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Everything posted by jossthaifarang

  1. This can get out of control quickly, it used to be you could only print as much currency as you had gold reserves. With electronics, there is no real currency, just numbers on a screen. Plus, your money is no longer in your control. Scary stuff.
  2. There are always 2 sides to every story, it would be interesting to see the footage leading up to the still image pictured.
  3. The first time I agree with this <deleted>, I say beat them to within an inch of their lives then put them on a plane with a lifetime ban! Making it hard for those of us who know how to behave themselves.
  4. FFS where are these idiots coming from? They are making it hard for all of us, Thais are just barely tolerating us now.
  5. I have to say, for a while, I thought there was a sudden influx of idiots coming to Thailand doing stupid things. After seeing this one, I think that the Thai media is on a mission to get rid of foreigners completely. It seems a bit petty this...
  6. This guy has mental issues, he doesn't belong in jail, he belongs in a mental institution
  7. They would look good on my pole...
  8. "Matin faces a charge of drunk driving which will result in imprisonment of up to one year and a fine from 5,000 to 20,000 baht". Read the full story mate.
  9. I think it means he doesnt pull out, he just lets go inside.
  10. One thing is sure, the Thai police almost 100% of the time say suicide. Even in unlikely cases of victims having had their throats slit. So if they are thinking of murder, there might be something that they know that has not been added to this story. I guess only time will tell...
  11. Well here's what I think. If the beer is the same price as the coffee, you better stick to drinking beer.
  12. These idiots are starting to make us all look bad, Thais are starting to hate the sight of us. They already are just tolerating us, but this is making them want never to see us in their country. The Thais should start shooting these idiots that walk around acting like this. I would have run him down with my car, I swear to God! Those of us who are quietly going about our business are getting the dirty looks already.
  13. Oh bless him, this opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
  14. I'm surprised this fellow is still breathing, he's antagonizing some pretty big fish...
  15. Pretty much. Although its more about having an incentive to behave.
  16. Bring back corporal punishment! Worked when I was a child, and it works really well for Singapore and Malaysia... The situation is getting out of control.
  17. Hard to say when its pixelated, I dont believe it to be true. Need a link to the original clips...
  18. Enough slagging him off, we have all done stupid <deleted> in our lives, some of us are just lucky enough to have got through it. I feel for his kids, this must be hard for them. Start a go fund me, I'll help out..
  19. I just received a speeding ticket 5 days ago, 130 km/h on a 120km/h motorway. 1,000 baht, no mention of any points being deducted. As you were chaps, the system doesn't seem to even be in place for foreigners, or maybe they are still working on it.
  20. The comment is valid, smoking inside a house with your child in it, obviously there is no care for child. It was no mistake either, what did he accidently slip and fall into the packet of cigarettes and a lighter, jumped out and lit the thing in his mouth. No, he conscientiously made the decision to light the cigarette inside the house and then failed to be responsible enough to put it out properly. Bottom line.
  21. Nothing against the French, just serial murderer.
  22. I agree with your statement, but seriously, it takes 5 minutes to report online these days. Not really the biggest pain in the <deleted> anymore.
  23. Seems as though he needs, and can afford a decent security system...
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