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About Dario

  • Birthday 02/13/1946

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    Pattaya & Isaan

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    Deep Isaan

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  1. Sounds to be an expensive setup and not even for an artisan well in the middle of nowhere. That's where I am.
  2. My wife has two lots of rice farmland next to each other totaling 7 rais. Her rice is now planted and looks nice, We are like most of the other farmers who have to depend on mother nature to get water from the sky to get the rice to grow. I ask myself if it would be possible for her to have a water well drilled and pump the water up to her rice fields via a solar powered pump. If this is possible and would cost not too much money, she would be able to plant rice twice a year. Is there anyone in the know who could enlighten us?
  3. I'm in the same league as my fellow members here. Yesterday I went to my local Tesco-Lotus to pay 10'000 Baht for my Citibank credit card bill. But the Lotus cashier was unable to transfer my money. No barcode nor QR code would work. Apparently, UOB had blocked everything. The Lotus staff told me to try at a 7/11 store. I did that, but same story. So, last night I scoured this topic and found the apparently only recently released phone number 02 285 1555. I called this morning at 06:50 and my call was quite fast answered by a UOB representative. Please note: that number might be open 24 hours. He told me that for the beginning I could make a payment to UOB with my preferred banking app which is in my case BBL. Then he said that someone from his team would call me back later to help me register on the UOB TMRW app. Actually, I had tried several times already yesterday to register, but every time I was rejected. Now I know why. I asked the UOB rep if I could check which passport number they have on file. It appeared they have my former passport number. That pp was replaced last year. I just tried to register with my old pp number and that worked. So now I have a UOB user name and password. I can at least now log in at the UOB TMRW app. I still have to create a pin code, I haven't done this yet. This post may help others who are in distress. One more thing: during the registering process you are asked for your date of birth. To put that in is a pain in the arm. I'm born in 1946, so it took me about 5 minutes and a sore arm to get there. I was told by the UOB rep that they had received many complaints about this issue and told me that UOB will soon address this problem. Good Luck everyone!
  4. Thanks a lot, John for your message. You seem to be the only one in the know on this forum. I will give it a try. Thanks again!
  5. There lingers a question in my mind. When we had Truevison, we had two HD PVR boxes. They allowed us, to record TV programs. For that purpose, for paying customers ( those who had to pay for the HD PVR box), Truevision provided an external HD which was connected to the Truevision box. We didn't pay for the boxes, but we had to buy the external HD by ourselves. I bought a 2.5 SATA 1TB HD and bought an ORICO enclosure which had the correct connectors to connect toe the HD PVR box. I must explain why I wanted to record programs from True. At that time, in 2019 our daughter Amy was playing tennis and trained every weekend, either in Surin or in Buriram. For that purpose I wanted to record tennis matches. Amy gave up tennis after 2½ years. Shortly after we stopped with Truevision. Now, I still have that ORICO box and I ask myself if there is any possibility I could use it to record programs from a TV. BTW, ever since we stopped Truevision, I never looked at the recordings as I didn't know how to view the recordings. Maybe someone can help.
  6. This is to inform the community. I have received a PSI SX2 receiver box and connected to our Truevision sat dishes. And: it works! I tried to think logically in assuming that I could use my two Truevision sat dishes not in use for maybe 3 or 4 years to get reception on a PSI receiver. So, it works. For less than 1'000 Baht we have now Thai TV channels in the living room and our bedroom and never pay a monthly fee. Great solution!
  7. John, I thank you for your message. I completely agree with you, although I'm someone who doesn't know much about satellites and how to receive TV pictures. At past 78 I just try to think logically. Yesterday morning I already ordered the newest PSI SX2 receiver box. It's already half way to my home. I just want to try. I know the dishes will have to be realigned, of course. I will have to find someone to come and do that at my home in the sticks. I will let you know the outcome. I think it'll be OK. I attach a picture of the two dishes which are still attached at my home. God bless.
  8. Can you explain: "If your TV is under 10 years old you will be able to get all digital channels with a simple aerial." One of my TVs is a 14-year old plasma LG, but I do use a X-96 Android box and get a lot of channels, Youtube, etc. but I miss the Thai TV channels. "Satellite is dead and gone" >> so how does Truevision work then nowadays with an aerial, too?
  9. Yes, your picture looks good to me, too, but with a cheap aerial I can still not choose any channels. I do need a receiver to connect the aerial to. Am I right? Well, I have ordered the newest PSI receiver. Now what ThaI tv channels can you get with that aerial, may I ask?
  10. There is no True satellite. The satellite everybody is beaming for is a Thaicom satellite.
  11. For many years we had Truevision and whatever was before. A couple of years ago we ditched them for TOT iptv, two boxes . Yes, they are much cheaper, but have been a complete nightmare. Mostly they didn't work. Getting the mechanics to come to our home (in the sticks, Surin province) has been another bad experience. All we need now is Thai TV channels for the missus. The rest I get through a X96 box via Youtube. Som we need a simple sat system which brings us all the Thai Tv channels. Now, at the time, True only collected their Truevision boxesm but left their satellite dishes, Now to my question: can I buy a sat system onlinem say via Shopee or Lazada and use the Truevision boxes? If that would be possible, I can install myself. Does anyobody know?
  12. No. Lazada and Shopee items don't come necessarily via the post office. They are forwarded to a Logistics partner like J&T or Flash Express.
  13. I take two Royal-D every day. Excellent!
  14. The problem now here in the Esaan is the following: when the temperature goes up to 41º or 42º the aircon works for hours to get the temperature down to let's say only 30º. Now, think about 4 aircons in our house. Before the heatwave started we only used fans and our last bill was only 2'822 Baht. But our next bill must be in the vicinity of around 8'000 Baht, I guess. This is absolutely crazy.
  15. Yes, to your first question, no to your second. I'm sick and tired of Bitkub!
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