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Posts posted by gaucho

  1. It's likely that Israeli and/or US authorities put pressure on Thai authorities to notify the Malaysians at KL airport. Somehow, I can't picture any Thai authority having the alacrity and taking the initiative to making that call on his own. If so, great. Yet, from observations of Thai officialdom over a quarter century, I've seen them move at glacial pace, if they move at all.

    One of hundreds of examples: when I went to report a motorbike stolen, the cop who took the report, typed with two fingers, and it took him an hour and a half to type some words on the report. Then, an hour after that, he mentioned that stolen motorbikes (from our northern town) were nearly always taken over the Burmese border. The border crossing was one hour distant from us, but it didn't occur to any of the cops to issue a warning, forthwith, to border guards to be on the look-out for the stolen bike.

    Another example: When authorities at Hawaii's Earthquake Center wanted to inform Thai authorities of the impending tsunami from the big earthquake of a few years ago, who do they call? They probably tried calling Thai authorities, but either got a disfunctional #, a number which didn't pick up, or a person answering who didn't have a clue what the caller was calling about, and didn't try to understand, and likely hung up right away, thinking 'another farang ba'.

    I agree completely!, Both of the examples you have given are excellent and closely related to the recent bombings. I am especially impressed with the anecdote regarding the tsunami. It is so spot on, that if it didn't actually happen the way you tell it, it should have, it should have!

    I bet among family and friends you have a reputation as something of a raconteur whose true to life, yet poignant and perceptive tales have kept your loved ones raptly entertained. Don't stop here! Please make up some more almost-true-to-life anecdotes regarding Thai incompetence, i could use a chuckle, and you seem to be just the fellow to provide it.

    there have been numerous accounts of the thais not answering and in one case at le.ast when info was obtained and it was emphasized that it was extremely important it was not passed on the tsunami victims could have had at least a full 45 mins to get to higher ground ..obviously language difficulties r a problem but attitude also comes into it ..too many thais dont give a tinkers especially anything farang related .
  2. The 'hang em high' brigade should be well pleased with Chalerm now, regardless of their political persuation.

    yeah u r right mate ..these turds r always getting sympathy . eliminate the mules and eventually it will be hard to recruit and maybe the higher ups will have to take risks i have no qualms about executing the scum ..will have a drink when they knock the bali five or nine whatever it is cheers
  3. this is not a normal crime ...too much explosives for that ...and yes grenades do bounce back if they hit something before going off ..a grenade is a dangerous weapon for all concerned in the wrong hands ...did anyone else pick up on the .....he tried to cut his throat with sharp glass but was stopped.... this guy has been trained to do this .... he had an agenda and obviously was very focused remember the red guard in japan years back ....a young girl was arrested and she bit off her own tongue in a suicide attempt these people r nutters ....thailand is concerned about tourism but im sure a lot is going on bahind closed doors thank goodness no kids at the school were hurt

  4. ^^^^ ..plus a touch of Thai anxiety in the need to repair the lawless reputation the North as demonstrated in the handling of the slain Chinese boatmen last year on the Mekong, amplified by the fact that China's tourism to Thailand in the future will be of far greater import than the Farang numbers ever have been.

    correct .....asians r getting wealthier and travelling china now has more billionaires than the usa and the uk combined more maseratis and feraris sold in china than the rest of the world combined .....
  5. On a serious note to those of you with young children, a friend of my wife was in a shopping centre in Bangkok when her 4 year old son was snatched when she wasn't looking. About a year later her son called out to her from the side of the road. She didnt recognise him. He has a shaven head and was missing one of his legs. He was stolen and used for professional begging.

    In another incident my niece was at school in Cha Am and went to the toilet at lunch time. When she came back the 3 friends she was having lunch with had been snatched and thrown in a van.

    I cannot stress enough how important it is to watch your children at all times and as soon as they are old enough explain the dangers of wandering off, talking to strangers, make them memorise your phone number etc. This happens A LOT in Thailand and it very rarely makes the news.

    unfortunately very very true .i know of a nun who 20 years later came across a by now adult who had been snatched and it was in a different country the person was handicapped ..how terrible that they would chop a leg off .... thais can be heartless ...no flaming please i know NOT all thais cheers
  6. I hope some guy in the prison he will end up in has a child and makes sure this sick man can never abuse a child again.

    Now just take it a few steps step further...

    1. find out how he got access to the kids, and once that is accomplished

    2. Have a look at the back-alley brothels with under age kids being raised to become pros in the bars later, which are frequented by Thais pretty much exclusively.

    It's always easy to point a finger at an Internationally known and wanted child abuser, is still doesn't change the fact that child abuse is a regular thing here.

    Sorry for bashing... but this topic really gets under my skin.

    very good points mate ..was in pagsanjan falls with my gfe 20 years ago and whilst sitting at the hotel bar was offered under age kids .......the whole business was blatant these turds r supplied .its one thing i just cant condone kids r kids cheers
  7. no these two r noted trouble makers they r continually causing trouble ...banned in a couple of places they r usually with another smaller guy who is a real shxxx he deliberately bumps people i hope they get whats coming to them ..see how tough they r in a few months fxxxx them sure the taxi mafia and girls can be bad news these cxxxxts prob them in previous life ....

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  8. It's all too messy for me to understand, perhaps she was no saint, perhaps he wanted an easy out and had lots to loose froma UK divorce, it does seem however that the BA ought to let her in in order to fight the matter in the divorce courts.

    rubbish ...nip the problem in the bud ...if she gets into the uk u will never get her out '''' too much leniency and do gooding in immigration same applies to australia ...a gang just arrested all supposed hard done by refugees .....all of their papers forgeries and in 12 months have committed over 60 serious crimes fxxx her off ,,,she isnt going to live with her spouse so where is she going to live eventually .....a tax payer funded council flat ?
  9. The highrise in the back of Nirun is called Block-D (the 3 in the front are Block-A to C). The quality of Block-D is about the same but the rooms are bigger - but also more expensive so the per m2 price is probably about the same.

    Nirun isn't Nirvana, but it sure beats any council estate in UK and is not bad value considering the cheap price. I think you will be hard pressed to find anything better at that price. Spanish Place and 9-Karat are similar price range and environment, although some developers have tried to tart up 9K and sell at inflated prices.

    very true have a pommy mate stays there he says the residents r very strange but better than the scum he used to live with in the uk all u need is a good lock he loves the pool area . has noticed one female has cleaned out three or four guys when they go home

  10. UPDATE: Pat Webb is now in need of blood ASAP. This is due to his unexpected loss of blood during the night. His wife just called and his BP is very low and must have blood. The lab is now open for donations. The hospital is asking that donors please come to the lab on the first floor, tell them you are donating for Patrick Webb. Thank you all in advance.

    mate can we have it sent from bangkok .is there a system that couriers medical stuff . there must be a bigger base here so we coukld send it all together .

  11. Alernative.... buy Leo, add 25% soda water .... you got yourself american tasting beer :jap:

    how dare u denigrate american piss errrr ....i mean errr ales i mean next u will say budwizer makes u gassy .cheers

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