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Posts posted by kraplung

  1. Lets this be a warning - any man who gets attached to a Thai woman is living on top of a volcano. He has been driven mad by their nature, character, volatilility or lack of reason. Ok they are alright for friendship, shortime, partnership- but marriage forget it ; the vast majority of Thai-Farang marriages are doomed especially after say 4 or 5 years. Many marriages of this type end in breakdown, separation and divorce or the couple co-exist in an unhappy state staying together for their mixed youngsters. I am talking about long term marriage here; keep away from it ; live together but do not make a legal marriage. Sorry- its the reality; there's too much conflict about sharing money, culture, family, bring children up, making money, buying Thai property and eventually being dragged into living in this developing country with all its inconsistencies and inner tensions ( mainly money)

    we should all already know this

    but some foreigners thing they are different (irrestible maybe) good boy

    and most the time who pretend my wife was not a prost...

    still the best customer for ladybar, they not nice but pay good money 5555555

    is hyprocrisy have a limit :huh: ???

    There has been much written about mixed marriages and it seems to work better (particularly in the early years) if you are domiciled away from the girl's home country. That generally forces her to culturally assimilate as opposed to a man constantly resisting the cultural pressures of the lady's home country.

    In my experience as far as family is concerned you need to have it all on the table early on. Accept that she has an obligation to provide for her family and quantify it. Most of the time it is not much money in the scheme of things, but some men have a problem with the concept in general and resist providing even small amounts of money to her family. I've known relationships to break down over US500 a month. Let's be real here, if you're poor you're not going to be able to hang on to a beautiful lady who is twenty years your junior. As has been said here many times, they don't really fancy old men, they need them. If you accept this from the outset (if your ego can handle it) then she gets what she wants and you get what you want. Even if it isn't there at the start, love can grow from these humble beginnings. And if you haven't become c8nt struck you'll limit your financial exposure in the early part of the relationship.

    Have your eyes wide open. Don't be overly cynical or you will doom the relationship from the word go. A self fulfilling prophecy as it were. But above all be careful and realistic, some of the girls are as hard as nails emotionally and lots of working girls are spivs.

    There is a tendency to focus on the negative here, but there are also plenty of successful mixed relationships out there.

    Hardly surprising so many farang/thai relationships fail when so many idiot foreigners try to meet their future wife in a pick up joint! Would you do that in your own country? If you meet someone through a friend, she has a good job, good family, is educated, sweet natured and as honest as you are then you can put up with a lot. There are many long term relationships here like my own but all that I know of start with a solid foundation not a few drinks in a beer bar.

  2. Any criticism of Yingluck should be expected in view of the facts. She is a political novice who has been put in place by puppetmaster Thaksin because she is one of the few people he can actually trust........ hence all the undated signed resignation letters sitting in his desk. She has to earn respect.

    The only way she will ever free herself of this image is if she is allowed to do the job she now has. But that won't happen.

  3. Wichean concedes to a transfer if deemed appropriate

    By The Nation

    National police chief General Wichean Potephosee on Wednesday conceded that he would not objected to a transfer to an equivalent position out of the police service.

    "Pressure is being applied to remove me," he said but made no further explanation.

    Wichean said he did not lapse in his duty, hence he deserved a fair reassignment.

    He voiced hope that the government would find him a suitable job.

    Earlier, Wednesday,former police chief General Seripisut Temiyavej said Wichean should bow to the shifting political wind rather than resist the change.

    "There are two ways to remove Wichean - the hard way or the gentle way," he said.

    Seripisut said he was an example of getting and losing the job because of a change of government.

    "It is normal that the powers-that-be would want their man as chief of police," he said.

    He reminded Wichean that he should accept a deal to accept a new job offer to become a permanent secretary at the Tourism and Sports Ministry, which is an equivalent position in ranking and seniority.

    Should Wichean refuse to be transferred, he said the government would create an inactive position for him within the police service equivalent to the police chief. If this happens, Wichean would be sidelined and the government would have the mandate to name a new police chief without violating the Police Act, he said.


    -- The Nation 2011-08-31

    An 'equivalent' position outside the police service'..... what on earth can that mean? An inactive post where he can still collect the same money?

    And it appears he concedes rather to readily that 'the powers that be' would want his, sorry, her own man in charge.

  4. Idea for a new T-shirt sloagn to kick off the campaign:

    it's a


    I survived


    with its electrocutions, muggings, tuk tuk drivers,

    jet ski operators, drownings, corrupt police, bad drivers,

    balcony dives, drink spiking, drugs, angry bar girls, lady boys,

    poisonings etc

    I WANT THAT T-SHIRT!!!!! :lol:

    Of course if you made it look cool young Thais will wear them too....... even if they have no idea what it says!

  5. The article was disturbinbing in it's entirety, but IMO the most disturbing part was this:

    Up to 42% of the respondents feel that the 300 baht minimum wage adjustment is unsettling. The policy will directly send repercussions to investors which may affect the local workforce. Companies may seek for expatriate instead.

    It would seem to speak volumes as to how highly Thais regard themselves.

    There's an article in today's Bangkok Post that says the Finance Minister stated the govt has no authority to force the private sector to increase the minimum wage to 300 baht; however, the govt will enforce the new rate for govt workers....and the govt will then ask the state enterprises and companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand to also provide a minimum wage of 300 baht. So, for now, it looks like some lower paid govt workers will be getting a raise while lower paid private sector workers may not. That's sure going to make a lot of folks mad; but I expect the govt will come up with means of making it happen in the private sector also.

    Considering the vast majority of Thaksin's supporters are poorly paid private sector workers it will be the government's interest to pass a minimum wage law a.s.a.p and before there's another election on the horizon... or coup.

  6. Worawat claims the reds deserve posts because they were elected...... They WEREN'T. They were each given places on the party list. Nobody voted for them in a constituency.

    Same as Yingluck. And we've all witnessed her lack of ability to carry out her appointed role last week.

    This government is an absolute joke.

    No it is not a joke. It is all part of a longer term plan.

    Having red shirts in as 'advisors' or 'secretaries' is Thaksin's way of putting in hard-line commissars to firstly report back to him that ministers are not straying from the Thaksin line and secondly kick them out at first sign of disobedience. Remember he has ministers' undated resignation letters in his pocket. The thuggery is applied to the PT. Know their place. Their sole function is to get Thaksin back.

    'fer instance

    Thaksin Banned Two Pheu Thai MPs


    Thaksin Tells Pheu Thai Ministers To Resign Party-List Mps



    I wonder if he has Yingluck's resignation letter as well.

    Or will he just cut her strings?

  7. My understanding........ in business, people generally accept it takes the individual circa 3 months to settle into a change of role.......excepting those who seek opportunity to raise instant criticism of course........or those who prefer to 'imagine' the future in order to raise criticism in advance....

    When you talk about CEO, CFO and the like they are expected to function from the day before yesterday. With lesser positions and especially junior positions the pressure (or stress) is much less. For top politicians (cough-cough) there is a similar expectation level as for top business positions.

    Interesting you say 'change of role', where in regards to the OP and Ms. Yingluck it's not a game or play, but a change of position from business woman / president of her family owned company to Thailand's first female PM. In her new position she's expected to function from day 1 which was about late July the 3rd, 2011 ;)

    Margaret Thatcher was up and running the day after the election and did very well for many years, but then again she was an experienced politician with a good cabinet behind her.

    Yingluck's role is just that.... a role. She doesn't need to write the script, merely learn her lines.

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