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Posts posted by 3SoiDogNight

  1. Without a doubt, meter taxis in Bangkok give you the best value for money compared to any big city worlwide.

    Nah I prefer the taxis in Havana, Cuba. Marginally more expensive than Bangkok but at least you get to ride in a 1950s Oldsmobile instead of these little tin can Vios and Altus.

    Sure the 60 year old Oldsmobile's are old & beat up but still more comfortable. Best of all, I don't have to duck in to a fetal position to get in to the back seat like on all these 'sporty' low roofline econobox trash cans on wheels here in Bangkok.

    I love Bangkok and is my favorite city in the world but the taxis are NOT the best feature. I'd say it's one of the worst features.

  2. BTW, I happen to know of two different women that have been raped or assaulted by a taxi driver on the outskirts of town (Prawet and Rangsit). Both of these women are Thai so this has nothing to do with a misunderstanding of language or culture.

    Thai on Thai crime, in general, is far, far worse than Thai on Farang crime.

    I agree that this is a horrible thing when women are raped or almost raped by taxi drivers. No excuse and no mercy for them. But those scum are not on the same level as someone who doesn't want to haul your ass across town in rush hour traffic.

    True. Not wanting to do your job isn't in the same category as a criminal act such as rape and/or assault. Just pointing out why many Thais choose to buy a car an not deal with the hassles of these taxis. So many at ThaiVisa claim that those that buy cars are somehow decadent and should just rely on taxis instead.

    You're right, Thais are much worse towards their very own.

  3. Taxis are the very reason so many Thais will spend every baht they have to own a car. Contrary to what some know-it-all, do-gooder farangs claim, it has nothing to do with status or showing off. It's for their own safety and piece of mind.

    Many (not all but a lot) of taxi drivers are the lowest form of human on the face of the earth. I HATE 'em!

    Any farang that says they've never had a problem with them is lying and pretending to be the acceptable Thaier-than-though farang. Get over yourselves!

    Those who claim to have never had a bad experience with a taxi probably only had to take them a short distance from one heavy traffic area to another heavy traffic area. Those of us that live on the outskirts of town have had miserable experiences getting taxis too & from the city. Even for those of us that speak Thai.

    If your only taxi experience is from Q-Bar or Thong Lo soi 10 to the closest BTS stop, then your experience really doesn't count.

    BTW, I happen to know of two different women that have been raped or assaulted by a taxi driver on the outskirts of town (Prawet and Rangsit). Both of these women are Thai so this has nothing to do with a misunderstanding of language or culture.

    Taxis are the main reason I am biting the bullet and paying the high price of owning a car.

    Yes I rather sit in my own car in traffic rather than stand out in the rain begging for a ride or riding in a taxi with a driver hopped up on drugs driving in 3rd gear on the highway jerking the car by stomping on & off the accelerator!

    Ugh! I can't stand them! angry.png.pagespeed.ce.Cla6z9sEn6.png

    Ok rant over. smile.png

    Lol some know it all do gooders, and then you proceed to tell everyone the reason for this and that!!

    Yet you failed to understand the context in which I used the term "know-it-all, do-gooder".

    Often times, many here in these forums only notice the less than 1% of Thais that have the wealth & connections to own expensive cars yet completely ignore the millions in cheap cars - some barely held together with chicken wire just to have a running vehicle.

    I'm a lot more observant of these issues and not in the Sukhumvit bubble applying that standard to all of Thailand.

    • Like 1
  4. Maybe he thought the tax remark is the annual tax, about 5000bht in most cases.

    Yes purchase tax is too much here but even a modest Vios would still be maybe 350k bht still out of reach for poorer Thais who can only just scrap together 500bht a month for a payment on a Honda Wave.

    I know some Thais in the village who are spreading payments over 5 or 6 years for their scooter so there is no way on earth they could ever make the payments on a car.

    True but the cost of used cars would fall as well and those they would be able to afford. In a free market economy, second hand/used cars are very cheap. If there was no insane car tax, their would be a lot of beat up but still running 15-20 year old Toyota Corrollas, Honda Citys for less than 20,000 baht.

    That they could afford.

    Instead, those kind of cars are going for 200,000 baht because the seller wants to get back some of that tax money he/she lost when they made the purchase.

  5. It amazes me that we have 7 pages of comments that almost all are so far off the mark. Do you people think about what you're saying? I am perplexed at the amount of comments advocating handing more powers over to the government and police that you already acknowledge as corrupt and incompetent. Why in the HELL do you want "enforcement" against the people? You don't think they'll step up their tactics of harassment with new laws on the books to give them greater flexibility?

    Many of you are advocating the same exact statist government policies that we chose to get away from back in our home countries (US/Europe/Australia).

    Thailand doesn't need ANY new laws to deal with traffic.

    I'll repeat what I said on the previous page;

    I blame the car tax.

    As a result, people buy little motorbikes which aren't safe. Far too often I've seen families of 4 piled on to a motorbike. That is very dangerous. They should be in a car instead. Much higher chance of surviving an accident than on a motorbike.

    That said, no new laws!

    Keep the laws (or lack there of) the way it is and repeal the car tax. Go to a free market economy with autos so poorer people can afford them and not ride these dangerous motorbikes.

    Lots of people on scooters being knocked down by crap drivers in cars, minivans, busses. Most of the deaths have to be

    scooter drivers and people riding in the beds of pick-up trucks driven by drivers who have been over-served.

    Ex-pats pick up a lot of bad driving habits here as well, so we are not innocent as much as we complain about Thai drivers.

    Driving under the influence, going through lights 5-6 seconds after the light turns red, making a left on a red just following

    the car in front without checking if there is traffic coming through, driving with cars whose windows a tinted so dark the drivers

    (and pedestrians) of other vehicles cannot see the driver and are unsure in they have been seen (eye contact). While everyone

    bitches ex-pat geriatric drivers are part of the problem as well. Just being honest.

    Ulic get's it!

    Well said!

    Who said anything about MORE powers and rules?

    Just enforce EXISTING rules and regulations, that would have a dramatic effect on road deaths.

    If that had been done maybe my Thai brother in law would not have become a victim of a drunk driver. He didn't die at the scene but clung to life for a week before finally succumbing to his terrible injuries.

    My Thai mother in law almost became a second victim when she attempted suicide soon after her sons death.

    Car tax is maybe 5000 bht. Abandon that and a half million bht car becomes 495,000 bht. Now tell me how a poor family can afford that when they can barely manage the monthly payment on a 40k bht scooter?

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    There are all sorts of sad stories. I myself spend two weeks in the hospital with broken ribs from a motorcycle accident. We all can relate to these horrible accidents. I've been to a funeral last year for a co-worker killed in a motorbike accident.
    Where are on earth are you getting this "5000 baht" figure from?
    Cars made in Thailand have a 60% tax. Cars imported in to Thailand has a tax of 328%.
    For example, a little Toyota Camry cost almost 2million baht ($58,000USD). In the US & Canada, that same car only cost 800,000 baht ($27,000USD).
    The tax is the reason why so many people ride motorbikes instead. They are dangerous.
  6. It amazes me that we have 7 pages of comments that almost all are so far off the mark. Do you people think about what you're saying? I am perplexed at the amount of comments advocating handing more powers over to the government and police that you already acknowledge as corrupt and incompetent. Why in the HELL do you want "enforcement" against the people? You don't think they'll step up their tactics of harassment with new laws on the books to give them greater flexibility?

    Many of you are advocating the same exact statist government policies that we chose to get away from back in our home countries (US/Europe/Australia).

    Thailand doesn't need ANY new laws to deal with traffic.

    I'll repeat what I said on the previous page;

    I blame the car tax.

    As a result, people buy little motorbikes which aren't safe. Far too often I've seen families of 4 piled on to a motorbike. That is very dangerous. They should be in a car instead. Much higher chance of surviving an accident than on a motorbike.

    That said, no new laws!

    Keep the laws (or lack there of) the way it is and repeal the car tax. Go to a free market economy with autos so poorer people can afford them and not ride these dangerous motorbikes.

    Lots of people on scooters being knocked down by crap drivers in cars, minivans, busses. Most of the deaths have to be

    scooter drivers and people riding in the beds of pick-up trucks driven by drivers who have been over-served.

    Ex-pats pick up a lot of bad driving habits here as well, so we are not innocent as much as we complain about Thai drivers.

    Driving under the influence, going through lights 5-6 seconds after the light turns red, making a left on a red just following

    the car in front without checking if there is traffic coming through, driving with cars whose windows a tinted so dark the drivers

    (and pedestrians) of other vehicles cannot see the driver and are unsure in they have been seen (eye contact). While everyone

    bitches ex-pat geriatric drivers are part of the problem as well. Just being honest.

    Ulic get's it!

    Well said!

  7. I blame the car tax.

    As a result, people buy little motorbikes which aren't safe. Far too often I've seen families of 4 piled on to a motorbike. That is very dangerous. They should be in a car instead. Much higher chance of surviving an accident than on a motorbike.

    That said, no new laws!

    Keep the laws (or lack there of) the way it is and repeal the car tax. Go to a free market economy with autos so poorer people can afford them and not ride these dangerous motorbikes.

  8. Of course other stuff crashes in farangland or anywhere, BUT the big difference is the guys in control of whatever machine are highly trained to do the job as they have passengers lives in their hands ...yes/no ?

    From the regularity of van crashes in LOS that is clearly not the case. whistling.gif

    Crashes happen everwhere in the world and for the OP, CHILL OUT,THE CHANCES OF DYING ON A VISA RUN IS MINISCULE

    Thailand is listed as the 2nd most dangerous place in the world to drive. Was top of the list, but Columbia (I think) now has that honour.

    More than 500 fatalities per WEEK in Thailand!

    I blame the high car tax which is criminal. People can't afford cars so they use cheap motorbikes. They are unsafe and I see many families piled on to these things. They would be much safer in a car and higher chance of surviving an accident.

  9. It is dangerous, don't let the idiot poster fool you. I was on one where our driver attempted to pass a car in torrential rain on a blind curve, and when confronted by an oncoming car could not get back in the lane, so we flew over a ditch between 2 trees and ended up in the middle of a farmer's field. We were travelling at well over 100 kh and visibility was almost zero. I know sometimes you need to travel in the minivans but if you are smart, you will try to limit the number of times you put yourself at risk. When I travel on a bus in the USA I sleep like a baby. In Thailand on a minibus, I feel like screaming like a baby.

    A bit off topic but I have to ask.

    How on earth are you able to sleep like a baby on Greyhound? Have you seen the characters that ride them?

    I much prefer Amtrak for ground transport if I'm not driving myself.

    Try to avoid these minivans as much as possible, They are not safe! The driver's are insane!

    If they aren't driving like a maniac, they're talking LOUD on their mobile phone. Same with the lo-so passengers that ride them.

  10. Yes there is a Thai family around him (his deceased wife's) and they do help with day-to-day living but they cost him a fortune!

    I've met them and they are quite nice people but for the past 10 years he has supported them all financially so now they expect the money forever.

    Yes it's a disaster waiting to happen, unless he gets a job in the next few weeks he will be broke.


    How are they helping out if they are costing him?

    Read my reply #63.

    We're only getting half the story here. Also, if he is broke as you say he is, then a flight back to New Zealand for THREE PEOPLE is out of the question.

    So many people here are quick to assume that he's just some guy who hangs out in bars and are so quick to judge him just because he hit hard times. Hard working, decent people can hit hard times too.

    So far, it sounds like he is responsible by taking care of his children the best way he can. The man lost his wife for Christ sakes. Have some sympathy for him.

    What line of work is he in? There may be job options for him here in Thailand. Worst case scenario, he can get a job teaching English until he lands a better gig.

    Sounds like his wife's family is no good and shouldn't expect anything from the father until he get's back on his feet.

  11. I personally believe that for a Westerner to expect to live in Thailand long-term-- especially if he wants to have a family, then he must be retired with a decent pension or have more than enough cash in the bank.

    To expect to live here long-term with the uncertainty of the job market is very risky.

    That can be said about most western countries too. The jobs situation in the US and Europe aren't so great either. It may be best for him to take his chances here in Thailand. Considering he already has children here, he probably has more roots here than back home in New Zealand.

    If he is this low on cash, 3 airline tickets back to New Zealand is totally out of the picture at this point. Is his 'friend' Boxclever willing to kick down some cash for an airline ticket home? I certainly wouldn't air my friend's problems on the Internet if they were truly my friend.

    I know I've had my ups & downs here in Thailand but was much better for me to stay here and sort things out. Not sure about New Zealand but back in the US where I come from, the job situation is very scary. I get more job offers here in Bangkok than back in San Francisco or any city in the US for that matter.

    I really feel bad for this guy and I'm not sure why so many farangs are so quick to beat up and criticize another farang that hit hard times. Is this unique to ThaiVisa?

    Losing his wife must be awful for him and his children. They are so young too!

    The last thing people should do is beat up on the guy. He needs support here in Thailand. This is his and his children's home.

    All I can say is be selective about your women and the family they come from should you chose to marry. Very important if you hit hard times. I know that's totally after the fact in this guy's case. Regardless, the in-laws should offer help. Even if it's just a room in their home for him and his kids while he finds work would help a lot.

    • Like 1
  12. This has to be one of the most entertaining thread I've read in a long time here at ThaiVisa.clap2.gif

    It's funny watching how petty some people get over a frikkin' cup of coffee.

    Starbucks in Thailand taste isn't special and isn't anything like in the US. Even in the US, there are better coffee shops. I prefer Black Canyon or Amazon coffee. My favorite is Bicycle Cafe on Sukhumvit at the Ploen Chit BTS station. It's Thai owned too.

  13. Ah! It's been a while since we had yet another Starbuck-bashing thread to bring out all our usual clowns--the nanny-staters, anti-globalists, anti-corporates, antiamericanistas, phony environmentalists, Occupy Wallstreeters, dizzy little Che Guevaras, wannabe coffee snobs, Cheap Charlies, farang *kee noks, populist demagogues, and mostly just plain ol' trolls pilin' on. Always a good laugh.

    All been said before and will be again and again and again . . . here.

    Meanwhile I'll be sure to stop in Starbucks for a cuppa next time I'm near one. Price doesn't bother me a bit (I can afford it), tastes OK, nice enough atmosphere, air-con, blueberry cheesecake (!), cleanliness, service, wi-fi, convenient locations, music, comfort.

    Love it if they ain't letting the Brits extort them to pay for the failed welfare state. Use the money productively to build more Starbucks and give people real jobs. Hee hee!


    Amen, Amen and Amen to that! ! !

    Good one! You need to let me borrow that quote. Spot on!

    These must be that handful of bitter expats that constantly gripe about the cost of things going up in a developing country. rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

    Yet have their nose up in the air thinking they're better than the rest of the world as they sit around drinking cheap beer and watching soccer.

    I'm amazed at the amount of ignorance proudly being displayed in this thread. How on earth did a topic about Starbucks turn in to an America bashing free for all? Not sure how 1 company's decision became reflective of a nation of over 315 million people.

    My previous post I already mentioned that I'm an American that is not a fan of Starbuck's coffee because of their taste. The price doesn't bother me much because I'm paying for the air conditioning and comfortable seats inside - something a push cart operator doesn't offer. I do prefer the push-cart operator coffee when I'm on the go, which is most of the time when I drink coffee.

    Kudos to Starbucks for not feeding the welfare state in the U.K.!

    That said, I still will defend the Starbung coffee push cart operator. :)

    • Like 2
  14. Funny how Starbucks is getting a taste of their own medicine. This is EXACTLY what they've done all over the United States and have drove many small family owned coffee shops out of business.

    In San Francisco where I used to live, there is a small family owned bakery/coffee shop called Creighton's. It's been there for years and they have a blue awning with their logo above their storefront. Well Starbucks set up shop right next door and put up a BLUE awning with their logo above their storefront!

    Every Starbucks in the world has a GREEN awning or green sign, except that location.

    It's blatantly obvious what's going on there.

    I want to find this push-cart coffee brand and buy a few cups from them and wish them well!

    Starbung probably taste better too!

    Starbucks need to get over themselves and extract their head from their collective corporate arse.

    The only humorous thing Starbucks is hearing Americans rave on about how good the coffee is. Most of the world wouldn't even degrease their car engines with the stuff.

    I'm American and I HATE Starbucks! Especially the crap they sale here in Thailand and I'm sure most Americans here in Thailand would agree that the junk they call coffee taste awful. Most of the customers here in Thailand are HiSo Thais and other Asian tourist. You wont find many Americans in a Starbucks here in Thailand.

    I do agree with you that Starbucks need to get over themselves and extract their head from their collective corporate arse.

  15. This really hits close to home for me. I was going to take a flight earlier this year that crashed in Laos.
    I've been wanting to do some intra-Laos flights since it's right next door. I'm really surprised to read about one of their brand new ATR-72s crashing.

    The Lao Air Twin Otter that crashed in April I was supposed to be on that flight.

    Luckily I drank too mach the night before and missed the flight.

    This was the flight I missed.


  16. This has to be the dumbest law I've ever seen proposed. Older cars are not the problem here in Bangkok.

    The city still needs to build more highways and add right turn lanes instead of having to drive 2kms to make a U-turn.

    Bangkok is a growing city and the cars are going to keep coming. I fully understand why people buy cars. The taxis drivers can be arrogant and downright dangerous.

    BTS and MRT have LONG way to go before it actually works for ALL of Bangkok. So many areas of Bangkok not served by BTS and MRT. The car is the most logical choice.

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