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Posts posted by Sophistichica

  1. I just fail to understand the initial post.

    Is this ruling only applying to Chaweng ?

    Does this ruling apply to all the island & the Chaweng entrepreneurs are the ones taking the fight to the government, only concerned about their area?

    Does that mean that the National law now applicable to Samui?

    Someone was here a week ago, I wonder if it has anything to do with it whistling.gif

    Firstly Samui is now classed as a City and because of that the law is clamping down on the island.

    There are a few big clubs that like to stay open really late - until 5/6am, 99% of the bars on the main Soi are usually closed at 3am, so are more than happy to close at 2am because to be honest most of the customers have left by then (staggering off to the bigger clubs or Burger King) and it's a very slow hour. These bars are not happy or supportive of the decision AT ALL and dislike having to cut their noses off to spite their faces and yes this was a Thai decision, not a farang one. Personally I don't see what it will achieve as there are plenty of bars in in Maenam, Fishermans, on the ring road etc that will be open and it will simply push the customers there. Meanwhile staff salaries and bills still need to be paid.

  2. There's a brand new Food Center in Chaweng on the beach road, right above Burger King that has loads of little restaurants inside, kind of like an upscale version of Tesco's food court - so far I've had a few salads from a place called Fit Food there which was really tasty and fresh, they import loads of 'farang' foods like buffalo mozarella and artichokes etc, they also do fruit shakes and protein shakes, great for me cos i've been looking high and low for a place to eat healthy but big and delicious salads.

    The Khao ka moo (not sure if that's how you spell it phonetically) steamed chicken with rice is also amazing. There's sushi, pizza and pasta too as well as bbq and loads of other thai food although I haven't tried those. Not to pricey either which is also a plus! biggrin.png

  3. i have to go out for the 2nd but can go earlier, if we find two others to join we can rent a car at avis usually it costs 1500 per person for the entire trip.

    we did it many times, i know the way by heart smile.png


    That's a great idea, i'm Kerrys friend and she's asked me to help her find people as she's new to the island. I'll post it on my facebook and see if there's any takers - brilliant! Thank you!

  4. Good morning everyone,

    Our friend Dayna has been in a horrific bike accident and is pretty beaten up suffering major injuries including swelling on the brain and quite a few teeth knocked out. She'll be needing a lot of dental work and also she's unable to work (she's a diving instructor) for the next 6 months so we are hosting a fund raiser at Hush Bar TONIGHT starting at 8pm.

    Raffle tickets are 200 baht each and there are over 100,000 baht worth of prizes up for grabs including luxury spa treatments, many different kinds of diving courses worth 5,000 baht, as well as a full on PADI open water course worth a huge 17,000 baht! There's also dinners for 2 at many popular restaurants, luxury pampering at spa's, boat trips to neighbouring islands, 2 nights in a luxury hotel with a sea view, bungee jumping, private muay thai training courses with kits and so much more.

    Please find time to pop into either Ark Bar this afternoon/early evening to buy raffle tickets or into Hush tonight, not only will you have contributed in helping Dayna live over the next 6 months, but fingers crossed you'll walk away with a fantastic prize.

    Hopefully see you tonight!


    • Like 1
  5. How about going along to Tesco, and asking if you can read one of the books, if they still have the same make on sale?

    I went to Home Pro yesterday, looked inside the only similar one they have left and there wasn't any instructions. So I asked someone and they looked at me suspiciously, not sure if they actually understood what I was saying.. My thai is still very beginner!

  6. Hello,

    Does anyone have a Kingdom safe per chance?

    I purchased one from Home Pro about two years ago and having spit up from my partner I now need to reset the code but it's not got the usual red reset button on the inside, there's a series of buttons you have to press on the outside to do this (including using the current code so I'm not trying to break into one I promise).

    I have completely trashed my house looking for the instructions but alas they are gone forever I suspect. Therefore I'd REALLY appreciate if someone could post the instructions on how to reset the code.


  7. It's no secret that Samui is an expensive place to live (compared to other places in Thailand, that is). Whether that's important is up to the individual, the prices here certainly haven't bothered me enough to go back from whence I came; but, after living in Samui for six months, and being in Chiang Mai for four days now, I can say that the difference in prices are very noticeable.

    Some prices I can remember off the top of my head:

    2012 Honda Click 125 - 48,900B brand new, drive away

    Renting a PCX - 280B per day

    1 hour Thai massage - 150B (and this is everywhere; I even saw 120 at Walking Street)

    Public toilet - 2B

    Nice 1br Apartment - 4500B per month

    Razor refills - 365B (435B in Tesco Lamia)

    A ride anywhere in a Sonthaew - 20B per person (yes, 20B!)

    This difference in prices is present nearly everywhere you look; whether it's what's keeping people from Samui is anyone's guess, and, certainly, ten or twenty baht here or there doesn't matter much at all - but when almost everything is noticeably cheaper, it certainly makes a difference on a one or two week holiday.

    Love the beaches in Chiang Mai wink.png

    Beat me to it Roo!

    However I must admit we are pushing away the backpackers and people 'travelling' to cheaper places. I try my hardest to keep the prices down in my bar and although we have to work a lot harder for the money we take, we've earned a good name for not 'taking the piss' with drink prices and tend to be busy most nights.

    And Bangkok Airways could help us out a bit too by lowering their prices and not forcing everyone to fly to Phuket or Surat Thani instead...

    • Like 2
  8. I had in mind to breed some mosquito larvae for this sort of situation, it'd be easy enough to do and once they were born you could control them by keeping the container they have bred into covered only to occasionally open it and allow a new brood.

    It's certain your Beta would love some fresh, live larvae full of protein.

    How do you breed mosquito? Simply catch them and put them in a jar together?

    No, put out a nice bowl/small bucket of unchlorinated water near some bushes and they do the deed for you without any intervention. Keep checking it daily though as you don't really want to breed them for the environment so not to let the larvae reach maturity, once you see several in the water by tapping the side you'll see them wiggling along like little worms then just net them out and feed them to your fish.

    If you have too many for one feeding (as you want him to eat them all so they don't mature and become mossies in your house) then put the remainder in a smaller container with a lid, preferably one that allows in some air as they breathe air in spite of being in water (that's why you'll see them wiggling to the top often).. It takes several days for them to become mature mossies though so you should have them all fed by then in theory then just repeat the cycle, easy enough to do.

    Wow brilliant!! Thanks very much giggle.gif

  9. How important is it to have a driving license? I know this might sound like a really silly question to those in the know, but when I lived in the UK and was a lot younger I had plenty of lessons but failed my test twice.

    I used to have a car and I'm a confident driver, I quite often drove myself and my boyfriend around (he had a full license of course and I had a provisional) and also quite a few times my friends would let me drive. Later on I moved to London zone 2 and never had the use for a car after that, it was all tubes and buses from then on.

    It's actually quite embarrassing that I still don't have my UK driving license but now I live in Samui and have been driving a bike for nearly 2 years, to start with I just walked everywhere or got a taxi bike. However running a business now means it's time to invest in a car and I know it's quite relaxed on this island but I'm wondering if I should get a license and if I should - how do I go about it?

    Would really appreciate any feedback... passifier.gif

    Definitely get a licence if you intend to drive. If you do not have one and you have an accident - no insurance. It could cost a lot. There are other threads to cover this. (Getting a licence that is)

    Thank you

  10. If you're driving a car and get stopped and don't have a driving license - what happens? Are you arrested? In trouble? Fined? Or is it just better to have a license in case of an accident etc?

    Before I had a Thai licence - it was a 200 baht fine. The expensive bit was no insurance.

    Advice from someone who has 'been there' - get a licence.

    The up side is that this document is almost as good as a Thai id card. UBC contract, telephone, proof of id for flights etc etc. The driving licence does it all. I rarely show my passport now.

    Thank you, great advice jap.gif

  11. I had in mind to breed some mosquito larvae for this sort of situation, it'd be easy enough to do and once they were born you could control them by keeping the container they have bred into covered only to occasionally open it and allow a new brood.

    It's certain your Beta would love some fresh, live larvae full of protein.

    How do you breed mosquito? Simply catch them and put them in a jar together?

  12. I've had my beta for 6 months now, he's in a nice large tank (really don't agree with this trend of keeping them in a tiny bottle only able to swim 2 cm in any direction) with glass pebbles at the bottom (acquired from the tops of empty Jonny Walker and Jack Daniels bottles) and I also feed him the same food. I change the water once every two weeks (I always use bottled water) and he seems happy as beta can be. He gets excited when I open the curtains in the morning as he knows he's about to be fed, i give him 7 or 8 pellets and he munches them... Maybe it's a bad batch that you have?

    Apparently there's a great aquarium shop in Fishermans Village, I haven't been there myself yet - maybe they'll be able to offer you some assistance?

  13. While I admit that yes, it does wind me up on occasion, especially when the price is doubled. (Such an example is the kebab shop on Soi Green Mango, 150-200baht per kebab for farang, exactly the same kebab is 80 baht for a Thai person.

    But then the double standard (which obviously came about as a result of the two tier system) is that farang get paid more than a thai person, in their own country (which would piss me off). A typical teaching job pays around 30/40k a month, a thai person is lucky to get a quarter of that. Service staff are paid anything from 4k a month to 8k a month (yes they also get tips) whereas a farang person starts at 20-25k.

    Swings in roundabouts.... However it's true, once you become a loyal customer, you will often get a good discount after a while and always be nice and friendly, first rule of Thailand is NEVER LOOSE YOUR TEMPER!!

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