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Posts posted by marstons

  1. On 25 Jan 1942, the Thai Government declared war on Britain and the USA, claiming that the British and the Americans had invaded Thailand by sending troops and airplanes across the Thai border to bomb and shoot at the unarmed Thai people

    The USA did not declare war against Thailand, but Britain did on 6 Feb, along with countries in the Commonwealth: South Africa on 11 Feb, Australia on 2 Mar, and New Zealand on 16 Mar.

    Why is this on topic?

    I think it is important that Thais know Americans like them more than Brits or Aussies.

    In fact since the Thais never surrendered (Oh, they did some kind of, I didn't really mean to declare war thing but not unconditional surrender.) to the UK and the UK declared war on Thailand I guess they are still technically at war.

    Since the US didn't declare war no surrender was necessary.

    America did bomb and kill thais in the 2nd world was so if thats not a dclaration of war dont know what is. they are tought about special realtionship England had with Thailand hundreds of years ago. we did stop the french occuping thailand as well. also many thai women were used in the comfort house for the japanese and korean slodiers here against there will.

    "I think it is important that Thais know Americans like them more than Brits or Aussies.":cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: you are a few hundred years to late on that one, were it not for the brits thailand would have been colonised by France years ago at about the time the native Americans were being slaghtered for there land. America did bomb and kill Thais in Thailand in the 2nd world war. if thats not a declaration of war dont know what is. America likes them so much so it can use its bases and ports in the region where other countries around would not.

    they are all taught about Britain at shcool, prudy Angrit and our deep friendship. (back on OT)and of course they are taught for many hours per weak our English language.

  2. if you can ride a bycyle a motor bike should be easily learnt. fully auto better i would think. i would forget all the defensive driving stuff they teach in europe as that teaches driving in the centre of the lane and here that will cause you problems. as for helemt 6000 baht from ebay from England as will be the be the next one. although thanks to exchange rates maybe 8-10000. try aussie e bay as some times postage costs less.

  3. on the xanax thing i buy over the counter from a pharmacy, wife says its allowed as she has a number 4 rated licence so she can. often a policeman sat in the pharmacy area, as its in large store, never seems a problem. cant read the thai writing but certainly a number 4 prominently featured in it, so maybe some are allowed to sell over the counter. but hospital doctors have no problem dishing them out, one even offered ryhpnol which really suprised me.

  4. whilst i do not wish it on anyone

    some of you posting here will not give a shit if Howard is related to Saddam Hussein or the Kray's if you really needed him

    when you are crouched in a corner in fear of your life in a 10x8 with 20 stinking drug dealers and murderers, i expect the fact that he owns a newspaper, was a Tourist volunteer or any other damned critisicm you want to make will not matter to you one jot.

    Howard Miller does a good job in my view, he had big shoes to climb into and what he does not need is endless criticism from armchair internet warriors with nothing better to do than slag off people that are doing difficult jobs that they are not even near capable of doing themselves

    its notable that when Barry had the job he was subjected to many criticisms by members of this forum too

    i remember defending him then too

    now he's the golden boy that's slipped in to nostalgic memories that we all miss and remember fondly.......

    talk about hypocrites!

    bit like this you mean, took a volunteer to get this guy sorted not HM. eitherway british goverment can and will not do anything. people have a right to an opinion this opinion was based on what they saw. should not have a somebody in that position with a media business, bit like Berlusconi. Eotherway for the salary anybody upto the job would not do it for this salary. by the way did way bigger jobs than this in UK so would be more than capable but for the hassle and the hours not a chance.


  5. Although the job doesn't pay that well, there should be some reasonable expenses and other allowances.

    The current system clearly isn't working out too well I guess, but it is a bit too much to expect miracles from a guy who does this on an almost voluntary basis for little or no reward except for perhaps a little prestige.

    I could have got some sensitive documents stamped here in Pattaya but chose to travel to Bangkok because of the current HC's conflict of interest with the local media and not to mention his previous links to the local police, I wonder if anyone else has felt this way too? I suppose leaving a guy for dead in the local police station probably isn't a great thing to put on a resume.

    Vice Consuls in Bangkok Ive met have been Thai, wonder if this could apply in Pattaya.

    But the job could suit somebody who has retired here early and is looking for something to keep him/her occupied, perhaps he's done about as much that is possible to his Garden and is bored. Maybe he is also looking for a step up the social ladder, so to speak.

    Feel exactly the same, has to be a confict that the media job is a conflict of interest. surley HC is privvy to private information that will end up in the press due to the conflict. no i personally would not use HC should it be the for gone conclusion as it is as to who will get the job. still i am in Samui and DC is spot on. HM is not so popular i gather. but if the job helps the media business i am sure the salary and hours will be irrelevant.

  6. <br />
    <br /><i>The problem with a lot of these places in and around Soi Bukhoa / LK Metro & Soi Diana is the lack of parking facilities if you're in a car.....</i><br />
    <br /><br />One of the advantages of living within walking distance. I'm all of 3 minutes stroll from there.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    I'm 10-15 mins walk from there, but a lot of these places are still worth it.

    I had the Large English BF at Le Katai today - 150 baht and very filling, even if sausages are not top notch.

    Other things I noticed were the staff are very good, orange juice is real OJ plus you get 30 mins free internet access after yr meal- bargain !


    i like the 99 baht brekkie in there my favourite. Oj toast, brekkie and 2 cups tea. i had wi fi on all time, best staff i have seen, on the ball all the time and cute. did not realise internet was timed, my phone shows open, so i assumed free usage. can it be timed, just curious

  7. Hi i wnt to Birmingham UK to get my non o few weeks ago, i took marriage certificate, they gave non o but said next year must have it translated into English. seems strange Thai consulate needing it in English, i know they are English staff, i but its a Thai visa i want from a Thai consulate. anybody eles come across this one, is so where to get translated into English in pattaya area if possible.

    many thanks

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