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Everything posted by jossthaifarang

  1. Maybe its due to the fact that she only has 13 years of life experience, and her parents have probably just left her to her own devices for as long... 13 mate chew on that for a minute...
  2. 400 baht for the red sofa at the back which seats two, is really not that expensive at all mate..
  3. The point is there is no long term safety data, just because 11,500,000,00 have been vaccinated doesn't mean there will not be any long term effects. The fact is covid is not a deadly killer, why keep treating it as one?
  4. When you come to Thailand for the first few times and are surrounded by corrupt Police that dont understand english, it doesnt seem worth arguing over. If it happened now it would be a different story.
  5. Let's put a stop to all the bickering. It's not a Zebra crossing, or a crosswalk. It is a pedestrian crossing, correct in any country across the globe... You can all thank me later.
  6. Been there done that, when I first started driving in Thailand I got rearended while stopped at a pedestrian crossing. I ended up paying for the whole lot. If they really want to fix the problem they should put up proper lights, that way you dont have people unexpectedly flying out into the middle of the road...
  7. <deleted> hell, they really are just making this <deleted> up as they go. Talk about winging it! They should just mix them all together to make one vaccine then give everyone 2 shots, and be done with it. Christ almighty old mate IvorBiggun2 has just had one of each different type cocktail why dont you..
  8. 20 years and fluent Thai, but you know nothing about the culture? You should know by now that everything in this country is set up to benefit the rich elite Thais, and the poor just stay poor with no support from the government. You might have had a hard time, but you grew up in a country which at least has councel care. You are obviously too good to go and sit down with some of these girls, If you were not you may well have a totaly different view of these woman. Enough said, some people choose to live in their own little bubble. 'Opinions are like <deleted>', everyone has one...
  9. You're a self entitled <deleted> that has no idea what these woman have been through, making out like they have a choice. Firstly, not all of them had the luck of growing up with parents that could send them to University they are therefore stuck without a chance to get a decent job that will pay well enough for them to take care of their family (which is wrong in the first place, but thats the culture they have been born into) none if which was in their control. Not everyone is lucky enough to have the education they need in order to get a decent job as you stated, before you throw comments like that make sure you know the facts. Working in the bar also gives them the opportunity to end up with a farang that will take good care of them unlike the Thai wiskey drinking, lazy, wife beaters up country. Who impregnated them when they were 16 then ran away. I'm not saying all of them are in this situation, some are probably just lazy, but I know that most of them would rather have a decent job, than have to have sex with a fat, stinking old, alcoholic farang which most of the time has exacly the same mind as you. If you dont already know how to speak Thai, then try learning it and having a conversation with some of these girls...
  10. Only one hole in your theory mate. The more people that have a virus, the more chance it has of mutating again. The mutation is not the virus being smart In fact, according to real virologists its nothing but a mistake during the replicating process. In saying that, you have to wonder why HIV or other viruses dont mutate? Hopefully the T.V armchair virologists will enlighten us all?
  11. Nice one Rooster, you have seen the light. It's a good start, but there are still billions in the dark...
  12. This one operates through bluetooth and wifi, were all <deleted>@ked!! Nothing we can do Its already here, you heard the man... I'm so sick of tip toeing around this <deleted>!!!
  13. Mate, in your case it sounds like you are trying to get home back to your family. Without the expensive quarantine. It will definately be worth jumping through a few hoops for that. I dont see to many people going through all this <deleted> just to come on holiday though, espesially given the fact that there will be no nightlife or bars open..
  14. Why not? If you are vaccinated you are safe right? Or do you realize that even once vaccinated you can still get sick and spread the virus yourself. So pretty much in the same boat, I have been vaccinated by the way. Just having a laugh at how people think they are better than others because of it...
  15. Mate I am not Antivax at all, I have had plenty in my life and so has my wife and children. I do agree though that people have a right to be weary of experimental vaccines. The term should be Anti-experimental- vaxers. It would be unwise not to ask questions with any new medication you are injecting into your body.
  16. Exactly! It's surprising how many people actually think that they are immune to Covid after being vaccinated..
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