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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. Many illegal hotels on the island were built as far back as 30 years ago and the structures do not meet building code requirements "But to order them to close would be too cruel," he said

    "We are not opposed to business competition, but there must be standards in the industry. We want to bring the illegal establishments into the system so that we all operate under the same laws..

    so they want to register them to remove anything dangerous and illegal in them yet they want to allow them to stay with inferior building and no safety?

    im confused

  2. just drove there today on my bike.

    Not only are all the signs still there but theyve added a few new ones and cut down ALL the beautiful trees they had next to them.

    Obviously i saw a guy trying to look important in an old mercedes blocking the whole walkpath with his assholy parked car handling the tree cutting.

  3. http://www.find-how.com/It-is-Not-ADD-ADHD-is-Indigo-Child.html

    otherwise if you'Re crazy enough to ruin your child health and life(like i have seen many of my friends go through because of those idiotic drugs which are ALMOST like pure cocaine) just go to any pharmacy and request ritalin yourself.. its the only brand in thailand(and an indian copy).. which is a TERRIBLE brand since its a 1 time large release that only lasts 2hours and boosts you as hard as cocaine. Its not like with adderal XR that releases just a lil bit every hour. The doctors dealing with adhd here are only in it for the money, they dont even know anything about any of the research done on the subject.

  4. If you want to do any project here, learning English should be your first priority. Anyone communicating with you would never follow you through anything with your very basic knowledge of the language. Good luck.

  5. hmmm all you guys whining about nany states non stop yet you dont want to tell the truth to a danger of society? It's not like you can reason with a drunk driving thai or a thai with no driving skills which happens to be most of them. Yet when someone from a country where most people could understand something as simple as gtfo the road when you cant stand on your 2 feet with balance you want to encourage him in killing others?

    When you're a kid you cant do what you want and when you get old you become a dependent kid again. His young prize can take care of his driving.

  6. Im seriously appalled that there is still no one that figured it out?

    Asians have a huge American envy. They saw a million classic movies/pictures/music video from the peace and love time. Started overusing it incorrectly.

    Just like them thinking mullets were high fashion, Hitler was a movie personality that was cool and many other social misunderstandings.

  7. Why is honda unable to make a nice automatic gearbox?

    Honda doesnt make auto boxes, very few car makers do. Honda is supplied by Aisin, so is Toyota, Lexus, Mitsu, Volvo, you name it.

    I find Honda specked auto boxes to work better than Toyotas, firmer, shorter shift times and thus less sluggish but also less comfy

    Thought i was clear, im talking visually. Every car has classy auto sticks except honda..

  8. It has been 4 years since my last trip home and I thought it was crap then, however it's got worse.

    6 pounds and 60 pence for a packet of cigs, 10 quid for 3 pints in a pub that you have to go out side to smoke in the rain and wind with.

    speed camaras every few miles to make sure you stay at 30 miles an hour, shit the crappy little car I rented did 30 in 4th without my foot on the pedal.I expect to get a ticket.

    a pub meal can not be had for less then a tenner and they are shit, even a razor and some foam cost 8 pounds!

    a drunk smoker complaining about not being able to afford his lifestyle that is all about annoying normal people and giving them cancer. Then complaining about the country protecting their citizen from crazy drivers(unlike here) and then complaining about cars with good engines(which we do not have here)

    sigh. thailand always attracks the best of the best. :rolleyes:

  9. "Let me guess.

    You either sell real estate or have bought a home up there and defending your questionable purchase in a isolated backwash of rampant construction"

    I was thinking the same.

    I lived in Bang Tao for 2 years.Or should I say Boring Bang Tao.

    Some of us like bars that are not full of Estate agents and wannabe property developers which Bang Tao used to be when I lived there.

    I now live in Rawai and there are a lot of educated people down here that are not full of BS like I experience when living North.

    Makro and Supercheap North end of the Island.I would say center of the Island

    i consider the center to be part of the north since its not part of the farang ghettos/retirement community

    i prefer north but i live in the center like most thais on the island. Thats where you can find anything you need at proximity without seeing more than 4 or 5 farang in samlors a year.

  10. South Side.. if you have the money.. I like the South East Side as we have good shopping with the Lotus and Home Pro Centers....

    A few good bars etc and plenty of returants.

    Best place would be on the beach but that is tough to find!

    he has an educated wife.

    Stay north.

    Anywhere north is good. South is mostly about people who likes bars.The south is onnut. 90% of the population to be avoide. Lot's of good food and shopping and infrastructures up north when you can afford them.

    The North has nothing but overpriced villa's and empty shop houses.

    A few overpriced restaurants but infrastructure? Shopping? If you live right on Theppasattri Rd, ok but the infrastructure is laughable once you turn left or right at the monument.

    I have friends who live in Kamala and they always seem to be hanging out in Kata/Karon/Chalong due to nothing to do up there.

    Maybe if you leave your villa and venture out you might find the south has much more to offer.

    Yes lots of low quality restaurant deemed good by non-connaisseur of food. Phuket town and the surin area has some top notch restaurants with really good international chefs in expensive and cheap restaurants. Also a lot of the great thai chefs on the island are keeping far away from the farang ghettos. Central is right there with good easy food and shopping. Homepro/works, all the north beach accessible by a fast highway and better internet reliability and LESS thieves.

    South loses in any category unless you work there.

    can add a few more:

    Golf is better, more choice of quality spas and gyms. 2 marinas. Easy access to airport. Better and larger roads(still horrible but..) Tennis courts, soon a cabaret show for ladyboy lovers, supercheap and makros for supply of beer lao.

  11. South Side.. if you have the money.. I like the South East Side as we have good shopping with the Lotus and Home Pro Centers....

    A few good bars etc and plenty of returants.

    Best place would be on the beach but that is tough to find!

    he has an educated wife.

    Stay north.

    Anywhere north is good. South is mostly about people who likes bars.The south is onnut. 90% of the population to be avoide. Lot's of good food and shopping and infrastructures up north when you can afford them.

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