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  1. Yesterday an article mentioned it was in Nigeria in October, but no info where the traveler came from.
  2. This article come with pictures so it's easier to understand ???? https://www.bbc.com/news/health-59460252
  3. That was yesterday. Here is todays advice. I think they messed up a bit by not pointing out they meant the unvaccinated ones 60+ yesterday? https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/officials-offer-vaccine-reassurance-who-advises-against-travel-bans-2021-11-30/ "The WHO issued a statement advising a postponement of travel for those who are unwell or at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19, including those 60 years or older who are not vaccinated."
  4. The unvaccinated ones. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/01/older-unvaccinated-people-should-delay-travel-says-who-as-omicron-curbs-spread
  5. It was in Nigeria in October. https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/nigeria-confirms-first-cases-omicron-among-travellers-south-africa-2021-12-01/
  6. They confirmed the case in Denmark, which was found in a person that attended an inside concert with 2000 people, so time will tell how transmissible it really is. An inside concert with no facemasks and a lot of partying on the dance floor has to be a somewhat ideal place to test how transmissible the virus really is? https://www.instagram.com/p/CW0gCGUIU8I/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  7. That's not breaking news and we have known that for a long time. It's a worldwide problem with flawed surgical masks and cloth masks that offers very little protection. It's a mystery why cloth masks are still allowed.
  8. We're up to 4 confirmed cases in DK today, and a few other positive tests still being sequenced to determine which variant it is. So far all of the 4 confirmed cases were related to travels in south Africa. Edit.. 3 travelers and 1 close contact. 1 suspected case of omicron attended a concert this weekend, so if it's the omicron variant and it's easier transmissible, the next week could show an increase. None from the concert are being quarantined, but only adviced to get tested. Other than that, a few countries has released data that shows omicron was present in their countries before south Africa published their first case, so who knows how many countries it has actually spread to by now. Oh well, life move on.
  9. If you are smart you will also tattoo the qr code on your forehead. It will make it a lot easier to scan.
  10. As far as i know Thailand only executed 3 persons the last 18 years, so if he is found guilty he will most likely not get the jab.
  11. Not really ,but it reminded me that it has been a long time since i watched Iron maiden. So now it's time again ????
  12. The experts are all over the dartboard. Some are doomsayers and some say this is the best that could possibly happen if it is highly transmissible to be able to push delta out of the way but also cause a mild case of covid. Time will tell.
  13. Seems like the Omicron variant were present in Netherlands before the infamous plane arrived from South Africa. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2021/nov/30/covid-news-live-who-warns-omicron-poses-very-high-risk-new-variant-detected-in-at-least-a-dozen-countries?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-61a5ff098f087c6028247e84#block-61a5ff098f087c6028247e84 "Omicron variant was already in Netherlands prior to flights known to have carried cases"
  14. One of the most stupid rules i have ever seen in a country, and i constantly forget which period it is. Result. I stock beer and wine and because of that i drink more, when i'm on vacation in Thailand.
  15. Here in DK we have 9 people that was PCR tested positive and now awaits the results from full genome sequencing, since docs suspect it is the omicron version, so something in the PCR result should indicate if it's something different.
  16. Later in the same article. Dr Coetzee, who was briefing other African medical associations on Saturday, made clear her patients were all healthy and she was worried the new variant could still hit older people – with co-morbidities such as diabetes or heart disease – much harder. “What we have to worry about now is that when older, unvaccinated people are infected with the new variant, and if they are not vaccinated, we are going to see many people with a severe [form of the] disease,” she said.
  17. We will see those mutations again and again, so it's hard to tell which is the correct way to act. Here in Denmark they just closed a school after they found an unknown variant. Hopefully it's just another of the many Delta sub variants and not some new kid on the block.
  18. Some very early data seems to indicate that it could very well be a variant that pushes the Delta to the side, but time will tell if that is a good or bad thing if it happens. https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1463956686075580421/photo/1
  19. It's probably in a lot more countries now. Here in Denmark, the 2 confirmed cases so far, were arriving on two different planes 23. nov and 24. nov KL1129 and KL1345 and both flew from Amsterdam. The other passengers are only advised to go in quarantine, but they arrived 3 and 4 days ago, so i don't know how much that will help. If it's the same case in other countries, people had quite some time to spread it. Maybe it's not all bad news? https://www.politico.eu/article/nu-coronavirus-new-variant-vaccine-africa-europe-travel-winter-november-december-2021/ One school of thought suggests that if Omicron is more transmissible, it may be less dangerous — from the evolutionary point of view a virus risks extinction if it is too effective at killing its host. This could also be the case with the Delta sub-lineage AY.4.2 which is gaining pace in the U.K.
  20. Some experts says it's not all bad news, but it's all speculation at the moment. They say the best scenario would be if new variant was highly transmissible but less lethal than delta, so it could replace the delta variant. That way more would get it, but less people would die compared to the delta, so we could build herd immunity faster, but at the cheaper price. If that is true, shouldn't we try to embrace the new variant? I know it sounds weird, but shouldn't we try to chose the least deadly version if possible? As time goes by it seems like we all more or less will get infected at some point,vaccinated or not, and then i would prefer to get a "covid light" variant.
  21. Not sure but here they describe the cases so far has been extremely mild. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/26/south-africa-b11529-covid-variant-vaccination “It’s all speculation at this stage. It may be it’s highly transmissible, but so far the cases we are seeing are extremely mild,” she said. “Maybe two weeks from now I will have a different opinion, but this is what we are seeing. So are we seriously worried? No.
  22. It's in the UK too and probably to late to prevent the spreading in Europe, so we just have to wait and see if it push Delta out of the way and becomes top dog. Hopefully the current vaccines will still be able to keep most of the infected away from hospitals so it buy us some time, since it will take a few months to get a new version of the mRNA vaccines out if new versions are required. Man i'm so sick and tired of this Covid 19 <deleted>, but it's interesting to see how fragile human mankind really are.
  23. It's funny how they use greek letters to name the variants, but somehow they managed to jump to omicron and forgot Xi. I wonder why ????
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