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Everything posted by davidst01

  1. Thank god Im not American
  2. May I ask what do you need the IDL for? Cant you just use your thai DL in the UK?? And rent a car with that?
  3. America is a nightmare country in all respects. Thank god Im not american
  4. Hi Sheryl, I also have a bad case of H over 1 week now. I started taking daflon 500mg. 2x 3 times a day for 3 days and now 1 x 3 times a day. On day 3 there was improvement and now day 5 I notice blood in the toilet water after having a poo. Should I be concerned about this? What type of dr can one see at a private hospital? Dont know if theres any point as they will just say its H. I suppose they might say cut it out?
  5. Was talking about Wills in the bar the other night. My buddy mentioned he used Isan lawyers. An Englishman is the owner of the business he said. Ive never used them but he said they were really good. Can all be done with a phone call and emails apparently.
  6. And the point of this post is what exactly? Are you bored with nothing to do?
  7. May I ask what about registered lease on a chanote where several years of taxes are paid and we have evidence of this. Can it be cancelled by the owner. We pay the rent on time and do everything correct as per the contract. Ive read its only where conditions in the contract are not met that the owner can go to court and get the lease cancelled. Is this correct? If this happens surely we would have to be involved in that court process or be notified of this? thanks
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