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Everything posted by Virt

  1. That's quite a lot. Is the beach large enough to support such plans ????
  2. Left winger, right wingers, no wingers.... Covid really don't care which side you support., but thankfully a lot has received their shots no matter what political party they support. The rest that chose to remain unvaccinated? Time will tell, but they have a higher chance of ending up as nothing more than a number in the statistics. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2237475-covid-19-news-unvaccinated-have-14-times-greater-risk-of-covid-death/
  3. Nah someone has to eat all the prawns, now that the chinese are absent.
  4. That is probably the worst PR Thailand can get out in the world. A lot of tourists are not going to take that chance.
  5. These news from Japan almost sound to good to be true. https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/global/new-research-suggests-delta-strain-drove-itself-to-extinction-in-japan/news-story/b0c7459c05dedb1ddb41908743b585fd
  6. I had second shot 5 weeks after 1st. Got second shot in June. Now awaits when i can get my booster. I think I'm able to get it in jan or Feb 2022.
  7. Headache is a well known side effect from the vaccines, but if it continues after a few days, it's advised be a good idea to go see a doc. No need to push the panic button. Personally i had headache and felt seriously fatiqued after my first pfizer, but only fatique after second shot. Both times the side effects only lasted a dayt, but i allready knew what side effects i could expect, so no panic here. There is actually a study that implies that people who expect to get side effects, they are in higher risk of actually getting them. it's called the noncebo effect. https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/519853
  8. Not always true. Thailand are doing a great job at the moment and are getting the jabs done, but the number of daily tests are still very very low. Imagine what the daily numbers of positives in Thailand would be if they used Denmark's test strategy. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/daily-tests-per-thousand-people-smoothed-7-day?tab=chart&country=DNK~THA It's not cheap. If my memory is correct we spent more than 20 billion kroner in 2 years which is approx 100 billion baht on just PCR/quick test in a 5.8 million population. Hopefully it's worth the money.
  9. Not sure which study the poster has the statistics from, but this one get somewhat close to what he said, so maybe he mixed up the numbers? https://www.npr.org/2021/09/10/1036023973/covid-19-unvaccinated-deaths-11-times-more-likely
  10. Huh? The vaccines has saved millions of lives and still continue to save lives. Sure they are not perfect and there is room for improvement, but calling them a disappointment is not fair. I hope the combo with vaccines and the news pills under development will do the trick, but until then we have to keep using the vaccines. New vaccines are in developments worldwide, and hopefully someone develop one that offers lifelong protection against the corona family, so new strains will not cause a problem.
  11. If you asked me last month i could have answered yes. Denmark cancelled their emergency law and lifted all restrictions and we lived liked normal for some time. No masks, everything open, no distance, no nothing and we didn't see any spikes for quite some time. https://sum.dk/nyheder/2021/august/the-danish-government-will-not-extend-the-categorisation-of-covid-19-as-a-disease-presenting-a-“critical-threat-to-society”-in-denmark Sadly the colder season arrived and it turned out that 85% vaccine coverage of the target group age 12+ was not enough and we started seeing spikes once again. I think you can guess which group mostly were hospitalized... But the government think it went to fast so they once again voted to make covid 19 a critical threat to society, so they could reintroduce the covid 19 passports for the vaccinated ones/and the ones who had covid plus the unvaccinated has to show a negative test to enter restaurants and bars. Other than that everything is still open like normal, and masks are not mandatory. Very very few people use masks. I attended a soccer match last friday with 35,000 spectators and personally didn't see a single spectator wearing a mask. If we manage to make it though winter with such minor restrictions i think that's acceptable. Sure they unvaccinated ones will complain about they have to get tested constantly to get into restaurants and bars, but that's better than forcing them to get their shots. They should just be happy that they don't live in Austria.....
  12. I think Thailand has a huge advantage compared to Europe, when we reach similar vaccine coverage in the population. The climate. Here in Denmark we had several months during the summer/fall where we were fully open with no restrictions at all and no spikes, but now when we're heading into the colder period the spikes are starting again. So far we're open as usual, but the unvaccinated ones, does have to show a negative test before entering restaurant/bars. The rest of us just have to show the vaccination certificate. No lockdowns planned so far, and no masks mandatory. Thailands cold period shouldn't affect them as much as it does here in Europe, when it comes to spikes, but that's just my couch opinion.
  13. Why not pay each citizen an amount of money for getting the shot? Give each Thai 10,000 Bath after their second shot and 5.000 baht each time a booster is needed. It would be cheaper overall.
  14. Our National serum institute in Denmark finished their own research and it not been peer reviewed on anything, but their conclusion is that even if certain vaccines efficiency are reduced A LOT after 6 months, they still provide a good protections against severe illness and deaths, so it's not all bad news. New vaccines are under development and some provides better results than the mRNA vaccines, but still has to go through phase 3 trials, so we have to wait and see how it goes. As for better research on side effects. Here is an interesting read. It's not like they started from scratch...... https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-did-we-develop-a-covid-19-vaccine-so-quickly
  15. No no no. He was trying to save a girl in problems........
  16. Right now there is an issue with boosters that will cause a problem in a few months here in DK, for Danes who want to go to Thailand in their winter vacation. A normal COVID-19 pass is valid a year after second shot, but a booster is not extending that year, so we have elderly people who's COVID-19 pass will be invalid by Feb 2022 even if they had their booster shot Dec 2021. Anyone know if Thailand recognize boosters and if it gives them 6 or 12 months extra? Personally my COVID-19 pass will be invalid in June 2022 even if i get my booster that is planned in Feb 2022, so i can't travel in July as usual if boosters are not giving extended time on the COVID-19 pass. As for boosters and the future. I think when the various new pills are released, we will see a completely new way of handling this pandemic. If the pills work as supposed to, they should stop the virus production if taken in time, so that would lead to minimal chance of infection others and minimal chance of hospitalization. If the sceptics get sick, they still have a second chance with the pills, and i think a lot of them would say yes to a pill, even if they refuse vaccines, and of course pills could also be used for the vaccinated people that get covid, to stop the virus production as soon as possible. It's nice with some weapons in the arsenal to beat this virus, so we can move on Until then it's going to be a very bumpy road. Austria is one example and it's going to be interesting to see how they are going to force people into getting their shots after Feb 2022 when it is made mandatory.
  17. They could provide a daily report that showed both numbers, so it would be easier to see how serious the situation actually is. I know people with covid has to be dealt with differently compared to regular patients, but it still paints a blurred image, when we put them all in the same box, if only 4/5 are actually needing treatment for covid.
  18. Yeah plenty of opportunities for the ones willing to take the risk. Tons of options too on Samui, but no way of telling when things are back to normal, so need a fat bank account meanwhile.
  19. It's the salami method. One slice at a time, so eventually we will see stricter rules for unvaccinated people, if the pandemic are not showing any signs of decreasing. 2022 are not going to be a good year for the sceptics, but i think we will see more and more take the vaccines. Some will grow tired of beeing outshamed and just take the shot to get back to normal without tests and so on, and some will realize that the vaccines are actually pretty safe compared to getting covid 19. There will always be some that refuse to do what the government or other tell them to do, but they just have to live with their choices.
  20. The next 6 months will be interesting to follow, since more and more countries make vaccines mandatory for certain groups, and several european cities has banned unvaccinated people from visiting restaurants, bars etc etc even if they have a negative test. We are probably going to see a bunch of protests because of that, but as long as we have so many that refuse to take the darn shots, we're not moving anywhere. I'm super pro vaccine, but the vaccines do tend to lose their efficiency quite fast, so boosters has to be taken, maybe once or twice a year. That's not optimal, so hopefully some of the companies that are developing new vaccines, succeed to make one that offers lifelong protection. It shouldn't be impossible, but time will tell. This pandemic is not over by a long shot, and i fear it's going to take longer than we expected in the first place. One of the reasons are the anti vaxers, but another thing is that the vaccines don't last as long as we hoped for, plus many poor countries has practically didn't start the vaccination program yet. Not a great combo. I participated in a test that lasted a year on my work, where we were tested several times for covid 19/anti bodies. I haven't had covid 19 yet, so the anti body levels were the ones that i wanted to know after i got the vaccine. I got pfizer in May and June, and i had a blood sample taken in Start september i think it was. Result came back with medium levels of anti bodies. (range is from negativ,low,medium,high) And that was just after 3 months, so i will grab my booster shot as soon as it is offered to me. Even though i don't know if it was actually at high levels shortly after second shot, or if it was medium levels all the way, since each person develop various levels of anti bodies.
  21. The vendors that sells coffemugs, must be filtyh rich at the moment ????
  22. I don't come to Thailand for cheap beer. I can buy 30 Tuborg here in Denmark for 90 kroners which is approx 15 baht pr bottle. If we just had the beaches, palms, warmth etc, i wouldn't have to leave Denmark ????
  23. it's never going to happen in a lot of countries and i think it's a wee bit to radical. Many countries has hospital care covered by taxes and can't make exceptions, or let people die if they can't afford treatment. I would prefer some other restrictions, that would make the life as unvaccinated quite difficult. I'm only taking about those who refuse to take the shot and not those who are allergic to vaccines. Demand a vaccine for all that travel to another country. Demand a vaccine for all those visiting restaurants, bars, sport events, movie theaters, concerts etc etc. Sorry anti vaxers, but the data clearly shows you are the ones who fuels this pandemic, so something radical has to be done. Here in Denmark we're about to reintroduce restrictions because we still have approx 24% of the population that are not vaccinated. The data from the hospitals here shows that unvaccinated people are hospitalized 14 times more than vaccinated people, so if everyone was vaccinated we didn't have to go through another round of restrictions. Which is why I think tougher restrictions are needed. And seriously. So far none of the mRNA vaccines has shown any signs of long term side effects, and they have been tested in more than 19 months. They do have side effects, but none that suddenly shows after almost 2 years. So is there really a reason to be so nervous for the vaccine, or is it in reality a question about free choice and not a question about the vaccine itself?
  24. If laughter is the best medicine we would all be cured by now.
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