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Everything posted by Virt

  1. Yeah we need some time to see if it spreads even faster in colder climates, compared to SA where omicron spread fast close to their summer season. Even if it's mild we don't want to many cases at the same time. That would overburden the hospitals and cause problems for other patients that need other treatment, surgeries. So far it's looking ok in Denmark and UK that has reported most omicron cases in Europe, but i think we have to wait a month or so to see if it is a problem or not.
  2. If they start testing so much that they hit 10% positive PCR tests and 90% negative, we will have a more accurate daily number of positives. Getting it down to 5% will be even better, but 10 % is a start.
  3. I don't think anyone do not want a milder version to dominate, but it can spread to fast. https://www.wgbh.org/news/national-news/2021/12/11/what-omicrons-fast-spread-could-mean-for-the-u-s-and-the-world "A small proportion of a huge number all at once can still overwhelm health care systems."
  4. Give it a few weeks and we know some more. It's hard to compare Data from South Africa, that has a young population and is in their summer season at the moment. When Omicron could spread so fast in South Africa so close to their normal summer season, it's going to be interesting to see what happens in the colder climates. So far we have registered 3437 cases of omicron in Denmark and it's still rising each day. We went from 0,1% of omicron cases to 10,7% in the period 27 nov- 8 dec. Today it's 12,3 % if my math is correct (today is 7799 cases of covid and 966 of them are Omicron). So it's not rising as fast as one could fear, but it's still on the rise. We can't compare the numbers of positives omicrons cases in Denmark to other countries since we test a lot more compared to other countries. We can instead look at the numbers from hospitals and so far the numbers in hospitals here are not exploding. Hopefully it stays like that, but it can change fast, so all bets are off...
  5. I think i have to call the Delta variant and inform it that it completely misunderstood how nature works ????
  6. The article mentioned that some countries are having high numbers of infections and in Thailand it's declining because of the use of face mask It's s bit hard to know how many positive cases Thailand actually has when they continue to keep testing so few people. If Thailand should test the same % as Denmark, Thailand should test approx 2 million Thais using PCR tests each day. It's not a lot that Thailand test. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/daily-tests-per-thousand-people-smoothed-7-day?tab=chart&country=GBR~DNK~THA
  7. When i first travelled to Thailand i was surprised to see the prices of local beer like Leo, Singha, Chang and Archa. (I rate them in this order from best to worst. Chang, Singha, Archa and Leo) They were expensive compared to local Tuborg and Carlsberg here in Denmark where you still in 2021 can buy 30 Tuborg or Carlsberg for 92.5 danish kroner, which is the same as 16 baht pr 33 cl bottle. So when i saw local thai beers were 3 x that price in supermarkets i was surprised and not in a good way ???? As for prices in a standard thai bar i would say 60-70 baht for a standard chang and 90-100 for a large Chang is ok. Beers worldwide are often cheaper than in Thailand. Going to tenerife next week, where a pint is 1 euro at the seafront bars. (approx 38 bath) How come the retail price of local thai beers are so much higher in Thailand , compared to the prices for local beers in other countries? Monopoly or tax?
  8. Is that pareto principle doing a reversed cowgirl?
  9. If those rates continue, then we will reach a point where as many patients are in ICU as with delta, but it will reach that point 50% faster than the delta, which is not necessarily a good thing, if it keeps rising. Then they run out of ICUs.
  10. A few i dug through and enjoyed. Lucifer, super store, game of thrones, Westworld, altered carbon.
  11. Now that this is about booster. Seems like s good idea to get that booster if we have a look at this story. 75% of deaths are unvaccinated and the remaining are people who had their shots more than 6 months ago. No one who had their booster shot has died as far as can read in this hospital. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/09/us/hospital-covid-19-deaths-michigan/index.html It's 5 1/2 months since i received my 2nd shot so time for a booster in not so long. I had an antibody test yesterday, which shows i still have anti bodies, but it took 5 minutes before it showed signs of anti bodies. Last time i had a test it was showing it in like 5 seconds, so i assume i have a lot less anti bodies now. Seems like we're going to have a booster a few times a year until someone invent a vaccine that last longer.
  12. Nice ???? Which data are used to determine that? it's it numbers of admissions to hospitals or number of positive tests or something else? if it's the numbers of positive tests, I'm not that optimistic since SA does not test a lot of people. They are almost on par with Thailand, which is not that much if we look at Europe then Denmark and UK are seeing the omicron cases going up and up and up. Denmark has the highest numbers of confirmed cases in Europe pr million, but i would assume that because we're testing a lot more than other countries. Chart of the 4 i mentioned. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/daily-tests-per-thousand-people-smoothed-7-day?tab=chart&country=GBR~DNK~THA~ZAF Some says it's a waste of time and money to test and sequence so much as Denmark does and not really useful, but i don't think so. We're genome sequencing the majority of the positive tests, so if a new messed up mutation has emerged, there would be a good chance to find it quickly.
  13. Does Africa and South America not have their fair share of those markets too?
  14. Lots of countries in the world has these wet markets that are ticking time bombs.
  15. Hopefully, but here in Denmark we went from 18 omicron cases to total 1280 in just 7 days. (EDIT. The new numbers were just updated and it went from 1280 yesterday to total 1840 cases today, so today it's 10% of the daily cases that is Omicron variant) If that growth rate continues, we will see more omicon infections than Delta within the next 2 to 3 weeks. 18 people in hospital with the Omicron variant at the moment, so that's at least positive for now. Hopefully it stays like that.
  16. https://www.businessinsider.in/science/health/news/scientists-find-18-more-viruses-from-chinas-wet-markets/articleshow/87739252.cms
  17. Lot of people in this world that believe in all sorts of things and it's a huge money making industry. One of the more fun ones are the group that claims all birds were killed and replaced by drones. It started as a joke, but attracted a lot of people somehow. The human mind are a fascinating thing My own bookshelves are full of books i read many years ago that involves reincarnation, different religions, Angels, UFOs, pyramid powers, crystal energy, healing, Aliens, Tarot card reading, astrology, Aura reading, numerology, Edgar Cayce clairvoyance, earth rays, and tons of other stuff. The older i get, the more i think we just end up in the ground and that's it. The world are not so mysterious as we try to make it.
  18. Surgical tape. Put a bit of tape over the top of your mask/nose and it will stop your glasses from fogging. Not ideal but helps a bit. Not practical in normal day use, but if you are on a plane for several hours where it is required to wear a mask, it can be handy.
  19. I hope Omicron is less lethal compared to delta. Just received news that someone i known for many years died of corona after being on ventilator several weeks. So it was not the omicon that killed him, but still the darn virus ???? He is the first person i personally know that has died from Corona, and it suddenly moves a lot closer.
  20. I don't know. If it turns out i get cancer and it's possible to treat with mRNA technology in the future i wouldn't think one second. Would you really wait in that situation?
  21. As far as i know that's a pill that needs to be taken daily. Wouldn't a shot maybe 2 times a year be better?
  22. Welcome to these fora. Get ready to get jumped by certain posters ???? Don't mention the war.....
  23. Sorry if it's a bit of topic, but it's about mRNA technology that also are used in Pfizer and Modernas vaccines for COVID. Research seems to indicate the same technique shows promising results for fighting HIV, which is very good news, since current HIV treatment costly. Maybe it will become cheap and effective to fight HIV which is great news. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01602-4 Personally i think the mRNA tech is the best thing since bacon. In the next 10-20 years we will mostly likely see it used for a lot of other deadly diseases. Certain types of cancer might be possible to treat with this technique. Not going to dizz the current mRNA vaccine sceptics, but i think a lot of them are going to change their point of view on this technology, if it turns out to be able to treat HIV, cancer and other sorts of deadly diseases. Maybe Malaria and dengue could be treated more effectively in the future with the mRNA tech? Not sure if that's possible, but one can only hope.
  24. Uhm i don't think that's true. Just because the virus mutated into something milder does not the mean next mutation will also be mild That's not how virus work. It actually already mutated and they say the PCR test can't detect the new mutation. Not as in PCR can't detect the virus, because it will still become positive, but they can't detect if it's omicron like some PCR can with original omicron. So that means more genome sequencing and slower detecting of that mutated omicron. I will try and find the link. Edit. Link. Sorry if it has been posted earlier in thread. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livescience.com/amp/second-version-omicron-variant-ba2
  25. That's correct. We have the same problem here. It would actually be nice if they split the numbers in 2, so we could see how many were admitted only with covid. It's still important to remember that the ones admitted for something else, need to be treated as covid patients if they are tested positive on arrival, which means speciel sections and other more time consuming procedures for the staff. So that's also something that can overburden the hospitals, even if it's not the virus that is the patients main problem.
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