that the murderer was not influenced by Brexit. You must have inside knowledge to make such a bold claim, especially as you so openly challenge others for making assumptions. So please tell us - from where do you get such insight?

    That is the problem. You can't be bothered to go back and read. AlexRich stated. yes stated, he knows that the referendum caused the killer, to kill Jo Cox. I agree where does anyone get such insight from. That is my whole point.

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  10. 26 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


    If a document is leaked there's not much a firm like Deloitte's can do about it. But does that mean that the content and views expressed are any less accurate?


    A lot of fuss around the fact that the document was leaked and did not in fact come from the Cabinet ... completely misses the point. A convenient distraction from the issues ... there is no brexit plan and the Mayhem government are more concerned with their own futures than the country's future.


    The telegraph would disagree with you as would the PM Theresa may. She just isn't telling anyone and rightly so. You should no it anyway as you always know what people would say and do better than themselves, oh Oracle.


    The leaked Deloitte memo claiming that Theresa May has “no plan” for Brexit has provided joyous fodder for so-called “Bremoaners” desperate to prove that leaving the EU is impossible and unworkable, but that doesn’t make it so.



  11. 1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:


    You were confident enough to make the above statement when CrackHouseParty declared with complete certainty that there was no connection between Brexit and the murder of Jo Cox. Which particular Oracle told you that? 

    CrackHouseParty:cheesy: are you sure you are not smoking some of that yourself.

  12. 19 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    Mr Cox was diplomatic, he simply swerved the question ... if they had asked - if there had been no referendum do you think your wife would still be alive? ... the answer would be yes. Because that is in fact the truth of the matter.  

    So you are Mr. Cox now and know what he would say. Truly you are the oracle or talking :hit-the-fan:

  13. 4 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    Brexit polls got it wrong because they underestimated the way ‘uneducated’ would vote



    Revolt of the numpties! :cheesy:

    I am glad you are using the express. It has some good articles in. What the article clearly shows how delusional (Prof Curtic) this man is. He should be called in for a hate crime. Basically unless you have a degree you can't think or understand politics. The man is a first class idiot and clearly out of touch with the people. I already commented on this before. Is Numpties your word or Grouse. Either way I am glad there are 17.4 million of them.

  14. 20 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

    Whatever happens, whatever people choose the French "establishment" will ensure Le Penn isn't allowed into the final round. No matter how creative they have to be with the process.


    The Italian referendum, French and German elections. Could be interesting.


    Wonder if the wannabee dictator Juncke will warn the French people not to vote for Le Penn as his commission won't work with her and her party just as he has done with the AfD in Germany?

    You know after the Brexit and Trump winning, I would not bet against Le Pen winning. I hope he does warn the French. Everything he (Juncker) says seems to backfire, so go Le Pen.:smile:

  15. 17 hours ago, sandyf said:

    that leave meant leave the EU, single market and control its borders and have sovereignty to make its own laws. "

    I didn't see all that on my ballot paper, was yours different?

    Please don't quote only half of what I said to try and justify your point, as if you had quoted my full answer, your statement would have been worthless.


    Well it would seem many agree with me. My only issue with the article is they should stop messing around and get on with it, although I suppose the remoaners, who are purposely trying to derail the peoples majority choice, are hampering it.


    "Seven out of 10 Brits demand strict migrant limits and a clean break from the EU"



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  16. 17 hours ago, AlexRich said:


    "Mr Cox was asked if he thought his wife's death was connected in any way to the EU referendum.

    He said: "I think the referendum was clearly a moment of heightened tension and heightened debate and some of that sometimes got out of control but I think it has nothing to do with the 52 per cent of people that voted for Brexit".


    The banner 'headline' doesn't back up his quote above. He answered diplomatically, but side stepped the question. The people who voted Brexit were not involved in his wife's death ... that's merely a statement of fact. He wasn't asked if the "heightened debate" and "tensions" that "sometimes got out of control" led an unhinged person to kill his wife. If the referendum had not taken place his wife would have been alive today.  



    So which bit of the 'I think it has nothing to do with the 52 percent of the people that voted for Brexit' sidesteps that it was the referendum that killed his wife that you were 'stating' caused his wife's death. Was it the 48 percent of those who voted remain then? Obviously no. She was killed by a crazy. Stating it was the referendums fault shows naivety and without any true facts, only hearsay and your opinion.


    It is also you showing prejudice the very thing that you are saying has happened because of brexit.

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