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Posts posted by Pompey50

  1. Carken, you will have to learn to take the rough with the smooth here. It would be a mistake to get into it with members who are poking a bit of fun.

    On topic- The ages of the two in the latest bunk-up are important. I don't know the specifics of the law, but 16 can definitely be construed as 'under-aged' in this country. This is where your money and possessions would come in- to keep the little fornicator out of jail.

    In fact 15 is the legal age of consent amongst Thais. So neither is under-age.

    It is lets be honest partly up to your wife but the boy obviously is going through his teen terror years. You could break yourself and your relationship trying to keep him out of trouble and paying for his mistakes. Frankly sounds like he needs a good slap off the girls father. But it takes 2 to tango!

  2. This is a funny case. I have examined my own biases and come to the conclusion that I don't know whether this fellow is telling the truth. I want him to be a scandalous pervert because I don't much care for him and it would be great to see his underwear washed in public...but I also recognise that in cases such as these the mere accusation of impropriety is considered by many to be 'guilty as charged'. What am I to do in such circumstances.

    Also unlike murder or theft, laws pertaining to the age of legal consent are rather stupidly absurd....that the man is alleged to have done would be illegal (statutory rape) and punishable by 7 years in jail in the US, and not even a crime in the UK. The US claims jurisdiction in pedophile cases if a US citizen is involved or if it took place somewhere under formal US jurisdiction (and I don't know whose jurisdiction the private island falls under).

    Though the age of consent is 16 in the UK and the girl was 17 it would still have been illegal because for prostitution the age is 18 in the UK.

  3. the problem as I see it is that money that was intended to support pensions should have been protected and untouchable for other budgets, instead through serious fiscal mismanagement mostly by the labour party they have used the pension pot for other things to cover their asses

    Like I have said many times before - Tony Blair and Gordon Brown should be in jail for gross stupidity and squandering UK tax payers money - just look what Brown did with the UK gold reserves - he should be locked up for that alone

    I have been planning for years to get my UK state pension at 65 (I can afford it but I'm still pissed and angry) only to find that I will have to pay approx. 10k GBP back to the government in my first year were I at 65 should have been getting my money - they changed the rules upped the age by a year and in my opinion that has cost me "ten thousand pounds" some people have had it increased up to 3 years aged 68, that means for those affected you will be contributing 30k of your first 3 year pension to an incompetent squandering crowd of millionaires that have been in office in the UK and don't give a To55

    Ah I smell a load of right wing rubbish here. You are blaming Brown and Blair. But what about the 17 years of Tory miss-rule we had before that. This is an issue that has been building up for years, long before Blair and Brown where even born. Successive governments have not put the money aside and frankly a persons contributions do not actually cover the cost of a pension anyway. And yes they introduced and increase in pension age. They had to after 17 years of Tory's spending the pension money and giving away profitable state owned company's away to their friends in the city. Oh and let us not forget the massive deregulation of the financial sector and banks led by Thatcher.

  4. Once we get out the EU we will be saving a lot of money.

    Look how much EU (and non-EU) migrants cost the taxpayer every year.

    Coming out of Europe will save 55 million a day just for starters. That in itself will cover around 2.7 million pension payments per week.

    And how much will leaving the EU cost us?

    40% of UK's trade is with the EU if you think the other EU nations will just let us do what we want without penalty then you are living in cloud cuckoo land. And what about the millions of Brits who live and work in the EU? Not to mention the Brits that claim benefits in other member sates. (10,000 in Germany alone).

    Here is a quote from a 2010 article

    Compared to the 2.3 million EU citizens in the UK, which includes people who came after Poland and nine other states joined the Union in 2004, British consular authorities estimate that 2.2 million Britons live in the other 26 EU countries, excluding Croatia, which joined in 2013.

    A previous response to an Oakeshott question in January said another 900 Britons live in Croatia, putting the net immigration-emigration ratio even closer to par, however.

    The country breakdown says just over 1 million British people live in Spain.

    Other popular destinations are: France (330,000); Ireland (329,000); Germany (107,000); Cyprus (65,000); the Netherlands (48,000); Greece (45,000); Portugal (39,000); and Italy (37,000).

    If we leave the EU we will see financial collapse on a scale that is hard to imagine. These are not scare story's but basic economics, UK goods would be subject to EU import tariffs, making goods made in the UK much more expensive in the EU. And by the way what about the money and project funding we get from the EU?. Why do most business leaders not want us to leave the EU?

    And a fact for you, 55M a day is our gross contribution taking out what we get back it is net contribution of 33M. When things are tough in your home country it is easy to blame 'Johnny foreigner' for a country's woes.

    The real problem is huge cooperation's and very wealthy individuals not really paying tax in any jurisdiction.

    Do you think the 1% or our politicians will have to work until they drop?

  5. You have the right to remain silent.

    Anything you say cannot and will not be understood.

    You have the right to hire an attorney at a cost of 4 times the damages you are seeking to recover.

    If you win your case, good luck actually collecting damages.

    Caveat emptor, friend, caveat emptor.

    i am sure this is fairly true, i would rather spend 200k THB on legal than letting someone like this get away with it.

    I think he should be exposed publicly for what he is, reducing the number of victims in the future.

    Be VERY careful making public accusations. Defamation is a criminal offence in Thailand and is used frequently to shut people up. Look at what is happening to Andy Hall, could face years in prison for exposing labour abuses by a fruit company! The truth in Thailand can be bought and foreigners are targeted for these misused defamation laws.

  6. Could even be Mosquito's! Make sure your insect screens are a good fit and something I have always done is give the place a really good spray with Baygon ever 3-4 days. Close all windows and work your way to your exit door giving a good spray (fog the room) then leave. Don't forget to spray the screens as this stuff is persistent and will make the screens more effective.

    As someone else said if it was bed bugs you would be bitten ever night not just a few nights.

    And get the steam iron and steam cleaner on the job. The best way to deal with unwanted insects are to let nature take it's course and let your little lizard friends (jingjoks) do their work

  7. "The park chief said the department has filed more than 400 cases against owners of properties encroached and built inside national parks during the past three years."

    The past three years were a wild wild west in many ways. Things are changing for the better now.

    Don't forget most of these properties have been there for years. Real enforcement has begun over the last 3 years.. Many of these properties are owned by senior military and police officers and most by the elite out of BKK.

    Not may PTP supporters can afford to build such places.

    There have been a number of story's on this issue over the last few years.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Was Bangkok 'bombed' during WWII ?

    Not a piss take, I didn't know.

    What was the history?

    Wikipedia is your friend! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Bangkok_in_World_War_II

    "Allied bombing raids on the Thai capital city of Bangkok began even before Thailand had declared war, since the Empire of Japan was using the country as a staging area for its invasions of both Malaya and Burma, with the agreement of the Thai government after Japan's successful invasion of the southeast Asian country. The first raid came on January 7, 1942, when Royal Air Force (RAF) aircraft flying fromRangoon, attacked military targets in the city.[1][2] The American Volunteer Group, together with seven No. 113 Squadron RAF and three No. 45 Squadron RAFBlenheim bombers, were involved in the first raid.[3] No. 113 Squadron's planes were piloted by No. 60 Squadron's air crew. The second night raid was carried out with 8 Blenheims on 24-25 January and included No. 60 Squadron RAF aircrew.[4] A final raid was made three days later by four Blenheims. This was the last raid by Blenheims until May or June 1945."

    Fact check: Thailand was not involved in WW2.

    SIAM was.

    This enables Thais to say Thailand has never been invaded.

    Sorry had to fact check the fact check (try saying that when you have had a few)

    The signature of King Mongkut (r. 1851 – 1868) reads SPPM (Somdet Phra Poramenthra Maha) Mongkut King of Siam, giving it official status until 23 June 1939 when it was changed to Thailand.[20] Thailand was renamed Siam from 1945 to 11 May 1949, after which it again reverted to Thailand.


    So it was Thailand involved in WW2! Though it may have been re-named before the short occupation.

  9. Dont know what your G/f does for a living, or whete she is, but bare in mind, people in rural areas earn around 10k a month. So giving 3k is more than a weeks wages.

    Not sure where you got 10K a month from. Many poor rural Thais are lucky to ear 3000 a month!

  10. Actually, name one thing that Thai's have 'invented' that the world is using.

    Not only did they not invent anything of worth or value...but their attempt to counterfiet and copy other items and procedures falls way short of the mark.

    Red Bull! and errrm.........errrm.........ah okay well I did name 1

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  11. This is a problem for phone company's around the world, now most people here in the UK and increasingly in places like Thailand are using the internet and VOIP services to communicate. So they are not making money on phonecalls: their traditional money maker: any more.

    They provide the networks, but others like skype are making the profits. For a number of years now I have had a Skype world subscription. I can chat to friends in Thailand for as long as I want for no extra cost over that of the subscription.

  12. The real terrorists here are the so called protesters. Blocking polling stations in any country is a criminal act. No wonder people are angry. There vote is being denied by the orchestrated protests backed by the un-elected elite.

    Time the army moved in and upheld their oath to the Thai state and to protect democracy. Oh I forgot! the generals are not going to order the murder of unarmed civilians this time around, because they are not going to shoot at their own sons and daughters!

    Some of you really don't get it these protests want to disenfranchise the majority of Thai's yet again!

    There is no evidence this was red shirts. and has someone pointed out if they had been using assault rifles then they would have hit someone. Strange that they did not!

    The Shinawatra clan need to get out and stay out of Thai politics. I hope when this has finally died down they are banned for life. However Suthip should also be banned and in fact should spend the rest of his life in prison. He is the cause of this undemocratic action and thus the cause of the violence and death.

    I notice many of you laugh and joke about this. It now looks like military intervention may be the only way to restore order. I suspect they are waiting for things to get bad enough to justify a coup. Suthep needs to be put in chains he is clearly guilty of incitement and by disobeying the election decree that I believe carries a charge of lese majesty.

    Above all I hope all of you who are in Thailand at his time stay safe. This could end very quickly with military intervention or could rumble on with increasing level of violence for months. No one on either side is helping to calm things down they seem to be sleepwalking into civil war.

  13. Why do some cyclists insist on riding out in the traffic lane, instead of the bike lane ?

    For one thing, you are going 10 times slower than the traffic and cause traffic to slow to a near stop without reason....and you do not have any insurance to cover accidents, nor pay registration to cover 3rd party.

    What bike lane? This is Thailand, I don't think I have ever seen a bike lane here. They may exist and maybe I just haven't noticed one. I am sure if they had bike lanes they would be as safe as the pedestrian crossings are!

  14. So they are now going to support an organisation that would immediately do away with the rice pledging scheme? Are they mad! This sort of aggro subsidy has been a disaster for Thai rice exports. But before we get on our hi horses let us not forget the subsidies paid to farmers in the EU and the US. In the EU this resulted in Butter mountains and wine lakes. This has resulted in higher prices to the consumer. world wide especially in the US where large tracks of land are owned by huge agro businesses.

    And let us not forget, these are the very people Suthep and co want to deny the vote as they are poor and rural! I am sure he will welcome them as numbers on the street have been dwindling according to all the news sources both foreign and domestic.

  15. Payments to farmers participating in the ruling Pheu Thai Party's flagship populist programme have been delayed repeatedly for months.

    The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) has said the government has not yet approved an additional budget for the scheme, so it cannot pay the hundreds of thousands of farmers who have pawned their paddy. In Phichit alone, more than 40,000 farmers have gone unpaid.

    Hmmm...talk about timing. Assuming the Amnesty Bill had been passed, I wonder if we would by now see a group of investors from Middle East inspecting the paddy fields of these poor farmers who are drowning in debts...

    No you won't foreign company's and foreign nationals are specifically barred from taking part in agriculture and definitely can NOT own agricultural land!

  16. I agree, this is old news......so they managed to collect 1Baht from each Red supporter to make up the sum.

    I didn't know that reds have so many supporters!crying.gif

    Having won the last 5 or 6 elections in Thailand I think they have plenty of supporters............In fact the majority of Thais.

    "Indicted for murder" A charge that he and Abhisit acknowledged and will contest through the judicial process. Charged because they were Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister when people were killed during violent protests in 2010.

    Did they give direct orders to go out and kill people?.... I seriously doubt that.

    In international law it does not matter weather or not they actually ordered an individual shot. THEY where in charge, they gave the orders for the crackdown and knew full well the consequences. And before you start trying to defend the indefensible have a look at the HRW report from 2011 http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/05/17/thailand-deliver-justice-2010-political-violence

    Quite a number of leaders from around the world have been indited by the international court, not because they pulled the trigger or ordered someone's death, but they set policy and so where held responsible. How different things are this time. No mass murder nor nearly 1000 injured. Oh but wait the generals would not order their troops to fire on the sons and daughters of the elite would they!

    Sadly this can only end in a military coup or civil war. Suthep is just too crazed and fired up to stop until there is substantial bloodshed. Any bloodshed is this man's fault, he is the one stirring up the crowds and prolonging this preposterous campaign. A campaign to yet again disenfranchise the majority of Thais. All political sides in Thailand buy votes one way or another. The yellow shirts where and are handing out money to their supporters just as no doubt the reds are, it is a political fact of life in Thailand.

  17. Having FAILED to remove the govt by any of his moving feasts of final, absolute deadlines, he is now ThREATENING those who do wish to participate in the democratic process. What a sad and sorry excuse for someone meant to be serving the interests of the people ( corruption, insurrection and murder charges notwithstanding).

    Yesterday's rally was a major flop for Suthep . It achieved nothing, so now he reverts to the previous policy of intimidation and implied violence. I wouldn't trust this guy for a second

    So you think Yingluck has more credibility ...

    How many promises has she completed?

    Additionally, I am not a big beliver on the elections here in Thailand, it's widely known how the red buying votes...

    But even the poor rice farmers also been cheated of the promised money, so the dissatisfaction is increasing even among them.

    Yes the red's buy votes. As do the yellows and every other Thai politician or party. Graft and corruption are a way of life in Thailand. How you get rid of it I don't know. It is prevalent throughout Asian culture and simply hidden in the west.

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  18. It seems to me the the Anti Thaksin posters here have a bee in their bonnet about the man. But he was no more corrupt than any other Thai politician. Is it because he closed the bars at 1am?

    You all I presume come from a democracy. 3 times now in recent years the will of the people have spoken, and 3 times that will has been taken away by 1st of all a military coup. Of course the Generals wanted to remove Thaksin he cut defence spending by nearly 1/3 between 2001 and 2006 it has nearly doubled since then. (This is as a proportion of GDP) Next they hold elections and the winner is set aside by a court. Again the will of the people is ignored by a court controlled by a small minority of the VERY wealthy elite.

    And now again we see a small minority of the Thai population take to the streets and demand a democratically elected government be brought down and led may I point out by a man who is supposed to be in court on charges of causing the deaths of 92 people!

    This is about as democratic as Hitler or Stalin. 'A people's council' made up out of people he deems to be qualified (his friends and supporters) is hardly democratic.

    I am holding my breath waiting for the response to having the democratic will of the people taken away from them, yet again!

    This is going to lead to widespread civil strife and even possibly civil war.

    Note that unlike the previous government there was no violet crackdown leading to the deaths of many people. Unlike 92 people killed (murdered) during the crackdown on May 19th 2010.

    Would you be happy as a US citizen if the people of Washington decided THEY are the only people qualified to elect a government? Or would you as a UK citizen be happy if a few selected elite Londoner's where to get to choose who the next government was to be? No you wouldn't. I understand people's dislike for Thaksin but was he any more corrupt than any other Thai politician?

    Suthep should be behind bars in a straight jacket, if he thinks there is not going to be a response to his plans he is clearly deluded.

    There will be another election and the 'Red' shirts will win again, ask yourself why. Because as flawed as they are, their supporters are the people who live outside of Bangkok and the 'Democrats' (okay they should change that!) support base, is the elite of Bangkok and a few in the south. I hear plenty bleating on about how bad Thaksin was and about how bad his sister is but at least they where elected. No one here has any suggestions on how to fix this stalemate.

    Tell me guys did you leave your country because you don't believe in a democracy? Is that why your taking the side of the Military coup leaders and the small very wealthy Elite? (That was a rhetorical question by the way!)

    I am not personally interested in the murky world of Thai politics and frankly the lot of them (on both sides), belong in jail for their many nefarious activities. All I care about is friends and love ones who may get caught up in the ensuing violence!

    The 92 dead were told to catch free transport out of the fire zone or suffer the consequenses.Their choice.The army were provoced as was intended.They were there for 9 months after all,i rekon that's pushing it a bit.I remember speachs about burning the city,should this just be allowed to happen in the name of the dear leaders return.Get a grip on reality.This is not a rhetorical question.

    Ever hear of the term 'arbitrary execution'? There are many ways to 'rationalize' the use of lethal force but there is no way to legitimize it.

    They were warned.These people were terrorists and the govt. allowed the army to remove them.Once the army was fired upon the army did what armies do.When the public take up arms it becomes legit.which will be borne out if it ever gets to court.

    You really need to learn and understand what the term terrorist means. They where people, men women and children protesting against the non elected government of Abhist. A government appointed by the elite and run by the elite. Would you be happy in your home country if a government was appointed above that of an elected government? No you wouldn't. Abhist was NOT a democratically elected leader. He was a stooge for the elite.

    • Like 1
  19. It seems to me the the Anti Thaksin posters here have a bee in their bonnet about the man. But he was no more corrupt than any other Thai politician. Is it because he closed the bars at 1am?

    You all I presume come from a democracy. 3 times now in recent years the will of the people have spoken, and 3 times that will has been taken away by 1st of all a military coup. Of course the Generals wanted to remove Thaksin he cut defence spending by nearly 1/3 between 2001 and 2006 it has nearly doubled since then. (This is as a proportion of GDP) Next they hold elections and the winner is set aside by a court. Again the will of the people is ignored by a court controlled by a small minority of the VERY wealthy elite.

    And now again we see a small minority of the Thai population take to the streets and demand a democratically elected government be brought down and led may I point out by a man who is supposed to be in court on charges of causing the deaths of 92 people!

    This is about as democratic as Hitler or Stalin. 'A people's council' made up out of people he deems to be qualified (his friends and supporters) is hardly democratic.

    I am holding my breath waiting for the response to having the democratic will of the people taken away from them, yet again!

    This is going to lead to widespread civil strife and even possibly civil war.

    Note that unlike the previous government there was no violet crackdown leading to the deaths of many people. Unlike 92 people killed (murdered) during the crackdown on May 19th 2010.

    Would you be happy as a US citizen if the people of Washington decided THEY are the only people qualified to elect a government? Or would you as a UK citizen be happy if a few selected elite Londoner's where to get to choose who the next government was to be? No you wouldn't. I understand people's dislike for Thaksin but was he any more corrupt than any other Thai politician?

    Suthep should be behind bars in a straight jacket, if he thinks there is not going to be a response to his plans he is clearly deluded.

    There will be another election and the 'Red' shirts will win again, ask yourself why. Because as flawed as they are, their supporters are the people who live outside of Bangkok and the 'Democrats' (okay they should change that!) support base, is the elite of Bangkok and a few in the south. I hear plenty bleating on about how bad Thaksin was and about how bad his sister is but at least they where elected. No one here has any suggestions on how to fix this stalemate.

    Tell me guys did you leave your country because you don't believe in a democracy? Is that why your taking the side of the Military coup leaders and the small very wealthy Elite? (That was a rhetorical question by the way!)

    I am not personally interested in the murky world of Thai politics and frankly the lot of them (on both sides), belong in jail for their many nefarious activities. All I care about is friends and love ones who may get caught up in the ensuing violence!

    The 92 dead were told to catch free transport out of the fire zone or suffer the consequenses.Their choice.The army were provoced as was intended.They were there for 9 months after all,i rekon that's pushing it a bit.I remember speachs about burning the city,should this just be allowed to happen in the name of the dear leaders return.Get a grip on reality.This is not a rhetorical question.

    So does this excuse the 9 year old boy shot in the head by a sniper or the people sheltering in the temple who where shot by army sniper's The whole world accepts places like a temple as sanctuary, yet these evil pigs murdered people in a temple, including medical staff! In any other democracy the government leaders who gave the orders to use force would have been behind bars years ago.

    In every democracy you have a right to protest. Just look at the different way it was dealt with recently, when the protesters went to the police HQ they had taken the barriers down and invited them in! No guns or bullets.

    I also think you need to check your facts Look at the HRW report and see who was resposable for what. And 9 Months...... No I don't think they where there for 9 months!

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