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Everything posted by essexman

  1. I might be wrong here, but the Government Service pension is not the UK state pension.
  2. I didn't ask her. It was less than I had worked out, not a huge amount I should add. She was very helpful, filled out the form for me, put in the allowances then showed me a figure I needed to pay. As it was less than I expected I happily signed and paid. This was at the Jomtien tax office.
  3. I don't know all the different rules. I'm classed as a non-resident, so not sure if that affects things. At the end of the day, it was a very small amount I paid. I spent more on two bicycle tyres yesterday. Right, wrong or indifferent, I'm sorted for the coming year.
  4. I paid my 2024 income tax this week. I wanted a stress-free life here and decided to pay up. I went to my local tax office last November for advice and to register for a TIN. I should add here I get a company pension and a state pension paid directly into two Thailand banks. I've lived here for fifteen years and have no bank accounts in the UK now. I went back to the tax office on Wednesday armed with two bank statements for 2024, my passport and a photocopy of my wife's ID. I dealt with a very nice lady who helped me fill out the form. She added my pension payments together and then worked out my allowances. The amount was a bit less than I had worked out but I didn't mention it. I paid up, collected a receipt and walked out wondering what all the fuss was about.
  5. Yes, one is a company pension and one is the state pension.
  6. chiang mai, thank you for you're swift reply, appreciated.
  7. Would some kind person tell me the different allowances I will be able to claim when I visit the tax office? I have two small pensions coming directly to my Thai bank account from the UK. I know about the 190.000 for being over 65, and the 60.000 each for the wife and myself. I read somewhere that the first 1000.000 of my pension is not taxable, am I correct in thinking that? Now, one I've been told, but never seen written is that the first 150000 of my assessable income is zero-rated. Is this true? I have some health insurance and read somewhere that you can claim up to 25.000. Thanks in advance for any information. Also, I had some advice earlier in the year from Mike Lister. He was very helpful, Looks like he hasn't been active for quite a few months, I hope he is okay.
  8. Okay, well I won't bury my head in the sand. Today I will visit my local tax office and register for a TIN. Now, as I'm not that great on a computer I would appreciate a little technical help, please, Kasikorn has sent me three forms to fill out in a PDF format. Is there a way of filling out these forms without printing them off and filling the forms out manually?
  9. I too have received an email from kasikorn Bank. Subject: Request of FATCA/CRS information Inbox Search for all messages with label Inbox Remove label Inbox from this conversation K-Customer FATCA-CRS Update <[email protected]> Sat, Nov 23, 9:03 PM (15 hours ago) to me Dear Valued Customer, We, KASIKORNBANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED, would like to express our sincere gratitude for entrusting us in providing you our products and/or services. As part of Thailand’s participation in the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (MCAA CRS), financial institutions are obligated to submit certain information to the Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance, in accordance with the Emergency Decree on Exchange of Information for Compliance with International Agreements on Taxation, B.E. 2566 (2023) and related regulations (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “CRS”). The CRS aims to combat tax evasion by individuals residing outside Thailand and to ensure compliance with international taxation standards. In light of these requirements, we kindly request your cooperation in completing the following steps: 1. complete and sign the attached forms, which include: 1.1 FATCA/CRS Individual Self-Certification, 1.2 IRS Form W-9 (if applicable), and 1.3 IRS Form W-8BEN (if applicable); 2. provide a certified true copy of your passport; and 3. return the completed forms and document(s) abovementioned to us by email at [email protected] no later than December 20, 2024. We sincerely appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have already completed these actions or your information has already been up-to-date, please kindly disregard this request. Should you have any questions or require clarification regarding the CRS or how it applies to your specific situation, please consult with your legal or tax advisor. You may also refer to the Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance, for further guidance. Please note that KASIKORNBANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED does not provide you any tax or legal advice, and we shall not be held liable for any damages, whether direct or indirect, arising from your use of or reliance on any information provided by us related to CRS or taxation. If you have any questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact K-Contact Center at Tel: 02-888-8888, ext. 876. Please be informed that, in accordance with our policy, none of your personal information shall be requested via telephone or SMS. Best regards, KASIKORNBANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 3 Attachments • Scanned by Gmail What is this? Well received with thanks. Thank you for your email. ReplyForward Add reaction
  10. I find Antwerp, Greece and Singapore give strong signals and are pretty reliable.
  11. Well. I'm glad I posted now. Not everybody is a long-term member. Thanks for your valuable input.
  12. I don't recall mentioning registration. I went to several shops and 56.900 was the cheapest I could get the vehicle locally. Now, I'm sure some clever clogs will tell me where I went wrong or I should have done so and so. However, I'm happy, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters. I couldn't be arsed to scour the country to save a few baht. I posted this thread because I wanted to share the difference between the Honda website list price and the actual price you have to pay.
  13. Back to my original post. I bought a Honda Click 125 at a motorbike/scooter shop called Mityon in Pattaya for 56,900. The 5000 baht extra to the list price I was told was to cover delivery, number plates and pre-delivery checks. Apparently, Honda is fazing out the Click 125i and the 150. As to my wording of the original post, does it matter if I call it motorbike or scooter? 99.9% of you knew what I was going on about. I just wanted to share my experience of buying a new motorbike/scooter. At the end of the day, it's an open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars and two wheels. As this thread has gone a bit wayward I feel it wouldn't be amiss to advertise my new book that was released last week. "Pattaya Calling," is a humourous look at one man's trip to Pattaya. Available on Amazon.
  14. My dear old Yamaha Fino is on its last legs. Fourteen years old and god knows what mileage, (my Speedo packed up six years ago.) So I've been browsing the internet the past few weeks and checking out the new bikes. I've decided to get a Honda Click 125. On the Honda website, it's advertised at 51,900 baht. So, today I was surprised to find out that the three Honday motorbike dealerships in Pattaya start their prices at 57 plus.
  15. I claimed my state pension just over two years ago. I must be one of the lucky ones because it went easy. I've lived in Thailand for nearly 14 years now. Near to the time of claiming I rang this number 0099441912187777. As long as you have the answer to the questions they will ask you it should be able to complete things with one phone call. If you don't have the correct answers, then you will have to fill out the form and as you mentioned, it can take months. You can find the application form online and that should tell you what questions they will ask you. Employment details, addresses, marital status, that sort of thing.
  16. I don't mind filling out the life certificate, what I do mind is the eighteen weeks it too to arrive from the UK.
  17. Far be it for me to differ, but I also have my company pension paid directly to my Thai bank accountant and have done so for the past 14 years. Now, my company pension is paid on the 1st of each month. Now if the 1st falls on a Thursday or Friday I won't receive the payment until the Monday or Tuesday. They take 3 working days to get the money to my bank account. Then of course you have all the holiday days here in Thailand that will delay the payment, sometimes I don't get the payment until the 6th or 7th of the month. Then of course, as Citibank make the payments, I have to check the USA holidays because that will delay things as well. So the odd time there isn't a holiday in Thailand, the UK or America my pension arrives on time.
  18. Okay All done and dusted. Took the form to my local clinic in Jomtien, Dr Chanya and she charged me 300 baht to sign and stamp the form. From there I went to the Post Office and sent the form using the registered mail option. 250 baht. So total cost 550 baht. Took photos of the completed from and Post office receipt just in case.
  19. Thanks for your reply. However this is the postal address and not the email address I asked for.
  20. Not sure what you mean? Day 4? I only found out about the Life Certificate on Tuesday. My plan this morning (Thursday) is to take the form to a clinic that was recommended (Dr Chanya) and hopefully get it signed and witnessed their. Then I'll take it to the post office and send it registered post. Hopefully that will be job done, I will of course write a post on how much this has all cost for future reference. I intend to photograph the signed form, and receipts from the clinic and post office in case the form goes missing on route. If someone would be kind enough to post the correct email address for the W&P that we would use if living in Thailand that would be appreciated. What I will add is like a few others, I too only found out about this life certificate when my pension wasn't paid into my Thai bank account. I was made aware of this after phoning the W&P in the UK. I was told my pension would now be paid as i had contacted them. Of course, as it takes 9 working days for the payment to arrive, I won't be getting this months pension until close to the end of the month.
  21. Yes I would appreciate that too.
  22. I will try there tomorrow. Lawyer quoted me 1.500 baht.
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