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Posts posted by johnnywishbone

  1. i could fly from usa to patong, get suit case, then fly to chiang mai.

    or, i could get someone to get my suitcase out of storage and ship it to chiang mai.

    is there a shipping service in patong that anyone could recommend?

    it's really a minor problem, but airport taxi alone will be 1800 baht.

    it really adds up.

    anyway, thanks, jp

  2. Its good that you are getting some help, but um..the quality person you intend on spending a month or six with cant help you with this?

    Excellent Point!

    But, this while adventure is in its infancy.

    I live to photograph.

    I looked at the map.

    Wow! This is North!

    I an hot to start!

    To the point....

    Communication with my sweetheart via

    Email is dificult

    The English.

    I'm fiddling with translation software.

  3. There are hundreds of guesthouses in Chiang Mai. They range in quality from rat-holes to places with rooms comparable to mid-range hotels but at a fraction of the price. Have you looked into them?

    to tell you the truth, i don't really know the difference between guesthouse and hotel


  4. hello. my name is johnny.

    i live in the usa, the far south west, just north of the mexican border.
    i was in bangkok in 1963. one happy 17 year old sailor.
    i have spent a month a year in patong for the last couple of years.
    it really does not fit the way i run my life.
    i seem to have a new friend in chaing mai. she is a quality person.
    i intend to spend a month or six with her per year.
    i am required to spend time each year in the us for family and business matters.
    my question is….
    the long term rentals seem much less expensive in chiang mai.
    but the hotel prices seem to be about the same as patong.
    i would have expected the cost of hotel, restaurant, bar bill, etc to be considerably less than in patong.
    am i missing something?
  5. Thank you for the replies.

    If i submit the package, can i expect the visa in my hand in less than a month?

    If the thai embassy (washington, dc)

    Has issues, will they phone me?

    If i can't get the o-a, i want a 90 day.

    What i'm trying to accomplish here is the freedom to come and go without worry about drop dead dates.

    Anyway, thanks, johnny

  6. i am working on my retired visa. want to go to patong in april.

    i will use the washington, dc office.

    the medical form, the "valid for not more than 3 months",,,, not more than 3 months from my departure date?

    also, anyone know the turn-a-round time?

    my itinerary, just a copy of my plane ticket?

    address, just the hotel i booked? same for in-country contact?

    any advice would be appreciated.

    thanks, johnny

  7. I bought my first rolex submariner at age 18 at a submarine base in Japan. Cost $205.00

    Now I wear a seadweller.


    It is a mechanical masterpiece.

    It was made by a human being.

    A master craftsman.

    I am a retired steamfitter/instrument tech.

  8. i believe you're in error. sending the rubbers was an intelligent common sense move. odd to find a government in touch with reality. aside from sexual activity, rubbers can be blown up like balloons. they can be twisted together to make puppies, rabbits, etc. used rubbers should be washed before being used for this purpose. jmho, jp

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