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Posts posted by MickeyKnox82

  1. romeijoe

    Congratualions. Unfortunately i think you started with a school that had a couple of teachers with personal challenges.

    There are some great teachers int eh government schools and i wil tell you that there are also some teachers that re just like the one you had. The challenge in the future for you if I may presume to give advice is to ensure that your daughter stays at the top of her classes. This makes sure that she stays in classes that have fellow students that want to learn. At her present level that is ot an issue but as she gets older they will start to separate those that have trouble learning and those that do not. The problem with that are that teachers teach differently to the students in each category.

    All the best for you and her.

    I agree with this comment.

    I'm a teacher in a government school. And its what kingstonkid said, you need to watch in which class your daughter goes.

    We have a Kings Class in each level from M3 till M6. Before they are all mixed up. After M3 the school decides in which class your daughter will go.

    If it's the kings class, its the best what can happen. Usually only 30 students max. Usual class sizes in my school are 50 - 55.

    But, I've worked in primary schools where you really F*** up your kids if you send them there!!!

    I have a 3 years oldboy and he goes also to a pricy Private school. I see no other choice for me.

    I still blame the education system. What do you really expect from teens, if they know they can't fail and the most parents only ask: Did you have FUN in school today????

    Nothing will change in thai education system as long you can't fail. It's about losing face some teachers told me. So better keep them stupid all their life long, and get votes for the red party in future by paying some baht.

    Asean is coming, and it will hit Thailand BADLY!

    BTW, NO, I'm not an English teacher.

    • Like 2
  2. 'An ASTV commentator also showed the picture of the gunman on ASTV Channel and compared him with several past photos of the armed group wearing black shirts with symbol similar to the gunman caught by the Channel 7 reporter.' One of the main reasons to be suspicious is the fact that he's wearing a symbol that clearly identifies him as a red shirt. Not pinning blame on anyone else yet, but if you were sent in to provoke violence, why would you be wearing obvious identification? I've also heard some bizarre rumours that he might be a cop who actually changed into this shirt from his police uniform. No doubt that Thaksin has used armed men to provoke in the past, and they may have been involved in this incident, but there's also reason to believe other groups might have their forces out there.

    I found some picture. The soldier try to help people, but Thai police......


    Pic Nr. 4 is awesome.....just checking facebook clap2.gif

  3. so 5 dead now in total.

    I'm really interested in all of TV opinions, what u guys think what will happen the next days.

    I'm not sure. Before I thought it will be quiet till 5th of December. But well, we saw today and last night it's not.

    Now I am confused, if the red's are gone or not. Well....the stadium is empty, but I think and heard there are still many around.

    I THINK tonight will be MORE trouble than yesterday....but for the next days, I've no ideas. What do you think?

  4. Brings a new meaning to dating sites when they say do you want to meet and maybe well grab something to eat smile.png

    ....this is exactly what happened years ago, google for the " cannibal from Rothenburg".

    They 've met in a gay chat, and 1 guy wanted to die, but wanted the cannibal to eat him.

    They started eating his dick together, keeping the victim out of pain buy some serious medics or whatever.

    The band Rammstein made a song out of it: Mein Teil..

    There was also a movie made about this story.

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