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Everything posted by Virt

  1. Will freezing kill the parasite just like fish are supposed to be frozen before used for sushi and sashimi. If so it's an easy fix, but of course the prawns lose some quality by being frozen in the first place.
  2. They just announced here in Denmark that we now are almost close to 100% BA.2 dominance. Didn't take long for BA.1 to beat delta and now BA.2 to beat BA.1 So far nothing indicates it's more deadly, but it seems like it spreads faster than BA.1, so the problem right now is mostly lack of staff due to so many in isolation, since we still have tons of daily cases. Some popular Twitter user used some danish statistics to try and show our covid death rates are rising, but he failed to realize how we report deaths here in Denmark and also how we register admissions in hospitals, so he ended up posting some pretty misleading headlines. In reality our hospital admissions are more than 50% lower if we just look at those admitted which needs treatment for covid, and our deaths reported daily are so flawed, since we report a death as COVID related if the diseased had been registered with covid 30 days prior to death. Shame because he usually are pretty good at posting accurate info, but he really dropped the ball on this one.
  3. Of course we can't directly compare countries since the vaccinating status, healthcare systems, restrictions and general health status are very different. Might not be a perfect idea for Thailand to drop all restrictions at once, but face masks outside could be a start since it's inside most people are infected. Keep them while shopping and using public transport and wait for the results 2-4 weeks after dropping masks outdoors. Maybe no need to go full Monty like we did, but it seems like Thailand are keeping some restrictions that might not be necessary after omicron arrived. I don't know what the % is from omicron and delta in Thailand, but if omicron has taken complete control, they have a high chance of opening up with minor problems.
  4. Let's make a bet. I say Thailand will drop mandatory masks outdoors before July 2022. The loser has to pay 1000 bath to the elephant santuary on koh Samui.
  5. I think he is from Denmark if my memory is correct, but having a profife picture with a mask on, I'm assuming he is following the rules in Thailand. Which essentially is it. Follow the rules in the country you are in and if you don't like those rules, find another country to live in or to visit. Which is what many tourists do when they turn down Thailands fine palette of restrictions.
  6. It's funny to see how different countries tackle the COVID situation. Here in Denmark we dropped all restrictions, even if the numbers of positive are through the roof. We are only 5.8 million, and yesterday we had 55.000 positive cases! (Only 26 in ICU) If Thailand had the same numbers of infections that would add up to 650.000 daily cases in Thailand, since they have 12x as many people. I can't even imagine what kind of restrictions Thailand would have if they officially tested 650.000 positive in a single day.... But here we move on with life with no restrictions. Hopefully Thailand will some day too.
  7. If that means continued use of masks, tests and so on, he can wave goodbye to a lot of the tourists.
  8. Japan are starting to see a sharp increase in positive cases, but maybe that has something to do with their low numbers of boosters given? https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/02/02/national/covid-tracker-feb-2/ "The omicron variant of the coronavirus continued to rage across Japan on Wednesday, with Tokyo and other major urban centers reporting a record number of infections. The unprecedented surge has many wondering about booster shots, with Japan having the dubious distinction of being home to the developed world’s slowest rollout of third shots"
  9. Link to an article that mentioned a danish study for BA.2 Has not yet been peer reviewed. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/omicron-subvariant-ba2-more-infectious-than-original-danish-study-finds-2022-01-31/
  10. BA.2 has been dominant in Denmark for a while. Seems like it's a bit more transmissible, but nothing so serious that it prevented us from dropping all restrictions.
  11. Denmark are one of the countries that had most boosters per million, but we have more registered at hospitals now than we had a year ago. So seems like boosters didn't work, which is not correct when you dive into the data. Denmark started to release weekly data that shows how many are admitted for omicron as main reason and how many are in with omicron but admitted for something else where omicron are not the main issue. Yesterday we had approx 1000 in hospitals registered with covid. A large portion of those registered 1000 persons at hospitals with omicron are people admitted in psyc wards approx 20%. The remaining 800 then have estimated 30-40 % which are admitted for something else but registered as COVID patient so in reality we only have approx 500 admitted directly linked to omicron. Yesterday we only had 28 in ICU. i assume UK can shave off some numbers as well if they dig into the data. So boosters and omicron are a good combo. We stopped all restrictions yesterday in Denmark and are back to normal even if we still have huge number of positives each day. Simply because the health care system are not overburdened and omicron can't be labeled as a critical threat for society anymore. We do have other issues though. Lack of staff due to so many people getting COVID each day so they have to isolate. I think that problem is solved in a matter of weeks when we start seeing numbers decrease. We had so many infected the last two months that the virus should start having trouble finding new people to infect due to a combo of high amountt of boosted people and natural infections. Sort of combined herd immunity. I'm curious to see what happens later this year Delta are practically gone in Denmark. So what happens later this year if tourists arrive positive from countries that still have delta, because they tried to keep omicron away, which give delta a good chance of surviving. Will that fuel another round of delta, if we managed to lower the amount of daily omicron cases to a minimum. If that's possible some countries should start embracing omicron to get rid of Delta.
  12. Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark in top 5. What the hell happened to our Viking genes ????
  13. I don't have so much hair left, so when covid started and barbers were shut down, i bought an expensive Phillips hair clipper and i still use that today. Haven't been to a barber since February 2020.
  14. Here is an interesting read, which might surprise some people. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-by-race-ethnicity/
  15. I can understand why Thais drink bottled water if their own tap water is not good or healthy, but i seriously don't understand those people that buy bottled water, in their own countries that has excellent water directly from the tap.
  16. Has this story been given a factcheck? It sure sounds like a thriller in the making. https://news.yahoo.com/daszaks-coronavirus-grant-rejected-pentagon-200800644.html
  17. Maybe they don't think the audience for Meg 2 is class A tourist materials, so they don't want to promote that movie ????
  18. Very little testing. Here is a comparison with the country that test most in the world per million. If Thailand tested as much, their numbers would explode too. https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&time=2021-11-09..latest&facet=none&pickerSort=desc&pickerMetric=new_cases_smoothed_per_million&Metric=Confirmed+cases&Interval=7-day+rolling+average&Relative+to+Population=true&Color+by+test+positivity=false&country=DNK~THA
  19. Omicron arrived and changed the game plan. Your math with 100.000 saved lives can't be compared after omicron came. It does but make any sense to maintain restrictions if it's not killing so many people. We're removing all restrictions tomorrow in Denmark even if we have the highest numbers of positive cases per million in the world. Why can we do that This is why. Omicron became dominant and number of patients in ICU decreased fast. It's actually omicron BA.2 that is now dominant here. It's still important to say vaccines are a crucial ingredient in the recipe to live with no restrictions. https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&time=2021-10-22..latest&facet=none&pickerSort=desc&pickerMetric=new_cases_smoothed_per_million&Metric=ICU+patients&Interval=7-day+rolling+average&Relative+to+Population=true&Color+by+test+positivity=false&country=DNK~THA
  20. Different solutions in different countries. Last day of restrictions here in Denmark. Back to normal tomorrow and that's what living with covid really means, when it's not a critical threat to society anymore. The only thing that are not normal it's that we probably will need to get a yearly shot, or maybe just the elderly and weak. I can accept a shot once a year if it means all restrictions are dropped all year. But for now I'm happy to live in a place where all restrictions are removed. I will probably keep my mask on while shopping and in crowded public transport until our numbers drop some more, since we still have extremely high numbers of positive per day and i expect number to rise even more after restrictions are removed. No reason to deliberately try and get covid, but the important thing is that I'm not forced to wear a mask, but i can wear it if i feel like it. Huge difference.... It will be interesting to see if it backfires to remove all restrictions, but i don't think so. I think we might have a month or so where the work force will be affected by lack of staffs, but i don't think ICUs will be overburdened. Time will tell ????
  21. A colleague of mine takes the risk and goes to Thailand this month, but she told me her friends were not that lucky this week. Negative PCR tests before flight, negative tests on arrival in Thailand and then the 3rd test days later came back positive for one of them, so they could kiss their holiday goodbye. Test on arrival is a show stopper, plus there is a good chance that the positive test is a result of getting covid in Thailand. If they had caught Omicron in their home country there would be a good chance that their first test on arrival would return positive, since Omicron grows up to 70 x faster than Delta in the bronchial tissue. So i'm not buying any tickets to Thailand until they drop the demand for tests. Not even going to accept a pre flight PCR test. So maybe it will take quite some time before i return to Thailand, but it is what it is. There are other countries that just accept proof of vaccine so i stick to them for now.
  22. "In the afternoon officials estimated the volume of the oil slicks at about 20,000 liters and they should disappear within Jan 27. " Say again?
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