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Jonathan Fairfield

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  1. Thailand’s Immigration Bureau has announced the launch of a new online 90 day reporting system. The new system, which went live on Dec 2, is available under the Online Services section of the Immigration Bureau’s website, and by selecting TM47, which is the official name of the form used for 90 day reporting. To use the new online 90 day reporting system, foreigners must register here: https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/register/add Registration information must be submitted in English. Once verified, a password will be sent to the registered email address (it took around 2 hours for us to receive the password - check your spam folder!) Online 90 day reports can be used up to 15 days in advance of the date the 90 day report is due. Immigration says confirmation of the 90 day report should be returned within 3 days of it being submitted. Foreigners can also use the same system to login and check the status of their application. It should also be noted that the online 90 day reporting system can not be used if a foreigner is completing their first 90 day report, nor can it be used to complete the first 90 day report after receiving a new passport. In both instances, the foreigner needs to submit the 90 day report in person at their local immigration office. After that, they will be able to use the 90 day online system. To coincide with the launch of the new online 90 day reporting system, the Immigration Bureau has also launched a new online appointment booking system, which allows foreigners to book an appointment at their local immigration office. Once selected, the appointment button gives users an option to select the region of the country where their nearest immigration office is located. At the time of writing, Bangkok Immigration (Division 1) was not listed in the online appointment system. It should also be noted the appointment system may not work if using a VPN. -- © Copyright ASEAN NOW 2021-12-03 - Whatever you're going through, the Samaritans are here for you - Follow ASEAN NOW on LINE for breaking COVID-19 updates Get your business in front of millions of customers who read ASEAN NOW with an interest in Thailand every month - email [email protected] for more information
  2. All Bangkok Mass Transit discussion here! This thread continues on from the previous long running topic here:
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