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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. Im too young for one but once im an old fart i would definitely say the Camry is a top notch car. Classy, Clean and decent overall. No personality though.

    Cruze's + are : Cool design not Japanese, relaxed fun drive while still doing well once you move into maniac mode.

    Accord(current ugly model) did not stand a chance versus those two cars. in my own opinion again.

    Cruze only needs a turbo engine or 30-40 extra HPs and imo it would be the best affordable car in Thailand

    Not too sure about this but i think the cruze might have a larger front and back window? looks easier to see around you in that car compared to the other two.

    edit: dam_n auto correct again

  2. Had a look at Boat Lagoon townhouse, newly decorated 2bedroom, livingroom downstairs. Would have to knock out the front door/wall to get bike inside, but thats ok. sold at 4 million baht with 14 meter berth outside its own terrace. Missed it by few days :(

    I think HDRIDER's point was that motor bikes are not allowed inside the complex. All bikes must park in the bike parking area before security point. Very strict on that rule.

    Wow, glad I missed it then, no chance I leave my bikes in a common bike parking every night/day

    not only that but you have to WALK a full KM and more. Get back home when it starts raining. no go. Park and walk.

    Go on a sunday ride on your bike for a bite at the lagoon. Walk a goddamn KM.

    It's a place for elitist that are not elite, RPM brings you as many amenities at the same price with 20x the class and building standard.

    Underground parking common area for the bikes. 24hrs security and clear CCTV.

    Every car and bike going in and out is logged in at night

  3. Royal Phuket Marina, great place, not bad what you think what you get for your money, and they will not build just outside your window like many places.... :) and each building have own boat berth.

    just curious, how much is it to rent there? 2 bed with a berth,

    way over 60k..

    crazy nice inside, unlike most places that look 50 years old with no kitchens

  4. its just a collumn by a bored person trying to get his 20 000baht monthly check to keep going to the bars..

    Thais outside of the nightlife have a nice accent but its no where near any of the other one in that list and its not sexy (a lot of screeching and ear piercing ayeeee's) except irish.. Seriously who in the world thinks irish sounds sexy? it sounds funny and different thats it.

    Even russian sounds more sexy.. even a fat russian on tape sounds like a sex kitten.

  5. Living in nai Harn, moving to RPM, love the view there and i have never seen so safe place to live, even car park has have own security guard, great place

    Have you bought or are you renting?

    Place is expensive as a rental.. but well worth it compared to the other places renting for the same prices

  6. if you cant afford a car, which is why most people have a motorbike. Just go on public transports. There. Saved all the problems.

    You're just too dam_n self centered to notice that you're just part of the problem, those tards who keep driving in the fast lane at 20km/h to go in front of the right turning lane instead of waiting in the back

  7. robook just shows us exactly why the roads are bad. He thinks because he is on a motorbike he has the right to park anywhere, be in front of every queue etc etc.

    If motorbikes understood they were secondary citizens on the roads (just like bicycles, stay on the side) things would be a lot better. Everytime a motorbike jumps queue in front of me it adds 20secs to 1min of time to my travel and costs me MORE in gas because of all the breaking and accelerating i will have to do to get past him. Dont forget the massive breaking i will have to do once he decides to turn left which will be done by stopping in the middle of the street, waiting 5secs for his brains to process the electric current for moving his handle then he will scoot off at about 3.5km/h untill no cars are around him which will make him decide to finaly accelerate to 50km/h

    I personnaly dont park in car's spaces, i dont block, i dont jumpe queue unless i am going to be driving my bike at 60+ on even small roads. I mean whats the point of even going to the left or right of a car? you'll get in front of him as soon as an object obstructs the side 5meters later and he'll have to slow down because you won't let the car pass in front of you, NO motorbikes ever look , they just snap turn in the middle of the road to avoid the obtructing object.

  8. It doesn't matter what or who you can out accelerate on your bike. It does matter what every big on the road does and in general the pull away from the lights slowly. It doesn't matter even if 90% of bikes pull away quickly, it only takes one slow bike to block a lane.

    IMO this bikes vs cars issue is a bit daft - this issue here is that many riders and drivers, bike or car pull away from the lights so slowly it's painful. It's not about what the vehicles can achieve or a school yard debate regarding my bike is faster than your car, I challenge you etc....

    I too find it annoying that if I am at the front of the traffic at a set of lights, bikes will thread through the traffic and stop in front of me and then pull away slowly - it only takes one bike to block me no matter how fast the first guy off the lights is. Invariably I am also behind other cars who also pull away from the lights slowly. The simple fact is that while some motorists might disagree, bikes have as much right to be in the road as we car drivers do, I just which that in general they would not take such a kamakaze attitude to riding.

    I consider I have saved a number of lives by taking avoiding action - I imagine many other drivers have too.

    Just drive in front of them, if theres 20cm of space, go ahead, scare the shit oiut of them and then they move next to the curb. Some might even learn something out of it.

    Today i was driving on the highway, 85kph in fast lane, had to switch to slow lane to overcome an idiot. guess what. Farang on a motorbike close to the line in the middle of the slow and fast lane (when theres a half lane reserved for motorbikes)

    hit that ass*ipe with my mirror(didnt see him though, my first time ever in many years ever coming close to hitting someone). Probably scared the shit out of him forever. GOOD. Im almost sad he didnt fall of and break a leg. I to drive a motorbike often but i keep my ass off the fking main road and i dont annoy cars unless theres really no way they can go any faster than if they stay behind me.

    Thais are too nice to motorbikes, scare the shit out of them 2-3 times, they'll start sticking to side and looking left and right. Trust me, in my areas i see the same people everyday and those i have scared are most often driving carefully now. If you want to drive with the big boys get yourself a sports bike, no dumbass scooters in the middle of the highway. Same goes for the idiots turning right and going in the fast lane one km b4 the uturn spot and then talking on their motorbikes.. drive as close as you can to them and once you overtake them, 1 loud honk. At some point if everyone does this and they almost fall off.. They'll stop. Automatic response from the brain of even the dumbest person in the world.

  9. OP you do understand that letting space for motorbikes to go up front if what causes 50% of the thai traffic?

    Motorbikes are so EFFIN slow, having to pass them at every light and then them coming back up and blocking your way is what makes everyone miss every green light.

    Keeping them in the back would make the traffic better and SAFER.

    Its inconsiderate to let them pass.

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