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Posts posted by 3SoiDogNight

  1. 6 minutes ago, Slip said:

    Your reaction to my post is pure deflection, as was your original opinion based rant that you tried to present as fact.  Jinthing I'm sure can defend himself, especially against an unarmed opponent.


    You're upset because your candidate lost. We get it. 

    I'm getting a kick out of your choice of words when presented with facts that are uncomfortable. 

    "reaction, rants, deflection, macho-man, racist, deplorable".

    Keep 'em coming. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    trump should have accepted the criticism of a NATIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS HERO without such a childish response ... YES!

    Sure he could have commented on the comment in a respectful and rational way rather than go into full man baby twitter TROLL monster attack mode.

    We have every right to expect that from a DECENT president to be. trump is not that. He's a horrible man. God help us. 


    31 minutes ago, Slip said:

    Not sure where you are going with this at all. I didn't repeat anything you said.  I take your point about Trump defending himself, that is indeed his right.  Not sure why you threw out a lot of opinion presented as fact, that was all.  Your latest comment shows a machismo about politics/government that doesn't really belong in my opinion.  Perhaps that is why I find your posts laughable so far.


    You guys are cracking me up! :D

    You're dancing around the obvious. Liberals have pretended that John Lewis is untouchable and everything the man says is gospel. Sure he has made great contributions to the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s but as a Congressman, he's useless.

    Funny that you allow John Lewis to go on his childish rants and display his emotions and irrational fears which are not based in fact. Trump was legitimately elected President as all previous President's before him. Not sure what basis John Lewis has that makes Trump "illegitimate". Of course you take what he says at face value because he said so. . .


    Trump spent less than 1 minute smacking down John Lewis. Not sure why you people are bellyaching over this. It's going to be a long 4 - 8 years for you anti-Trumpers. Get used to it, he's never been a nice guy and never will. 



  3. 3 hours ago, Slip said:

    Not at all.  The topic is about Trump attacking a civil rights leader as it clearly states in the title. I was asking a question about the way your post presented a whole lot of opinion as fact.  Neither did I say anything about anti-Trump people- that was your own little off topic rant to follow up your opinion presented as fact rant.


    You just repeated everything I said. You think Trump is just going to take his insults laying down? Trump rightfully defended himself and pointed out the flaws in Congressmen Lewis's district. Trump put that little crybaby in his place, now get over it.

  4. 1 minute ago, Slip said:

    What is it about Trump followers that they have so much trouble distinguishing between fact and opinion?


    Your attempting to change the discussion. The discussion is about an erroneous claim started by Congressman John Lewis against President elect Donald Trump. 

    Has nothing to do with their supporters.

    Since you brought it up, the anti-Trump crowds has a serious disconnect with facts. They're gone so far off the deep end that they're literally running on to highways and getting ran over by cars, attacking the disabled, dragging people from their cars and all sorts of sub-human behavior. I can't recall McCain or Romney supporters doing this after they lost.


    Anyhow, back on topic.

  5. John Lewis has a lot of nerve to call Trump an illegitimate President. John Lewis's Congressional district is a racially gerrymandered district created for people like him to easily win elections and assure a safe Democratic seat in the heavily Republican state of Georgia. Lewis wouldn't get elected dogcatcher in a more racially diverse or majority white district that reflects the cross-section of the US population as a whole. 

    John Lewis's district in Atlanta is a cesspool with gang violence, poorly performing schools (despite receiving maximum federal funding), high teen pregnancy, majority single mother headed households, high drug use, high percentage of welfare recipients and low property values that few would ever want to move to. These are facts, nothing racist about it. 

    It's not Donald Trump's fault that John Lewis can't handle the $h!t he dishes out.

    Donald Trump won this election fair & square.


  6. On 1/13/2017 at 6:35 PM, Shawn0000 said:


    Your mistake, you completely ignored what they said about building more highways, widening roads and improving infrastructure and instead chose to pretend that they had implied that there are too few cars on the roads, quite a silly mistake.


    Just as I suspected. A farang living in central Bangkok in a high-rise that thinks he knows everything about Thailand and that his little bubble in central Bangkok is an accurate example of Thailand as a whole.

    Give us a break!

    Also, your comparison to Japan is hilarious! Yes Japan is a smaller country with more people and fewer cars but these are two entirely different countries with different history, different government, different set of rules. For starters, Japan has rules that are enforced, accountability and a cooperative society. The infrastructure in Japan is world class and has been so since after World War II. 

    Thailand is a developing nation and nowhere close to Japan in terms of development.

    I agree that Thailand needs to build more railways, metro lines in Bangkok but still needs a few more highways - including an inner-ring road that would relieve a lot of the traffic you show in your photo.

    Lowering the car tax to a reasonable rate of 5% as I suggested would bring the cost of all cars down - including old and seconds hand cars. Many would be sold to poor people that live out in the country. Some would go directly to the junk yard and sold for spare parts to the poor people that need them to keep their old cars running. 

    You'll have fewer motorcycle deaths and car companies would be able to sell more cars and the older cars would go to those who need them - the ones who can't afford to live in central Bangkok with public transportation like you do.  

  7. 1 hour ago, anotheruser said:

    How many cars will come off the roads in comparison to new ones being put on the road? Because we all know this country doesn't need more cars on the road.


    Who are you to determine this? The amount of cars coming off the road is irrelevant. Many of these will be used for spare parts which is what poor people rely on to keep their cars running.

    Like it or not, Thailand will continue to grow and the cities needs to build more highways, widen their roads and improve it's infrastructure.

  8. On 1/7/2017 at 5:29 AM, kannot said:

    I  dunno seems everyone and his  dogs round here has a  pick up, dont know if theres  really room for anymore,......saturation


    Saturation isn't the purpose of the current high tax on cars. Just because you think there are too many cars around you doesn't mean that others shouldn't be able to afford to own one.

    Lower tax on cars means lower cost on cars which means even lower cost on used cars and old cars. Therefore a poor family can buy a car instead of piling on to a motorbike - thus fewer road deaths.

    The reason why road deaths are high in Thailand is because of motorbikes.





    On 1/7/2017 at 7:41 AM, overherebc said:


    But then people of lower class would be able to buy a car the same as the HISO family so how could you tell them apart when the car is being driven down the road.


    Sure you can. HiSos drive expensive Mercedes and BMWs. 

    Lower class people buy the entry level Toyotas and Hondas.

  9. All of these polls claiming that Hillary would win is based on the turnout of the previous Presidential elections. The low-class derelicts that that normally don't vote but showed up to vote for Obama will not be showing up to the polls to vote for Hillary. Also, these pro-Hillary polls (mostly from Clinton News Network/CNN) are oversampling Democrats. No free t-shirts or free Obamaphones to get the derelicts from 4 & 8 years ago to voter for her this time around.

    Perhaps she could offer the Hillary Special and maybe they'll show up...

    Hillary Chicken.jpg

  10. The ridiculously high tax on cars need to be scrapped. Even vehicles made in Thailand are heavily taxed. Reduce the car tax to a realistic rate like 5%, they'll sell more cars and still collect plenty enough revenue on a consistent basis. Also offer a wider variety of cars instead of just disposable rental cars and trucks. Toyota has much nicer cars sold in other countries but not in Thailand. Would be nice to be able to buy a brand new 2016 Toyota Crown or Century without the ridiculously high tax.

    Same for all other car brands.

  11. They did come with an electric rear window that you wound down and then opened the tailgate. ... eletric keyhole could have been replaced with a toggle switch and mounted inside.

    Did any have the clam-shell rear tailgate like the G.M. wagons in the US/Canada?

    I think I may have found my car.

    Check out this drool worthy 50th Anniversary, 1975 Ford LTD Town Car P5.

    It's in mint condition and has the options and color I would have chosen when new. Glad this car hasn't been f- -ked with.

    99% in original factory condition. This could be directly from the brochure.

    All I would do is re-install the original AM/FM stereo 8track tape player and get rid of that ugly aftermarket radio.

    Not sure if it has cruise-control but I could add that from an early 1970s US Ford. That Australian Ford LTD has the same steering wheel as the 1970-1973 Mercury Cougar, Montego, Ford Torino and Mustang. Those had the cruise-control actuator on the signal turning stalk - unlike the full-sized Fords that had them on the steering wheel.

    I have plenty of spare parts for these back in the US in my garage.

    Now I just need to develop good relations with a few Aussie's that work at their Embassy an may know of some moving to Thailand to work at the embassy here. ;)smile.png




  12. Sad to say, but Carson's race is against him...

    Thanks to Obama, who has insured that no African-American will ever be elected president again in anybody's lifetime.

    Very few Americans are bothered by Obama's race. It is his dishonesty and circumventing the constitution that makes him so hated. Ben Carson is the exact opposite of Obama and conservatives embrace him. He could easily end up the next president.

    Liberals Democrats 'progressives' see everything through a racial lens. They still can't accept the fact that there are many Blacks, Latinos, Asians and other minorities that are not on board with their leftist agenda. They think they own all minority groups. Should one dare have a different opinion, they will treat them like a runaway slave.

  13. Anybody but Jeb Bush.

    I'm still voting for Donald Trump (baring any major screw ups between now & the California Republican primary).

    Ben Carson is my 2nd, choice and back up candidate if Trump bows out or screws up.

    I would say quite the opposite about the race. Most Republicans are fed up with criticizing the slumlord from Chicago only to be called "racist," so Dr. Ben's race will play in his favour. Well-spoken, good character, smart, honest, think he'd make a good president.

    Also ironic to see the same leftists who accuse anyone who criticizes BO as a "bigot", turn around and insult Ben Carson as a "house negro." As Carson said: "we have a problem with racism in this country...and it is usually racist liberals who think a black man can't be conservative."

    So true!

    I started to see how racist liberals can be once I left the Democrat party and changed my views. If you're non-white and/or female and abandon liberal group-think, then they will attack you and call you every racist, sexist name in the book. They think their support for Obama and the Democrat Party gives them a free pass to be as racist, sexist and hateful as they want towards you.

    Liberals do not tolerate minorities that think for themselves and form their own opinions.

    Then of course there is the soft-core bigotry of low-expectations.

    That's something I cannot understand - why in the leftist mind (calling them "liberals" is inaccurate) anyone who resists that worldview is automatically considered a bigot. Exactly the same way religions treat heretics.

    Actually there are a lot of parallels between dogmatic leftists and conservative Christians.

    Here's one: ever noticed how conservative Christians go on "mission trips" - to banana republics with favorable exchange rates, great resorts, and always in the best season of the year - and always documenting it in the newspaper to show how righteous they are?

    Just like how dogmatic leftists go on "mission trips" to Africa - spending thousands of dollars on plane tickets, guides, helicopter flights, etc., so they can get their picture taken giving boxes of pencils to hungry children?

    Well said!

    Same to be said about the backpackers and NGOs here in Thailand. Many go back home and boast about all of their humanitarian deeds and how much they 'saved the Thai people'. All they did was hang out with other like-minded backpackers, b-t-h about America and live like bums here in SE Asia before their daddies money runs out. Then they're back home in Massachusetts lecturing at a university about their experience.

    The definition of 'liberal' has changed. I thought I was a liberal for many years until the definition changed. I find these left-wing nuts to be as bad, if not worse than the Christian fundies.

    Even though I've shifted to the right, I haven't embraced social conservatism at all. I do not support religious missionaries of any sort.

  14. Anybody but Jeb Bush.

    I'm still voting for Donald Trump (baring any major screw ups between now & the California Republican primary).

    Ben Carson is my 2nd, choice and back up candidate if Trump bows out or screws up.

    I would say quite the opposite about the race. Most Republicans are fed up with criticizing the slumlord from Chicago only to be called "racist," so Dr. Ben's race will play in his favour. Well-spoken, good character, smart, honest, think he'd make a good president.

    Also ironic to see the same leftists who accuse anyone who criticizes BO as a "bigot", turn around and insult Ben Carson as a "house negro." As Carson said: "we have a problem with racism in this country...and it is usually racist liberals who think a black man can't be conservative."

    So true!

    I started to see how racist liberals can be once I left the Democrat party and changed my views. If you're non-white and/or female and abandon liberal group-think, then they will attack you and call you every racist, sexist name in the book. They think their support for Obama and the Democrat Party gives them a free pass to be as racist, sexist and hateful as they want towards you.

    Liberals do not tolerate minorities that think for themselves and form their own opinions.

    Then of course there is the soft-core bigotry of low-expectations.

    When I switched to Democratic from being a Republican I found the exact same to be true of Republicans. Which is why I switched to Democratic. wink.png

    They're exactly opposite. Democrats ask what are the facts then proceed from there. Republicans come in and say here are the facts so shut up and listen.

    Ben Carson's facts are scary, just different facts from those ignored by Trump.

    After seeing the facts, I left the Democratic Party.

  15. Anybody but Jeb Bush.

    I'm still voting for Donald Trump (baring any major screw ups between now & the California Republican primary).

    Ben Carson is my 2nd, choice and back up candidate if Trump bows out or screws up.

    I would say quite the opposite about the race. Most Republicans are fed up with criticizing the slumlord from Chicago only to be called "racist," so Dr. Ben's race will play in his favour. Well-spoken, good character, smart, honest, think he'd make a good president.

    Also ironic to see the same leftists who accuse anyone who criticizes BO as a "bigot", turn around and insult Ben Carson as a "house negro." As Carson said: "we have a problem with racism in this country...and it is usually racist liberals who think a black man can't be conservative."

    So true!

    I started to see how racist liberals can be once I left the Democrat party and changed my views. If you're non-white and/or female and abandon liberal group-think, then they will attack you and call you every racist, sexist name in the book. They think their support for Obama and the Democrat Party gives them a free pass to be as racist, sexist and hateful as they want towards you.

    Liberals do not tolerate minorities that think for themselves and form their own opinions.

    Then of course there is the soft-core bigotry of low-expectations.

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