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Everything posted by Virt

  1. Thx. Yeah it's hard to keep of all the variations and where they originated from, and i can imagine the journalists have the same issue ????
  2. We have an article in Danish newspapers today about a sub variant of Delta, that MIGHT spread more, but it's none of the 4 mentioned here. It's the A.Y3 (B-1621) found in Columbia. Currently not that many in Denmark (7 cases), but article mentions that in Missouri and Mississippi that variant now is present in 40% of all the covid 19 cases, so that's probably smart to monitor the situation. It's only natural that a virus mutate, and most mutations are not more dangerous than the previous ones., so let's see what happens. Most of us who are vaccinated should still be well protected from serious illness. Even the Chinese vaccine are ok at preventing hospitalizations, compared to those people not being vaccinated. So best option is to get the shot and cross the fingers.
  3. Yeah i mixed those two words. It has been blood tests for antibodies. Thx.
  4. I had 5 anti gen tests after my pfizer shots for trying to see when it started to show positive. Day 1, 4 and 7 didn't turn out positive. On day 14 it slowly started to indicate a positive test. Then I did a test 8 days after 2nd shot and it turned positive immidiatly, so it took between 7-14 days before I had traceable anti bodies. I will keep using them tests to see when they start to fade. Next week I will get a blood sample that tells me the level of anti bodies and how my body reacted to the vaccine, so that will be interesting for me to see. As for the article describing it's mostly unvaccinated people that get in trouble. That % will only keep rising as more and more get their shots. Read a Danish article yesterday from a hospital in Denmark where 95% of those getting submitted to that specific hospital were people who had not been vaccinated or only had their first shot, and that a large part of those were between age 20 - 40. So it seems the delta variant really messed up things and now the younger generations should really get their shots. Noone are safe or invincible when it comes to covid-19, no matter how strong they think their own immune defense is.
  5. Not 90% It's 68 % as far as I can tell. Israel started vaccinating early when there was no delta variant but they also hit a wall where they had trouble convincing certain groups to take the shots so overall many countries now has a higher vaccine % than Israel. And since Israel started so early, the vaccines now start to fade and with the delta variant roaming it's a bad mix. We all need 3rd shot at some time and maybe each year and that's bad news from those countries still struggling to get their first and second shots. There are a few vaccines under development where the companies hope that their versions will get lifelong protection after 2 shots and if just 1 company manage to do that, it's great news.
  6. I'm not sure I'm looking at the same data as you are, but as far as I can see, approximately 17,000 died from Hiv in 2019 in Thailand. If that is the correct number it's still more than I thought. It's close to 8 % of the total deaths in Thailand if my calculator works. Almost at par with road deaths, which is kinda spooky. As far as deaths overall from covid 19 it seems like after the delta variant arrived, that the ones now hospitalized are getting younger and younger and that most of them are non vaccinated or only had their first shot. That's the case here in Denmark, where more than 90% over age 50 has been vaccinated, so even if people are in a bad shape and elderly , it seems like vaccinations are doing their job and keeping many of them out of hospitals. Off course vaccinations can't save all, but they can minimize the risk a lot.
  7. Maximum 0,00127% if we use the 330 millions that had Pfizer in Europe and where 4198 deaths are being investigated. Data from EMAs homepage. Care to calculate the risk of dying with covid 19? I can tell you it is a lot higher.....
  8. Your life your choice. Hopefully you are young and won't find yourself in a hospitalbed, fighting for your life because of that choice.
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