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Posts posted by Manbing

  1. I would like to keep this forum going. I have land in the Rayong area and complete house plans (currently in the process of getting the construction permit). Struggling to find a reliable builder to do the foundations, concrete structure and roof works. If anyone can give some recommendations - it would be appreciated!
    Hi Alf did you find a builder I am also looking and would appreciate any info you have

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

    Multiple injuries on left arm (dried blood).
    Much fewer on right arm (fresh blood).
    Detective Enoon, you have found the smoking gun...
    Unless only one arm was cut and continued to bleed onto the other where the blood dried. I know I like to sit face on to the doors in a taxi with both arms equidistant to potential assailants.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

  3. It puzzles me too. I guess this is how Thai justice works.
    In "some other countries" of course this would be considered unacceptable, and unduly influencing the jury, or something like that.
    This is living in another culture. Justice is not a one size fits all deal. Is there corruption sure, is there a perceived lack of justice sure, but don't forget that justice doesn't work how you want in the west either. In Thailand there is not the same presumption of innocense. A magistrate I know once told me if the police caught you and bright you to court you must be guilty. Otherwise why arrest you?

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

  4. Of course they have the right. Its their shop, their chairs and tables and their coffee. I am still amazed how completely childish the reaction in Thailand can be in understanding the customer supplier relationship.

    Lets be honest, anyone reading the article can tell that this issue is not resolved by this ruling.

    As a business, they can indeed charge anyone for using their premises for specific private function purposes.

    Which is fine.

    But if they are sitting in the same area as everyone else, paying for drinks an the only thing that's different is the topic of conversation, that's going to be a bit strange. Plus just as coffee shops are going to charge for meetings, so are customers going to claim they are just friends, this is Thailand after all.

    At the end of the day let me just say IMHO Bon Cafe coffee is poor tasting and low quality.


  5. Maybe there was no real extortion. Just maybe the guy who owes the big back-rent is making it all up to avoid paying.

    But kind of funny! One Chinese person screwing another in Thailand. 555

    I can't prove that it's a wrong assertion, however

    You'd really need to be desperate to accuse a whole police force to avoid paying a bit of rent and cutting out of a presumably viable tourist business in Chiang Mai.

    Then again, you could be right, the Chinese will walk a long way to pick up a lost dollar.

  6. I actually remember a guy in my university who did a paper on why Hitler was a great man. Made everyone in the class puke when the professor gave him a B for the paper.

    Tells lot about Your university.

    Its funny there weren't many non-Nazis before the war in Germany. And then afterwards no-one could find anyone who admitted to being a Nazi.

    The same jingoism is applied in the USA and fox media. If you disagree with me, that's just plain unAmerican.

    Oh, but the left never calls those who disagree with THEM racists or Nazis or "-phobes" of one stripe or another... LOL And of course it's ONLY Fox media that's biased, never CNN or MSNBC or PBS. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

    That's correct, thanks for pointing it out. It's only ever the right wing that are bad guys.

    However my point is rather more about jingoism than polemics

  7. Is it just me or does something seem odd about this story?

    Why did the plainclothes rozzers not identify themselves?

    Somchai the road repair guy, a suspicious enough name no surname supplied?

    Who was the driver and what did he rob?

    Poor journalism or dodgy coppers?

    You decide?

    It's not just you...but some of your questions aren't what struck me.

    A robbery suspect being chased by a pick-up truck full of armed plain clothes cops sounds odd. Did the mufti cops just happen to be at the scene of the robbery? Or did the robbery occur previously and 4 mufti cops were sent to the home of the suspect and he did a runner? If the latter, then why mufti cops and not uniformed officers?

    According to the newspaper report the police numbered three, so the pick up wasn't full of armed Police as you state. And why is it odd for plainclothes police to be involved in a chase? Where did you get the fourth copper from? Is there a problem with police being armed? In Australia, in my time as a detective, (plainclothes) we worked two out, were armed and often became involved in pursuits, either because we were out patrolling or acknowledging a radio call or just happened across a crime. And shock, horror, we even drove unmarked police vehicles. You never give the crims a fair chance, for if you do, they will take a mile instead of the proverbial yard. If you can perform your task covertly, capture them without and member of the public being hurt or killed, then that is a good job.

    When chasing the unknown, as a copper, you have to assume that any criminal can be armed and dangerous, so should cops go in without protection and try to talk to them, I don't think so, as there are many dead coppers because of these types. I have seen and heard of many of my fellow brothers who have killed in the line of duty, one example was a highway patrol officer in NSW, who was gunned down after stopping a driver for a routine traffic breach. Another, also a highway patrol officer was chasing a stolen car with four offenders, he was shot dead through the front windscreen of his vehicle by these scum after having forced them to stop.

    May I now ask why are you referring to them as mufti police. They may be fully fledged detectives for all you know and not required to wear uniforms, albeit they would still retain them and wear them when and if required, as is the case back home. There are times when negotiations are required but this does not apply when in a mobile pursuit of an alleged offender.

    with this incident there are four possible scenarios. Firstly, police the world over use plain clothes officers ( mostly detectives) to patrol known hot spots and it might just be they came across the aftermath and gave chase. Second scenario, they have radios, the information of the robbery and vehicle was broadcast, they came across the offenders and pursued them. Thirdly, they were at the scene, saw the incident take place then gave chase as the offenders fled. Or lastly just for your benefit, went to the home of suspect and he did a runner, this however, does not appear to fit what has been described in the newspaper article.

    In the scenario you presented you ask why would plainclothes police attend and not uniformed officers. Obviously you have no idea what policing entails and I am not going to explain it to you. Just try using some common sense and maybe, just maybe, you will come to realise the difference between the tasks afforded to uniformed police, which is general duties, and those matters that are given to the specialists, Detectives.

    And please stop trying to be special in designating them as mufti police. Those in training are normally referred to, at least back home, as plain clothes constables then once designated they are called detectives, which these arresting police may well be. I know that some police here leave a lot to be desired but just remember there are many good coppers out there doing a fine job, which this trio apparently did but rather than giving credit where credit is due, they are vilified and called dodgy. I really can't understand why despite there being good and bad, many on this forum just want to denigrate and tar all with the same brush.

    In 2008 someone wrote a letter in the Bangkok post (the alleged incident may not have been in the same year)

    The letter basically detailed an incident his witnessed from the Patumwan Princess pool balcony at MBK, of a group of plainclothes (maybe) policemen exiting a vehicle next to Chulalongkorn University, charging on 2 guys shooting them dead, bundling their bodies into the back of a pickup truck and a sedan.

    The incident was then attended by a motorcycle cop who waved them on and bought water to wash the blood into the gutter. The killings and bodies being removed took less than 2 minutes The letter goes on to state there appeared to be a total news blackout about this killing.

    As this is a letter, it isn't proof that it happened but if not, why write inviting other witnesses to contact him?

    Representing that the Thai police operate in the same way as other police forces in countries where different checks and balances apply is disingenuous. Bad things go on here and policemen are not infrequently involved. One policeman told me each station (used to) have a target to meet each month in terms of bribe money to collect. Like a small business, pushing its profits.

    Please don't come over 'all police are the same everywhere' and 'I was ex job and know better than you'. There are multiple nefarious scenarios that could apply in this situation. The jaded attitude of the world weary cop who knows better than the rest of us just comes over as incredibly naive to many of us who have lived in Thailand for a long time.

  8. I actually remember a guy in my university who did a paper on why Hitler was a great man. Made everyone in the class puke when the professor gave him a B for the paper.

    Tells lot about Your university.

    Its funny there weren't many non-Nazis before the war in Germany. And then afterwards no-one could find anyone who admitted to being a Nazi.

    The same jingoism is applied in the USA and fox media. If you disagree with me, that's just plain unAmerican.

  9. Pot/Kettle/Black

    Who ever heard of a Malaysian politician smearing anyone - except that Deputy PM Anwar Ibrahim accused of gay sex with an intern and imprisoned for 9 years.


    But apart from that - yesterday's The Age spills big on allegations of corruptions at the top?


    None of which absolves this Swiss geezer from blackmail.

  10. This is an awful lot of cash for a photo shoot. Impressive.

    Maybe she has a night job cash only no credit cards. What is the going rate for a super model anyways?

    This is the kind of comment that annoys me. Whenever a male person is arrested for something like this no one accuses him of having a night job in the boys bars.

    She is a very attractive girl. I would not like to speculate who the owner of the money was but my guess is not her.

    Yes its disgusting to presume this is a woman who sells her body for money.

    She is probably a philosopher who just does a bit of modelling on the side.

    People should not look at these sad people for their looks, its pure objectification.

    The reason they are called supermodels is that sure they can take a good photo,

    but they also fight crime in their spare time.

    Can't you respect her for that?

    My god where's the humanity?

  11. she is a lot better than Abbot (Australian PM) who sends refugees to concentration camps on remote islands

    They are not concentration camps. The lodging provided is luxurious compared to what the economic migrants had previously. Australia cannot afford to take in the economic refugees. One day, when you start making some money, and having it taxed away, you will understand why the doors cannot be thrown open to economic migrants who have no job skills, no education and who are carrying some ghastly infectious diseases.

    Dr. Merkel is an admirable woman. History will judge her the best Chancellor of Germany since democracy was restored. She's a scientist too smile.png

    So why are the Australian government threatening to prosecute employees who reveal the facts of what occurs on Manus and Nauru?

    Friends of mine (2) who work there still and have worked there (but quit) make it clear - Its a prison.

  12. Samsung (and everyone else) are leaving (to start new plants in Vietnam) due to fears of civil unrest following the military overthrow of democracy.

    Nothing to do with global economic downturn.

    I do not think business closures have anything to do with military overthrow, this was not the first one.

    Vietnam offers better business and tax incentives plus reliable hard working labor at cheaper prices.

    Pure economics.

    There is less demand for products, costs must be reduced.

    Moving elsewhere, works out cheaper than staying, plus tax breaks saving few more hundred million over the years

    Lots of posts missing a major point to add to the above.

    HDD's are being replaced by Solid state drives in most domestic consumer technology - not all but most.

    Thailand hasn't kept up with changing tech trends and other countries are grabbing market share.

    Thailand needs a re-skilled and retooled workforce to participate in changing tech manufacture to eliviate the issues confronting world economies and move forward.

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