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Posts posted by kraplung

  1. it is wrong if that is going to happen,he should have served his time.it would be over by now.but his sister in power and his money he escaped justice.

    The danger of serving his time was that it would allow several other cases that are currently suspended to proceed against him. It could have been a very long stay. And it would have ruled out his being an MP again.

    The irony is if Max hadn't been so greedy and power crazy he would probably have celebrated more than a decade of rule by now and be regarded as one of Asia's great leaders.


    I guess you are part of the brainwashed AngloSaxon obsession about the European Union which indeed has its heart in Brussels

    Unfortunately you can no longer rule and divide

    I am one of those Belgians who are happy to be born just after World War II and have experienced a life of prosperity, freedom and peace since 1945.

    Yes the European institutions are expensive and bureaucratic but this "talking club" is still cheaper than the imperial wars the UK and the USA like to do in the Middle East until they become bankrupt.

    I am not impressed about your negative reactions to TG opening once more - after 20 years - a flight to Brussels : we do not need people like you ....so please where you are...

    It's true we can no longer rule and divide. By the way....... how is your divided Belgium doing these days with no rule at all?

  3. From the OP

    "Wichien did not fulfil his responsibilty"

    Damapong is head of Narcotics - he says he has a list of police involved with drugs. Has he fulfilled his responsibility?

    Or have I missed all those police being charged?

    Well he has asked them if they wouldn't mind stopping their drug trafficking until the next purge is over. And he has also said they will try to cut out the murdering this time. What a decent chap!

  4. So far Max has ticked two out of the three boxes required to secure his return to LOS. His sister is heading up the government, his (ex) wife's brother is running the police so that just leaves the most problematic of all...the army. Of course in the normal world there would be the small problem of the highest authority of all, the supreme court, but I guess this is what is meant by Miracle Thailand. Hurrah!

  5. You can usally judge a country by it's government, at least where it's leaders are elected, Now we can criticise Thailand for being politically corrupt but you cannot change the habits of decades. And by no means is Thailand on it's own in this respect in Asia, let alone the rest of the lesser developed regions of the world.

    Sometimes you just have to accept that's just the way it is and live with it.

  6. I always understood that a Royal Pardon was only available to those who admitted and showed remorse for their crimes.

    Not only that but they also have to have served at least part of their sentence. The fact that the person in question chose to ignore the decision made by the nations highest court of law and flee the country won't help either. A royal pardon should not be devalued in this way.

  7. You really couldn't make this up!

    So the new Chief of Police has a list of the Thai police officers involved in drug trafficking! And could they please stop!

    What, like they did when Thaksin announced he had rid Thailand of drugs a few years ago? Still at least the government has said they'll cut out the murders this time so that's a step in the right direction I suppose.

  8. Wichean was put there for control purposes. Those who put him in wanted to be able to try and exert control over a body which leant heavily against them. Now control will return to the more natural controllers of this body. With Wichean the investment was a lot more poltical and has obviously failed. Now those that put him place are playing defence on the things they think they can defend and have obviously accepted the relaity of the things that they cant influence.

    Now in regards to casinos and drug wars in every change lies opportunity and as with previous such things some are well positioned to increase their share of the market

    Sometimes it would be nice if people spoke a little more directly. Is it really always necessary to speak of people, bodies or groups, without daring to mention their names? Too much hiding behind LM going on IMO.

    I am actually not reffering to those covered by LM and wouldnt even think of doing so, and would rather not be accused of such things

    I am sure anyone who is a keen follower of Thai politics knows both the bodies and the main man behind the democrats or at least the democrat establishment as from what I understand there are democrats who would like to break such links, but who lack the internal clout and numbers

    Apologies. It's just i get a bit frustrated from time to time with the continual and unnecessary (as i see it) habit of referring to people or groups without mentioning their name/names, and i don't think the reasoning of "we all know who i'm talking about, so i needn't mention it", covers it. It seems to be a common habit when discussing Thai politics in particular, and i think it comes from the whole LM business, whereby people get into a certain habit of not mentioning names. This habit is allowed to extend into areas it needn't, and my own feeling about the reasoning for this, is basically laziness. Easier to speak in general non-specific terms and less easy to get tied down on a point, when you remain slightly vague and ambiguous.

    Rixalex............. you are sitting on the fence like a natural born politician!

  9. Wichean was put there for control purposes. Those who put him in wanted to be able to try and exert control over a body which leant heavily against them. Now control will return to the more natural controllers of this body. With Wichean the investment was a lot more poltical and has obviously failed. Now those that put him place are playing defence on the things they think they can defend and have obviously accepted the relaity of the things that they cant influence.

    Now in regards to casinos and drug wars in every change lies opportunity and as with previous such things some are well positioned to increase their share of the market

    Sometimes it would be nice if people spoke a little more directly. Is it really always necessary to speak of people, bodies or groups, without daring to mention their names? Too much hiding behind LM going on IMO.

    There is a Thai saying about the people in power... " Those that know do not speak, those that speak do not know."

    That comment certainly hits the target.

  10. Chalerm is an odious character but a clever one too. He is currently reprising his old role in the police for the new government.

    This one is a gem though:

    "This government will definitely not interfere with the press," he claimed.

    Clearly hitting at all the interference the last regime got up to. Hopefully there is also some truth in it.

    That the media did little to nothing to stand up for the rights of their red media colleagues whne they were seeing their publications banned and radio stations shut down - sometimes maybe with reason and sometimes obviously without - is going to haunt them though if any campaign is aimed against them in a serious and organized way, which to date hasnt happened. Thailand's media has to learn that you protect right to publish within the law etc whether you agree with what is said or not. It is very similar to the lesson the Dems have to learn that if you want to play in a democracy however bad things get you oppose coups without any reservation.

    If media groups across the spectrum and poltical parties could find common cause on defending media rights and democracy respectively a lot of the hatred and division would be lessened. Especially as it would leave frameworks to air differences and settle them too

    Didn't the last Shinawatra regime try to buy the press?

  11. In respect to my comment on undesirables, how does that translate into saying people that disagree with me should be removed? An undesirable within the context of immigration laws are those that are non compliant with the applicable rules and regulations. Surely, all of those people criticizing are in full compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. I suspect a great deal of the resentment expressed by some foreigners is due to their marginal existence in Thailand. Too bad. I am certain that if the government and its law enforcement officials cracked down on these drug dealers and gambling dens the country would be better off. If some farangs are uneasy about having the debauchery curtailed, again too bad.

    The reason why i, and perhaps others, have the impression that you would feel a smug sense of happiness in seeing those in disagreement with you (ie those who aren't Shinawatra sycophants) ejected from the country, is because this is the view you have oft expressed in numerous threads. It goes along the lines of "just you guys wait until Thaksin does come back... IP addresses can be traced you know". These pathetic threats towards differing opinion, that do, by the way, fit you in perfectly with red mentality (as demonstrated recently with the wreath layers), are all a matter of record.

    If Max does come back it is likely that certain events will have transpired in which case remaining in the LOS may not be such an attractive proposition anyway.

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