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Everything posted by Virt

  1. Even CDC acknowledge that vaping is less dangerous compared to normal cigarettes, so a step in the right direction would be to ban all regular cigarettes and replace them with e cigs instead.... Off course it would be better to prevent all kind of deadly activities like smoking, vaping, drinking etc, but that's never going to happen so might as well find the best middle way. We known for decades how deadly cigarettes are for smokers and the surrounding people and yet, those that are supposed to do something about it, tries to prevent a better alternative on the market. Meanwhile people continue to die of cancer from smoking. I hope they sleep good at night....
  2. Some of the things CDC describes sounds a bit deadly in my ears.. Don't get me wrong. I'm a fan of e cigs compared to regular cigarettes, but it's still a habit that is not healthy in the long run. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/about-e-cigarettes.html#e-cigarettes-less-harmful " Are e-cigarettes less harmful than regular cigarettes? Yes—but that doesn’t mean e-cigarettes are safe. E-cigarette aerosol generally contains fewer toxic chemicals than the deadly mix of 7,000 chemicals in smoke from regular cigarettes.3 However, e-cigarette aerosol is not harmless. It can contain harmful and potentially harmful substances, including nicotine, heavy metals like lead, volatile organic compounds, and cancer-causing agents.1
  3. I hear ya, and promoting vaping as safe is not the right way to go. It's still deadly in the long run, but overall it's a better alternative which might end up giving the smoker a few more years in the end. It's hard to know how deadly it exactly is, since we haven't had 50 years of vaping data to look into.
  4. True but it's nice with an alternative to regular cigarettes. Personally i say, legalize vaping but ban the flavours. Many of those shifting from regular cigarettes to vaping are not doing it for the flavour, but to get their nicotine in a less deadly way and by banning flavours it might disencourage younger people from starting if it does not taste of anything.
  5. About time if they legalize it again. Personally don't smoke, but gf does and it's a pain in the butt that she has to smoke regular cigarettes when we're in Thailand. Tried nikotin replacements but didn't help. It helped her a lot to change from regular smokes to vaping. She don't use any flavours, so it does not smell one bit when she vape which is nice compared to regular cigarettes or vapes with all sorts of weird flavours. Her breath improved, she don't cough so much, don't get exhausted so fast and there also is the advantage that vaping creates no leftover buds like regular cigarettes. Is it healthy. Nope, but it sure is less deadly than regular cigarettes if you vape without flavours and it's less annoying/dangerous for those close by. We sat and talked about moving to Thailand after going through our finances and we have we enough to move permanently, but she will not consider it as long as vaping is illegal. It's just silly that regular cigarettes are legal and vaping is not.
  6. Actually bought 5 different ones of that brand, and they are not even close to taste like bacon. I should have known better ????
  7. No One ever think of us poor meateaters and how hard is it for us to cope with veggies. I demand broccoli that taste like bacon.
  8. Some of our newer prisons here in Denmark are crazy good when it comes to the "cells" Try and scroll down a little to see one of the cells in one of the new prisons. https://www.bt.dk/politik/rystet-over-forhold-i-nyt-faengsel-det-er-dybt-stoedende Personally I'm not a fan of inmates having such cells.
  9. They sure may, but so far the statistics say the chances are much higher after COVID-19 and the vaccines has been tested for over a year with no serious effects surfacing after a few months. How Long time shall we use the vaccine before we say it's safe? 1,2 or 10 years?
  10. Quite a lot of them will develop symptoms that last for quite some time. Statistically 44,000 kids pr million will suffer with symptoms that last more than 28 days. Thankfully most is over within 2-3 months, but would you really risk your child suffering for several months, when a vaccine most likely would have prevented it? Here is a long read if you care to read it. https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lanchi/PIIS2352-4642(21)00198-X.pdf
  11. Maybe Thailand should contact Denmark and see if DK want to sell their 7 million surplus doses of J&J if Thailand still need vaccines. Denmark made a contract for 7 mill doses a long time ago which apperantly now are arriving according to the newspapers here, but we never started using J&J in the official program, so they are of no use for DK. I hope the danish politicians act responsible and either give or sell those doses to other countries instead of letting them rot in the fridge.
  12. And why do you think the different governments has started including the kids in the program? Do you think it might have something to do with the amount of adults that refuse to take their shots, so now the kids has to take their spots?
  13. Here we're back to normal with the help of vaccines and if we can keep covid19 in control with just the vaccines i will be happy. This winter will be interesting in Denmark. Will we still continue to see a low number of positives each day and mainly amongst the unvaccinated people, or will it explode in our face forcing us to take a few steps back?
  14. Never heard of them until 14 days ago, but it lookslike a bankruptcy is not something we should wish for.
  15. Sadly if we get infected and end up in hospitals, we are likely to take a bed from someone else if the health care system is overburdened, plus we put the health care personell in higher risk of getting the virus. Here in Denmark we didn't even use up all beds during the pandemic and used only approx 25% of our ventilators, but it was bad enough to postpone a whole lot of planned surgeries for other people, where many still await their surgeries. That's a good enough reason to take the vaccine for me , but off course i also took my shots due to all the other obvious reasons.
  16. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7037e1.htm?s_cid=mm7037e1_whttps://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7037e1.htm?s_cid=mm7037e1_w Yes i believe in the vaccines. Yes i will get my 3rd and 4th or 5th shot if needed, if that is what it takes to get this world back on it's feet. We all have a responsible to get the wheels moving again, and so far it seems that the vaccines are the best option. They minimize the risk of getting covid 19, they minimize the chance of being submitted to hospitals and they minimize the chance of dying. Why say no to the vaccines, when the data shows how safe they are compared to covid 19. We need the vaccines so we can move on, so we don't have to live forever with lockdowns, masks and social distancing etc. Those who get their shots at least try and do something about the problem. Sorry but i fail to see what the other side are bringing to the table.
  17. As long as i can get my Peter Vella i'm happy. It's the one that i so far found most suitable to drink at 30 celcius in Thailand.
  18. The unvaccinated people not only risk their own life, but also the life of others and those that has to treat them. This doc says what a lot of people feels. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2021-08-17/vaccinated-covid-doctor-shot
  19. Less seems to do the trick. Here in Denmark we have approx 75% vaccinated in total across all ages, but are open with no restrictions at all and no problems so far. 96% of those age 50 has gotten their shots, so that could be an explanation? Some experts here are baffled why we're not seeing major spikes after fully reopening with only 75% Maybe it's a mix of 75% vaccinated and that a lot of people already had COVID-19? Personally i think Thailand will open up before they reach 80% Very few countries achieved the 80% mark so far.
  20. Their choice and they delayed the full openining because numbers of positives started to rise the last month. I think if Thailand had the same statistics as Norway had since june, Thailand would be open by now.
  21. As far as i can see on worldofdata Thailand is now close to 20% fully vaccinated. Then i tried to look at those countries that actually has reached 70 % + https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&facet=none&pickerSort=asc&pickerMetric=location&Metric=People+fully+vaccinated&Interval=7-day+rolling+average&Relative+to+Population=true&Align+outbreaks=false&country=ISR~GIB~MLT~PRT~ARE~ISL~QAT~ESP~IMN~DNK~URY~CHL~BEL~THA~USA It took most of them approx 4-5 months to get from 20% fully vaccinated to 70 %, so if Thailand follows the same pace, we might have to look into early 2022 before they reach 70%, but the question is how many they want vaccinated before they choose to open up. On the other hand there is US who reached 20% in April, but in September they are still below 55% Israel reached 20% in January but has not reached 70 % yet.
  22. They need to speed up their vaccinations if they intend to fully reopen this year. It's not impossible for them to reach 70% + fully vaccinated this year, but it will require some effort. Anyone know how the anti vax feelings are in to Thailand. Lots of sceptics or do they just want their shots so the wheels can start turning again?
  23. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7037e1.htm?s_cid=mm7037e1_w It's still a good idea to get the shot. I agree it drastic to make vaccines mandatory in Thailand for some people, when the entire population has not yet been offered the vaccine. Offer it to everyone and see if enough people get their shots to get on with life. After that it might make some sense to make it mandatory in certain groups, IF covid 19 is still causes a major problem, because a lot of people refused to get their shots. Here in Denmark it's still up to everyone if they want their shot or not, and we're open as normal with no restrictions at all, and more or less has been for 3 months. We have approx 73,5% of the entire population vaccinated which is approx 85% of the target group that curently is age 12+ So thankfully we didn't have to make vaccines mandatory yet, but i can understand why other nations now are in that situation.
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