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Posts posted by maesai

  1. Unless you have been sued in civil court, and have a judgement against you, you have nothing to worry about. As credit card debt is unsecured, the creditors can not seize or freeze your assets.

  2. Option 7.

    I'm here because this site offers a wealth of useful current information.

    The idea of hanging out with a bunch of old farang gits, while they complain about everything Thai, makes me ill.


  3. I don't harbor hostility towards whores of any gender, as I'm aware it's largely a byproduct of poverty. Those that cash in on that situation, yes, I feel a little hostility towards them.

    Anyhow, I've promised a mod that I'll give it a rest. Carry on.

    Having been friends with quite a few sex workers, and known their families, I would have to question the accuracy your statement that their choice of occupation was "a byproduct of poverty". But maybe that belongs in its own thread.

  4. you don't need any lawyer at all. walk into the land office with your friend and tell them you want the 'si the gan gap chewit' or whatever its called added to the title. you have to do it at the time of transfer of the land, it can't be added later. i wrote all about this in my book and have it on my land.


    I have heard that some land departments are not familiar with usufructs for foreigners. We will likely be dealing with the Hang Chat office, which is pretty rinky-dink. I feel it would be good to have an attorney there representing my interests when the title is transfered. Just to be sure all is done as I intended.

  5. I will be giving my Thai partner funds to buy a piece of vacant land. I would like to find a lawyer in Chiang Mai to assist with drafting a usufruct agreement and dealing with the land department to help insure I can continue to have use of the property in the event we have a falling out.

    If anyone can recommend a lawyer that is honest and competent in these matters and charges a fair fee, I would very much appreciate it.

    Thank you.

  6. My partner is a 40-year old native of Chiang Mai, without education past high school. He thinks the Royal with the doctor of science degree is bringing modern treatment of cancer to Thailand, but I suspect it is a slow process. A teaching associate of mine got cancer (not of the skin) in northern Thailand, and she quickly got on a plane to the USA, where she received advanced treatment. I suspect Chiang Mai does not come up high on the list of advanced treatment centers.

    When I was undergoing treatment in Bangkok, I was also consulting with a cancer specialist in the SF Bay Area by email. The chemo regimen I was receiving was the same one the Doctor in the US would have used. Also, Chula has all the latest in imaging - CT, PET, MRI, ultrasound. As someone that is self insured, I am grateful for the fine and affordable care I have received at Chula.

  7. At Suan Dok I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of stage 3 non-hodgkins lymphoma. I asked the Doctor where she would go if she was in my position. She said she would seek treatment at Chula. That is where I went. The care was excellent, but it would have been difficult if I didn't speak Thai. My Doctor at Chula speaks english very well, but I spent extensive time as an inpatient and the nurse's english skills is limited.

    It has been close to two years since remission. Knocking on wood daily.

    Hello maesai,

    thanks for your answer.Please tell me, where Chula is.I'm far out in Chiang Dao and not too familiar with hospitals in Chiang Mai.

    Sorry I wasn't clear. I was referring to Chulalongkorn hospital in Bangkok. I decided it was worth going for treatment in Bangkok since my Chiang Mai doc suggested it. Good luck.

  8. At Suan Dok I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of stage 3 non-hodgkins lymphoma. I asked the Doctor where she would go if she was in my position. She said she would seek treatment at Chula. That is where I went. The care was excellent, but it would have been difficult if I didn't speak Thai. My Doctor at Chula speaks english very well, but I spent extensive time as an inpatient and the nurse's english skills is limited.

    It has been close to two years since remission. Knocking on wood daily.

  9. Toptuan, yeah, I saw that post after I had posted.   :D

    Another thing that I do like, in any male, not just Thais, is the cut look.  Yes, finding a cut Thai is very difficult if not impossible.  (is this correct?) Does anyone know of a Thai that is cut?  Or have I just not been around that much?

    This may be off topic but, here goes.  I have only had one experience with an uncut guy.  So, having so little experience, I'm going to ask some stupid/redundant questions.  What is a way to make sure of cleanliness with an uncut person?  A way that doesn't take away from the 'moment'. Or do you just accept cleaning before sex a part of foreplay?  I can imagine it would be fun tho.  Kinda like make a game of it and continue on from there.  cleaning, I can still see it in my minds eye.

    Am I making a bigger problem out of it than I should?  Probably so. 


    Last time I checked, something like 10% of the Thai population was Muslim. There ought to be at least one that is gay. :o

  10. Suan Dok hospital in Chiang Mai is a government facility with an excellent HIV department. Very affordable. The doctors there are very current.

    The locally made generic cocktail of drugs will cost you about 40 baht per day. Many Thais are getting their drugs subsidized.

    In Bangkok, I would look into Chulalongkorn Hospital.

  11. Hi, me and the missus will be back in Thailand at the end of November and are thinking of spending 3 or 4 days in Hongkong by way of a change of scenery.

    Checked the price of Thai airways and at 13k Bht each seems a bit steep to me.

    Does anyone know of any good deals, can recommend anything a bit cheaper or know of any good travel agents(preferably online ones) in BKK who could give us a good price.

    Cheers, Andy.

    We recently flew Air Asia to Macau for about 2200 baht each return. We spent two very enjoyable days in Macau, then took the high speed ferry to HK. Spent a couple days there, and took the ferry back to Macau. This is something I will likely do again. The further in advance you book, the cheaper the flight. I believe if you fly midwek, it is cheaper as well.

  12. My 8 month Ridgeback 'Sumo' has recently started snapping at me when I grab her collar.  :o

    It's really disheartening for me that she's started doing this (I always thought they would never bite the hand that feeds them) not to mention the fact that it makes jump out of my bloody skin.

    What's the best way for me to handle this, is this just a phase she's going through or do I need to nip it in the bud now?



    BTW She's female

    I'm no expert, but I would certainly try to nip it in the bud ASAP. I believe in communicating in dog speak. If she did that to me, I would probably grab her by the neck, throw her to the ground, straddle her, and growl in her face big time. But hey, that is just me… I think it is vital to assert dominance, or she will get away with whatever you allow.

    Nice looking dog! Wanna mate when she grows up?

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