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Posts posted by Nemesis7

  1. Oh really what about the Rohinga crisis any comments from Myanmar officials ? Killing , torching villages after villages and raping girls , killing babies and killing inncocent civilians!!! Making them to cross border and seek asylum to Bangladesh everyday and the brutality is to the extend beyond words. BBC made a recent documentary  with live footage it's un believable how cruel and ruthless these Myanmar people are towards the minorities. 

  2. Take few close up pictures with zoom camera and click some photos address the issue to city hall and complain to immigration police and see what happens and oh of course don't forget to pin some of the photos next to elevator if the building .. let the Christmas begin 

  3. Truly sad and horrible way to have a holiday trip experience like this. So sorry for her and hope she is recovering from the truma caused by the rape. And no words are ever enough to express the anger and sorrows for the series of reported incidents that's taking place on the tourists on the land of smiles . Brutally murdered, raped, beaten by thugs , mugged and the mist goes on an on. World media should projects the facts and warn people as much as they can. How many more of such incidents will be a strong statement to say " it's enough".!!!

  4. Why does it bother you so much cause it's Thailand ? This things are happening all over Europe and USA these days and so in Australia in the form of social profiling. Nothing wrong in it them check as many times as they want unless you are one of those fujetives hiding away from something. Carry a copy of the passport and wp that's not too much to carry I suppose .  

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