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Everything posted by Rockhopper

  1. And all the Thais can make all the modifacations they want to!
  2. So much for hypocritical Thai society.
  3. The tax department better think this through. It could bite them in the ass when ex-pats leave because they can't afford to stay in Thailand and they take their money elsewhere.
  4. In health classes, I was taught that masks do not work. The bacteria/germs are smaller than the weave of the mask and penetrate the space left open during the manufacturing of the mask. The exception is the surgical mask.
  5. This and a 3-week Songkran show a total lack of intelligence within the Thai government. I am lighting an incense stick now.
  6. No, I did not change my relgion. But my Thai wife changed her's.
  7. Do you want tough meditation? Try Zen Buddhist meditation. (Mahayana Buddhism). Zen directly appeals to the facts of life instead of to concepts.
  8. I had a Capital One account for 10 years and lost money with other problems. Switched to Schwab and started making money. Schwab is much easer and safer with free trading.
  9. 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
  10. True Thainess can be summed up in one phrase, "No common sense."
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